Problem with modifying levelinfo...

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Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by hayabusa21180 »

Hi, I'm just finishing off the last of the DOM maps for the Ninjabots mod, and I've run into a small but odd problem. In all the DM maps I was able to modify the levelinfo to change things like recommended player count and the map title, but it no longer seems to work in some DOM maps. When I edit levelinfo in DOM-Cinder, for example, and then save the map name as DOM-Cinder (which is necessary for Ninjabots), I get the second screen - you'll notice it says Cinder Foundry (Ninjabots) in levelinfo, but not in game; whereas when I save the _orig version as DOM-Cinder_orig get the screen I want (first), presumably because UT does not recognise a previously used map name. I don't know why this happens, but I can't come up with a way around it.

So, if you open DOM-Cinder (or Cryptic for example), edit the map, edit the levelinfo, then save the map with its original filename, it won't let you change title or idealplayercount, but it will let you change author. This also happens in DOM-Cryptic. If you change the filename to anything else it allows through your modified levelinfo. Is there any way to edit this?   
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EDIT: Top two screens show Cryptic. The first screen shows the correctly edited levelinfo, as the map is saved as DOM-Cryptic_orig; whereas the second screen shows DOM-Cryptic with incorrect levelinfo, despite being correct in the editor.

EDIT: Sorry, probably should be posted under Modifications.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by Barbie »

Remove ALL but LevelInfo and one subtractive Brush, check if issue persists and post that map here.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by hayabusa21180 »

I did as you suggested and it did not solve the problem (see attached).
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by Barbie »

Sorry, I misunderstood the problem: I thought the issue was caused by map settings, but your screenshots show the selection window of UT…

My guess: you use the outdated UnrealEd version 436, saved the map (at least you thought so) while UnrealTournament.exe is running, having that map in the selection window shown. If so, have a look at the last lines in UnrealEd's log:
So the map is NOT saved, because UnrealTournament.exe has obviously opened it in OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE - other programs cannot write to it. UnrealEd-469 shows an additional message box in this case.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by sektor2111 »

You forgot to mention that there will be more useless data attached at these "edits".
Some of these DOM maps are just... normal. They do not include lost data based on some over-crowded navigation, but... when things are good they must be ruined... :sleep:.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by hayabusa21180 »

My guess: you use the outdated UnrealEd version 436, saved the map (at least you thought so) while UnrealTournament.exe is running, having that map in the selection window shown.
Thanks for the reply. I didn't do as you said, I'm using 469C and UT was always closed while using the editor (otherwise DirectX 9 crashes both). This same issue happens with all DOM maps but no DM maps, which suggests there is some other problem. I tested it again with Ghardhen, Lament, Gearbolt and the same thing happens. The screenshots are from UT to show how UT presents the map in the browser, which is wrong, as it does not update the author or recommended players lines.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by Barbie »

I did the following (but using 469e Preview Dec 11 2024, Winx64) but could not reproduce your issue:
1) Created a minimal DOM-Map (see attached DOM-Test.t3d).
2) Build and saved in UnrealEd, closed UnrealEd.
3) Opened UnrealTournament.exe, chose Menu > Start Practice Session:
4) Closed UnrealTournament.exe.
5) Opened DOM-Test.unr in UnrealEd and modified LevelInfo0.Title to "Untitled 24 - now changed".
6) Saved map and closed UnrealEd.
7) Repeated step (3):
Does your issue persist if you do these steps?
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by hayabusa21180 »

I've done this, too, as I could not believe the same error would occur with every possible DOM map. The weird thing is it only ever happens with maps which share the same filename as one of the originals (DOM-Cinder is obviously such an example). I can change whatever I want if I save the exact same file as a different filename: 'DOM-Cinder' produces the error, 'DOM-Cinder1' does not.

This still happens even if I delete the original from the UT Maps folder, or if I replace it with the modified version, or if both versions exist in different folders which UT knows how to find in ut.ini. It seems to care about the filename and override the mapname and players lines, and yet somehow not the author line.

Like I said, I've now tested this with all DOM maps and they all do this, no matter what. It's a very minor thing which doesn't affect gameplay, but I just thought it was really weird and I can't think of a way around it.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by Buggie »

Because it is localized strings and it is stored in appropriate .int file. Located in SystemLocalized.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by hayabusa21180 »

In DOM only? And why only for me? This doesn't happen in DM maps, which I presume would follow the same convention; and my UT system files wouldn't differ from anyone else's.

To be honest, if no-one can find a solution it's hardly a big deal, because I don't care about the author part as long as the original map maker gets credited (which they will), and I will likely go back and take my own username out anyway as a minor editor (because I don't want to act like I deserve credit for moving some path nodes). And the player count doesn't matter offline. It's just a weird bug which makes me think my editor and UT are not talking to each other correctly, which then makes me think other things might go wrong.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by Buggie »

Just go to SystemLocalized folder and look at file names. And inside matched files.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by Barbie »

hayabusa21180 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:45 pm In DOM only? And why only for me? This doesn't happen in DM maps
It happens for DM maps also.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by hayabusa21180 »

It never did for me, I only noticed it in DOM. Not sure what changed.
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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by Barbie »

hayabusa21180 wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 12:47 am It never did for me, I only noticed it in DOM. Not sure what changed.
Have a look in %UTDIR%\SystemLocalized\%CLANG%\ if a language file for that specific map exists.
For English UT version %CLANG% is "INT" and so for map "DM-Pressure" the language file is %UTDIR%\SystemLocalized\int\

Code: Select all


ZoneName="Catwalk Hall"

ZoneName="Pillar Hall"

ZoneName="Pressure Hall"

ZoneName="Pillar Hall"

ZoneName="Pressure Chamber"

ZoneName="Water Tank"

ZoneName="Escape Tunnel"

ZoneName="Pressure Hall"

ZoneName="Pillar Hall"

ZoneName="Catwalk Hall"

ZoneName="Water Tank"

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Re: Problem with modifying levelinfo...

Post by hayabusa21180 »

Nice, thanks very much for all your help, there's no way I would know what to do otherwise.