The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only)

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The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only)

Post by papercoffee »

The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only)

Everyone who submited a map before deadline have to vote here to determine the winner of the contest.

In this thread... only the participants can vote for the best map of the contest.
You will give 3 points to your favourite, 2 points for your 2nd, and 1 point to your 3rd favourite.
You can write a whole review for all maps but please mark the three winner clearly.
It should look like this:
1st place: 3 points {mapname} {quick reason why}
2nd place: 2 points {mapname} {quick reason why}
3rd place: 1 point {mapname} {quick reason why}

It is of course not allowed to vote for the own map ;)

Get the maps from here:

makemeunreal: DM-CMC-Letitia voted
Le Impact Frag: CTF-CMC-HellScape voted
Terraniux: MH-CMC-PartyCrashers voted
SilverSound: DM-CMC-Constantine voted
papercoffee and Jackgriffin: DM-CMC-MansionOfChaos voted - withdrawn
XaNKoNII: DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid voted
memsys: DM-CMC-ChaosKeep voted
ExpEM: DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence voted
nogardilaref: CTF-CMC-Kullrena voted


Code: Select all

DM-CMC-Letitia				2-1-3		+1SL-+1FL
CTF-CMC-HellScape			1-1-1		+1SL-+1FL
MH-CMC-PartyCrashers		1-3-1-3	+1SL-+1FL
DM-CMC-Constantine			2-1		+1SL-+1FL
DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid	2-2-2		+1FL
DM-CMC-ChaosKeep			3-3-3-2	+1SL-+1FL
DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence		3-3-2		+1SL-+1FL
CTF-CMC-Kullrena			1-2		+1SL

SL= space limit
FL= file-size limit

First place
memsys with 13 points

Second place
Terraniux & ExpEM with 10 points

Third place
makemeunreal with 8 points


Jackgriffin was in a team with me and declined to vote here.
We will later open the thread for the Gamers Choice Vote, where everyone can vote for their favourite map.
Last edited by papercoffee on Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:16 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by SilverSound »

This times contest was a lot of fun! Some good maps came out of this. Now on to the grades

1st place: 3 points {DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence} {It felt the most UT to me. Well laied out and lookes really nice.}

2nd place: 2 points {DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid} {Really chaotic map! Spooky men watch me rip apart bots. Life's good. Downside is it took me waaay to long to find the second large room. Might need more ways to each room.}

3rd place: 1 point {DM-CMC-MansionOfChaos} {The most creative map I've ever seen. Really knows how to spook you. Would be higher if it could support a match properly}

I'm sad I coulden't rate the extreamly good maps on here. Coffees map was fighting for 2nd. But I coulden't leave it out in my books.

Special mentions go to the MH map. I love your cat Terraninux :loool: .
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by Terraniux »

SilverSound wrote:
Special mentions go to the MH map. I love your cat Terraninux :loool: .
Hey thanks, he gives a purrr back to you.
I'm sad I coulden't rate the extreamly good maps on here.
Why's that?
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by SilverSound »

Terraniux wrote:
SilverSound wrote:
Special mentions go to the MH map. I love your cat Terraninux :loool: .
Hey thanks, he gives a purrr back to you.
I'm sad I coulden't rate the extreamly good maps on here.
Why's that?

None of those maps were finished enough to out do the finished maps. I think your map has to be functional to get on my list. You can make it look amazing, but if it isn't pathed or properly finished. (alpha state) I can't give it high ratings enough to make top 3. It wouldn't be fair to the finished maps.

I was looking for all the bullet points that the map needed to get points in the contest. You can get a mil points for looks but get -0 for function and finished state.

Edit: When I say "your" map: I'm not being specific to any one person.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by Terraniux »

Edited - Never mind.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by memsys »

SilverSound wrote:None of those maps were finished enough to out do the finished maps.
Would you mind elaborating on this and what defines as "finished" in your opinion?
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by Terraniux »

- edited - nevermind
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by papercoffee »

Can you discuss this in the official contest thread please.
This thread is for voting.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by nogardilaref »

Here are my votes:

1. DM-CMC-MansionOfChaos: The most creative map of the bunch. Starts off as looking as the most boring experience like watching paint dry, but then it gets more and more creepy the more time you spend on it, and you cannot help but explore more. And once you think you saw it all, you were wrong all along.
One day I would like to see this at a much bigger scale, and with better visuals. As a BT or MH map it would probably become one of the most popular ones rather quickly.

2. DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid: Started to be one of my favorite maps since it was still WIP, and it remained so after I actually played it.
Powerful concept and beautifully done. I think it could have been even better if a bit more time was put into it to make it more dynamic (like using movers to have the "broken" map parts float around), but it's quite surreal in itself, a truly "unreal" experience as expected.

3. MH-CMC-PartyCrashers: Another very creative map, and loved the little details all around. It screams Halloween all over the place, more so than any other map.
I am putting in 3rd place since the first 2 kinda are the ones which provide best the kind of experience I was looking for in Chaos/Halloween maps in this contest.

Thank you all for participating with your maps, UT just got richer with more interesting content. :tu:

PS.: The name of my map is "CTF-CMC-Kullrena", without the "a" before "rena". :lol2: :tongue:
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by papercoffee »

nogardilaref wrote: PS.: The name of my map is "CTF-CMC-Kullrena", without the "a" before "rena". :lol2: :tongue:
Fixed it... I just copied the list from the official thread without checking :mrgreen:
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by ExpEM »

1: DM-CMC-ChaosKeep.
-Plays well, needs a tidbit of tweeking. Reminds me of Curse abit.

2: DM-CMC-Constantine.
-Plays quite well. Some quite interesting brushwork, Could use some touch ups and trim.

3: CTF-CMC-HellScape.
-After messing with the lighting and pathing it plays nicely, original and interesting design.

Of note: I was unable to test Lords_of_the_Void due to crashing, however, from looking in UEd its a great concept. I like the build style. :tu:
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by makemeunreal »

Callin' Terraniux's map unfinished wasn't fair considerin' the fact that there are maps with no or inferior bot pathin' (cuz it was pathin' you complained 'bout for example).

By the way. Full bot suport was a required-to-have.
What if we somebody don't have it?
Did he/she in fact "didn't qualify"?
Cuz I remember how straight you guys were in the deadline extension, and what a big fuss you made when I uploaded the same map file but with mkay music.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by sektor2111 »

Terra, before being "pissed off" have you checked map ON-Line ? That UTFlare is invisible in clients, I'll bet on 10$ that new client doesn't even know about it.
The rest or problems are small but still have invalid triggers heading nowhere... Else a default stock server will have a bad time with those cannons and mortars - not a tuned one...
Silversound did not aim you, given rules and taking a look at maps, majority are NOT ready, I will check them as well but I could see that beautiful map by nogardilaref has 0 Bot support so... It did not match the term "ready". First time I though that will be winner-map but now I see only fog.

If a thread with player votes will have a start, me one probably I will not have voting subject. Voting is addressing maps for contest, these are less contest maps - are not ready due to lack of time and Bad Contest Options - B.C.O. for a fancy thing, so mappers are not guilty, you are not guilty - testing is also Time Consuming which was exactly the main issue...
The MAIN Guilty Person here is me, bumping 3072 contest and giving the start for this contest done for a mod which is UTTER Garbage - this mod does crap with Bot in non team-games so it will go jerky with people's work. I feel bad about that and I considered necessary to fix my dumb idea by fixing Chaos, which I hope to finish in a decent time, letting people to have a joy somehow.

Nobody here has to be feel offended in any way, let's speak decent and revealing truth like mature people, c'mon...
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by Terraniux »

Edited my post's above, misred I think. Never mind then...... Text can be readed in so many ways.....

Will type my full 9 reviews onto pc later this week!
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by nogardilaref »

Oh brother... so much fuss over requirements and whatnot, allow me to quote that part of the rules:
Map Screenshot, Bot-Support and Music (at least a MyLeveled blank.umx) are a must.
which is fairly different from something like:
Maps must have a Map Screenshot, Bot-Support and Music (at least a MyLeveled blank.umx).
and certainly there was nothing written saying maps wouldn't qualify if these weren't there to begin with.

Having that said, you cannot expect to have a clean contest without issues if things are not properly defined.
I nagged quite a lot while the contest was discussed, and half of it was downright ignored (not even voted against, just ignored), and most just waved and smiled over everything that was going on, and the whole thing became so convoluted that I gave up trying to discuss it at all mid way and just let things run their natural course, and I just focused in contributing a map to it.

So now, after everything is said and done, you guys are worried about what qualifies and what doesn't over the rules? Ok, then there you have it, nothing actually properly defines that maps without bot support do not qualify.

Now, what was written is what stands. The deadline, the rules, they are all there, and some are so unclear they are open to interpretation, and only a few lines properly establish things like points and qualification.
Therefore, from there, just get on with it and just let the votes do the calling, and add the extra points you think should be added per maps as stated in the rules to determine the winner.

And the next time a contest is made, just try to make it a better and more clear one, by properly defining everything from start to finish.

Personally, I am not worried about the outcome, specially since my own map is probably going to be at the bottom of the scoreboard over how broken it is, but until a winner is determined, I cannot even release fixed RC versions, so please do not drag this on any further.