XVehicles (work online) (VCTF, VMH, Greed, VDOM for UT99)

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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »


- Try fix enter/exit loop for bots.
- Refresh paths on driver enter/exit.
- Bots stop use FixGun alt mode as weapon.
- Increased AI rating for FixGun.
- Rollback wrong set prediction aim for bots.
- Fix ammo name for FixGun - FixGun Cell.
- Reduce server CPU usage.
- Greatly reduce network usage.
- Fix too fast rotate cannons on net play.

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Automatically merged


- Recolor fixgun ammo (Thanks to Datsi!).
- Disable debug output in log.
- Bot jump into human drived vehicle if carry flag.
- Bot not wait for become driver if carry flag.
- Bot which carry flag swap with driver if driver another bot.
- Bot exit from passenger seat if want pickup flag near.
- Hide more sounds from bot inside vehicle.
- Player able enter vehicle without walk into it - just via hold crouch.

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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Do you intend to put it in GitHub?

Maybe even make make a "organization" for UT mods like this, something like UT_XMods, so you could add collaborators and have a bunch of people work together on mods, something like UT_XMods/XVehicles, UT_XMods/Siege (with bot AI support? :o), et cetera et cetera.

Heck, if you want, you can even use it alongside UT_ModBuild!

If you want I'll go ahead and start the organization myself, and add you and a few others as collaborators.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

I work on this via UnrealEd. For edit binary files. Not as bunch of files for compile with umake.

Possible i can make github repo for track changes afterwards, via export scripts, for example.

But in general, edit not via UnrealEd can be very expensive in time.

Just for example, when i work on bots AI, I able make more then 250 edit and test runs for a short time (less from a day).
I highly doubt about possibility do such with entire build all stuff. Just only by time which need for compile all from scratch.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Well, I'm sure that rapid development is possible with UT-ModBuild.

Besides, being able to version your project is very useful, especially to avoid netgame conflicts. UT-ModBuild takes care of that for you. It's something more mods should do imho.

Also, having a CI workflow in place to test whether commits in pull requests do build, is super useful.

Either way, UT-ModBuild is currently Linux only and I am aware of that deficiency. I'm not sure how to extend support to Windows, since currently it heavily relies on Bash and Makefile.

It's useful to have the project in a folder, though, especially because you can use Git to handle commits and contributions. I'm sure you can still use UnrealEd to work with that :p
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

I work on windows. Net conflicts not matter here, because packages simply updates. I not preserve any net compatibility.
Only mapping compatibility. This mean stuff not deleted if possible can be already used on some map.

So only way as I see - export all scripts on release and push to git, only for track changes afterwards.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Why not have vehicles respawn instead of a "fix gun"?

Maybe have them respawn even if the previous one is still "alive", but accelerate the respawn if it gets destroyed.

I think this would be better, especially in team games.
"Everyone is an idea man. Everybody thinks they have a revolutionary new game concept that no one else has ever thought of. Having cool ideas will rarely get you anywhere in the games industry. You have to be able to implement your ideas or provide some useful skill. Never join a project whose idea man or leader has no obvious development skills. Never join a project that only has a web designer. You have your own ideas. Focus on them carefully and in small chunks and you will be able to develop cool projects."

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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

> Why not have vehicles respawn instead of a "fix gun"?
It is different thing. On map can be Factories with bUseMutipleSpawn and/or FixGun.

> Maybe have them respawn even if the previous one is still "alive"
bUseMutipleSpawn on factory do the job. If set, new vehicle appear after timeout, when previous one leave spawn.

> I think this would be better, especially in team games.
Already widely used in MH (4 maps).
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Old UT Veteran »

This is pretty cool with the big fixes and added bot support. This is awesome fun on that CTF map.
I did notice that bots don't always exit vehicles when they approach areas that are too narrow to fit in. Perhaps there is a way to workaround this with custom nodes or 'parking spots' that are designated for each team?

Speaking of which, do they exit vehicles based on distance to flag or somehow else?
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

ATM i try avoid introduce special pathing nodes for tell what exactly bot must do.
I try adapt exists ways for use by bots.

Bots try reach something use size of vehicle and size of own collision cylinder.
If able do self, but not able do with vehicle collision size - exit.
yes this is not perfect, but mostly do the job.

Also, even in UT2004, bots suffer from similar problems:
GreatEmerald: Saw some interesting bot behaviour when spectating a VCTF match with 2 bots. I used AssaultPaths. So when a bot with a vehicle got to one, it left the vehicle, took the flag and... Acted randomly. Usually, bots enter the vehicle with which they came, then instantly exit. Some times though, they enter the vehicle, drive in it for a few seconds and leave it. And the other times bots enter the vehicle and drive nicely. When the bots get back on foot, they can use their own vehicles near their base. Strangely, bots with flags enter the vehicle, and again, some times they drive, and some times they just leave the vehicle. Another strange addition is when a bot with a flag tries to return their own flag. One time a bot in a tank killed a bot flag carrier, then drove very near the dropped flag, returned it, then continued on foot, decided to get into the tank again, ran back and stood near the vehicle, but didn't enter. Another bot that was carrying the flag on foot killed another flag carrier (it was on foot too), ran away from its own flag, decided to return it, returned it, ran back to the AssaultPath and again tried to capture the enemy flag. Any explanation on what's happening and what to do?
"even" because there bots written with support of vehicles, engine too modified for support them, and path system too.

Automatically merged


- Bot in vehicle try shoot enemy on big distance (assume use zoom).
- Blocked change turret aim for bot after game ended.
- Bots able repair vehicle with fixgun when teammate inside.

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- Updated skin for fixgun ammo (Thanks to Datsi!)
- Fix crash (stuck) server/client on some use fixgun and long range shoot.

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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by rjmno1 »

Those canons are online on barbies server also.Its very nice to shoot with it, monster parts legs and stuff flying around when you shoot on target.
Very nice tanks to have in big maps.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

How use vehicles on CTF map

1. You need install in UT XVehicles at least v6.
2. Load in Actor browser next packages:

Code: Select all

"XWheelVeh.u" "XTreadVeh.u" "XVehicles.u" "FixGun.u"
just navigate to System folder, in name field put above list and hit "open".
3. Navigate: Info - Mutator, and place to map next mutators:
4. And place Factories for vehicles. You can found it at: Actor - VehicleFactory.
5. If want - place somewhere FixGun and ammo for it. If wanna make auto give it after enter into any vehicle - palce on map FixGunMutator.

Vehicle can be placed in 3 different kind on map:
1. Vehicle itself (Actor - VActor - Vehicle - ...) - such vehicle after destroy gone forever.
2. VehicleFactory (Actor - VehicleFactory - ...) - such vehicle exists only once on map, after destroy resurrect on respawn after some delay,
3. VehicleFactory (Actor - VehicleFactory - ...) with VehicleFactory/bUseMutipleSpawn = true - such vehicle respawn again new one, after exists one leave respawn area. (prefer way usually).
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »


- Better detect ability bots goes to point in vehicle.
- Bot able enter into vehicle if it drived by followed bot. After that lead bot take driver seat.
- Disable bot swim if vehicle not water resistant for avoid water paths.
- Add WalkPathNode - special path node for place in places where bot must be only on foots.
- Add VehicleExit - special path node where bot must exit from vehicle.
- More precise driving by bots.
- Fix stuck detection.
- Ignore inventory as target of bot movement.
- Fix flood in log.
- Better setup weapon properties for bots.
- Try fix crash on exit from vehicle in some cases.
- Stop dumb firing by bots without enemy.

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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Buggie wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:11 pm > Why not have vehicles respawn instead of a "fix gun"?
It is different thing. On map can be Factories with bUseMutipleSpawn and/or FixGun.

> Maybe have them respawn even if the previous one is still "alive"
bUseMutipleSpawn on factory do the job. If set, new vehicle appear after timeout, when previous one leave spawn.

> I think this would be better, especially in team games.
Already widely used in MH (4 maps).
Yay, you really thought it all out! Cool!

Now, I still think a fix gun might be a little overpowered if you can just use it at any time. What about a glowing platform that repairs vehicles standing on it? I.e. a KeyPoint subclass which heals vehicles in its radius.

Or the fix gun could spend resources to fix a vehicle, which would be scattered about the map. Think of it like repairing a building in Age of Empires; it costs resources to do it, and sometimes it's better to simply not do it as you can just use the damaged buildings anyway. :p

(seriously, how do those villagers work when their Lumber Camp is clearly burning! Isn't that a workplace regulation violation?... Nahh, they'll be just fiine!)
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

> Or the fix gun could spend resources to fix a vehicle, which would be scattered about the map. Think of it like repairing a building in Age of Empires; it costs resources to do it, and sometimes it's better to simply not do it as you can just use the damaged buildings anyway. :p

Sounds like Siege gameplay AFAIK it.

> Now, I still think a fix gun might be a little overpowered if you can just use it at any time. What about a glowing platform that repairs vehicles standing on it? I.e. a KeyPoint subclass which heals vehicles in its radius.

Fix gun spent ammo. So after while it be consumed and need go pickup ammo or throw gun and pick up another full.

About repair spot - maybe interested idea. But not sure if it really be used.

Need define what we expect from VCTF, which tempo, style and speed from game.
If it be totally Hurricane - no any time for stop and heal. it is not RTS.
From what I see on tests - you no time mostly heal even with fixgun. and even if you do, all your effort can be erased to zero by 1 or few shots. So mostly it is pointless.

Also I try collect info from ut2004, which already implement VCTF.
[MiA] Warfare - server which #1 in ut2004: https://miasma.rocks/
It host ONLY VCTF.
And what maps lead?


And so on. You can look at picture on GT: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info ... .145:7777/
And search on youtube video.

And now you can know how players really play on VCTF maps and what like. What speed of game and so on.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Gustavo6046 »

Oo, what about some sort of "vehicle armour" or power shield or other sort of vehicular damage resistance?
"Everyone is an idea man. Everybody thinks they have a revolutionary new game concept that no one else has ever thought of. Having cool ideas will rarely get you anywhere in the games industry. You have to be able to implement your ideas or provide some useful skill. Never join a project whose idea man or leader has no obvious development skills. Never join a project that only has a web designer. You have your own ideas. Focus on them carefully and in small chunks and you will be able to develop cool projects."

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