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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by UnrealGGecko »

No, those files would be clasified as misc. files. They're not a problem.
The reason there's a problem is that the dragon doesn't qualify as any of the catagories that are currently available. In order to put the dragon in here, there 1st needs to be a section for either UED scripts or pawns. :noidea
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by rjmno1 »

Its no need the uploaded to your site it was already on the moddb website wich you can find here:

https://www.moddb.com/mods/unreal-psx-r ... eal-dragon

The names of the authors are also in there.If you accept the upload it can be orginized in the unreal section of your website.
I have deleted the pcx and the 3ds files and the wav files.
Uploaded with only the uc files and the u files as, dragon 2015.rar.It can have a place in the unreal section of your website.
The Original 3ds files are also deleted.I think some one did a great job with 3ds max.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

Ah, I see.

The Archive website won't accept it because it's not a player model or anything like that, it's a piece of content people should place in their maps, which isn't really something I can automatically categorise.

I hope to have some sort of generic file depot thing one day where we can dump and manually categorise files like this, but at the moment, it can't support it, sorry :sad2: .
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by rjmno1 »

Shrimp wrote:Ah, I see.

The Archive website won't accept it because it's not a player model or anything like that, it's a piece of content people should place in their maps, which isn't really something I can automatically categorise.

I hope to have some sort of generic file depot thing one day where we can dump and manually categorise files like this, but at the moment, it can't support it, sorry :sad2: .
Thank you for your time shrimp. :gj:
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Dr.Flay »

The Dragon is easy to classify, it is a Pawn.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

Did a mass data update of about 13000 Unreal and UT maps:

- Some maps have multiple `LevelInfo`s in them (the result of multiple copy/paste/import/export cycles?!) so often the indexer didn't use one with author/title information. Also fixed missing screenshots when there was just a `MyLevel.Screenshot` that wasn't linked to the `LeveLinfo`.

- For Unreal/UT maps, now using the `LevelEnterText` as the description, when available.

- Also fixed wrong character encoding used for decoding strings, so now authors/descriptions with non-ASCII characters show up correctly. Only applied to Unreal/UT maps, still need to re-index the UE2 content.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Great news, thank you for your hard work Shrimp. :gj:
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Hook »

Yes, Thank YOU so much for your hard and dedicated work Shrimp! :tu:
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Carbon »

Great work @Shrimp but one thing: where does one get the "unreal tool" for mirroring? It is mentioned time and time again on the site, but seems to be a ghost. Also, any Windows environment support planned for the tool? I'd think the archive would be more widely mirrored if this were to happen. :)
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

Carbon wrote:Great work @Shrimp but one thing: where does one get the "unreal tool" for mirroring? It is mentioned time and time again on the site, but seems to be a ghost. Also, any Windows environment support planned for the tool? I'd think the archive would be more widely mirrored if this were to happen. :)
Good points. I'll try to add the actual tool to the archive itself.

In terms of windows support; It should work as-is for mirroring purposes, though I need to actually test and document that process. I'm trying to make better use of the issue tracker, so I've opened an issue for this.

Thanks for the feedback :thuup:
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Issue: the ut-files and medor no-ip mirrors do not actually work as they don't link to the file.
Example, the map DM-Machine from ut-files
Link that I get: http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=M ... achine.zip
Link that I get: http://www.ut-files.com/index.php?dir=M ... achine.zip
(Seems the & in the link is being changed to %26 and brakes the link)

Same issue with medor's mirrors.

Also, if a file has ] or [ in its name, the uttexture mirror breaks as well.
Example: this map https://unrealarchive.org/maps/unreal-t ... b34f9.html
Gives me the link http://uttexture.com/UT/Downloads/Maps/ ... d%255b.zip
But it should be http://uttexture.com/UT/Downloads/Maps/ ... warf][.zip
Again, seems some ][ get changed to something else and breaks the link :noidea
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Carbon »

Last edited by Carbon on Sun May 05, 2019 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Neon_Knight »

Hi! Undusting this account to say AWESOME JOB, SHRIMP!.

I've been trying to clone the unreal-archive-data repo to my PC, it has several files with invalid characters. Took me the entire day until I could manage to clone the repository. Here's the issue.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Shrimp »

Had to take a break from updating stuff for a while (still going to be on and off), but maps now have themes associated with them:
Screenshot_2019-12-02 Maps Unreal Tournament (UT99) 1 on 1 Bakuretsu tenshi.png
The themes are determined by inspecting texture usage on the surfaces in the map. I've classified all the stock and the most used add-on texture packages which people use in their maps into various themes (Tech, City, Nali Castle, Industrial, Natural, etc). Then count up all the texture allocations, figure out the packages they come from, and group them appropriately.

What you see on the website is a simple collection of gauges which shows the ratio of each theme used in the map.

This works for maps and map packs. It's also not applied everywhere yet as I need to index all the content and compute the theme information, but it should be all done by the end of the week.

Hopefully along the way I'll implement browsing by themes as well.
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Re: UnrealArchive.org

Post by Hellkeeper »

This begs for a search function, especially search by author. I'd submit my newer maps which are not already archived, but it's quite a pain to review which are there or not when you have to browse through several games, several gametypes each.
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