NOTE: Unreal Tournament Multiplayer is fully functional with this patch.
The 469d client will automatically connect to the community master servers, regardless of how you installed it.
If your server browser is still empty after installing the patch, then simply go to Options>Preferences>Network in the game menu and
click the "Update/Fix Network Settings" button to restore your game's online functionality.
The 469d client will automatically connect to the community master servers, regardless of how you installed it.
If your server browser is still empty after installing the patch, then simply go to Options>Preferences>Network in the game menu and
click the "Update/Fix Network Settings" button to restore your game's online functionality.

>>>Get the Patch here!<<<
(Released December 2023)
Alternatively, you can install and test the new
Release Candidate 469e RC4
(Released December 2024)
The important README
No, seriously, read it.
Only those who have read the warnings and the how-to, have afterwards the right to complain...
Please report any issues directly on Github:
Bug Reports are entered here
The thread with the first announcement
The original 469a release thread on
The official 469b release thread
The official 469c release thread
(no OldUnreal thread just yet) <=new

You have the right to celebrate now.