UT99 stuff by Barbie

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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

JackGriffin wrote:SBFlyingFishV0 [...] You are NOT the author
You think so? Well, you think wrong, that work was developed by my own. I did that because in map MH-ScrewedUpMonsters the flying fish there was not done properly, and I didn't know there was an existing solution. Just compare the source code to see the differences. I'm sure there are some.
JackGriffin wrote:EDIT: And stop editing your reply. Make a new one or I can't properly reply.
Yes, Sir. What else can I do for you?
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

Getting over authors which will never fix any of their "fascinating" works. Let's chat a bit about optimizations in Levels UFO - not many signatures - probably too noobs to know how to sign the map and to define Level Properties...

Map randomly triggering me with string "paths". MH-HouseOfPsychos+SBMod2
My confusing signals:
- it's a crap-ton of load at start - PlayerStarts can be higher located and ammo decreased at a half of quantity with a twice faster respawn time - will never hurt anything just discarding some of that useless load;
- PathNode4 is like a balloon with hydrogen - What is for that height ? That's a BSP problem ?
(I think I need to bump "Bot Pathing" topic again with some information because I see that even in passed contest we do still not having a clue where a PathNode has to be placed in a NON WATER/(slash) WATER zone ).
- in the other ammo room is another useless load;
- FearSpot - does this have a meaning when is FALSE ? Those are totally useless, as long as nothing turns them ON. They have even default Tag.
- 3 MonsterEnd triggers ?

Self Idea for self person: Do some builder to connect 2 selected nodes on demand.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Dr.Flay »

Lets not get ahead of ourselves.
It occurs to me that any basic Flying fish mod built with an Unreal fly and Devil fish, is likely to be reinvented multiple times in the same way.
If indeed the mod in question is as described. eg. "...only the Mesh and animations are changed. " then anyone else that made the same mod would likely do something very similar.
Who made the one in MH-ScrewedUpMonsters ?

How many times has someone invented an autofire sniper rifle with exploding bullets ?
Comparison of the source is the only way to judge this, as the basic concept is so obvious it cannot be a protected original idea.
MrLoathsome knows what he did different in his mod, so can easily say if the code is generic or copied from his.

BTW. When it comes to attribution we seem to be forgetting that Epic are also due for credit if you have modified or are inspired by their work.
Without the Devilfish or the Fly this mod does not exist.
This is why many modders and mapper like to use the standard readme, so all Epic credits are retained, even when their distro contains only new custom resources.
That and it saves a lot of effort making a good readme.

This thread is mostly fixes as far as I can see, with very little "own content".
You should split your edits/fixes and original material into 2 different threads, or even more.
If a thing is worth mentioning and releasing, does it not deserve its own thread, so that feedback can be kept sensible and not get mixed with feedback for other stuff.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by OjitroC »

Dr.Flay wrote: This thread is mostly fixes as far as I can see, with very little "own content".
The title of the thread is also the title of the website on which the stuff is to be found so there is some logic behind its use - splitting the thread or creating new ones for new fixes doesn't make a great deal of sense. People interested in new fixes by Barbie can easily find them in this thread.

It has always been obvious to me what stuff has been made by Barbie and what stuff has been fixed by Barbie - the original author of a fixed map is always identified (where known) and the reasons for changes and the changes themselves are always clearly set out on the info page for each map and in the html accompanying each download. There is no basis whatsoever to the criticism of the lack of credit and attribution. One can, of course, quibble about the precise nature of the fixes but that is another issue.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by MrLoathsome »

Holy crap! Didn't expect my little Discord post to ignite such a shit storm. Sorry about that. :omfg:

If you had just put something in the info page for your flying fish regarding how it was a fix or replacement
for some broken flying fish pawn you had come across in some broken MH map, I never would have thought twice
about it. As it is, at first glance your info page there looks like it is an exact copy of what I did 2 years ago. :roll:

I had never heard of that MH map or its broken flying fish until today...

Not going to get into the other stuff re: fixed MH maps, as I dont play MH or do mapping....
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

Probably the title is doing a bit of confusion but, you know. From me Barbie does a good work - a lot of work. Why ? Because some of those maps are bad , no, I lie, are utter crap, when I'm saying bad I would not host them at all. ScrewedUpMonsters is proving insanity and ignorance at highest Level. I wrote special lines in my latest mods just to prevent a 200 MB log done by that crap. That's a clear no deal with such a "mapper". In real life such a work translated in a security domain would head to jail - that's no security it's like a sabotage at security. I don't speak with such people because we don't have nothing in common, please except me from such permission things because those are really screwed up monsters exactly as the title says by a lost mind, not by Loathsome and neither others, it's just an insult to MH communities as all that crapped releases contributing at a shit-load of UNR files regarding to some stuff stolen from here and there. That map proves what is happening in community, whoever shared that I think is not banned but Kaal and others were banned (okay Kaal the evilized one, I got it), cheaters sharing screenshots with zellius bot and talking about modifications at that are not banned, are roaming for free through forums. Such a map was making me to not even look at any new MH title (hey, titles having space at mapraider...). Others messing up files like Predator and crashing servers when ScriptedPawn predator entered the stage are also fine thanks (or dead ? Great then, go fucking die all idiots, we don't miss them either, at least not me - trust me, you'll see that I have right). I don't need to talk about other stuff which does DAMAGE to servers (Aldebaran is another one figuring some setup and capping crap) and authors of damaging stuff are fine thanks. The plonkers doing "Untitled" files are also a great support with sh!t generic names which anyone can use. Shall I continue ? Not necessary. Just try to make a brain effort and imagine this forum as mine as figure what I'll do then about these "works" and "shares" :| . Of course not all stuff might go to that category but... I don't see mappers fixing their mess, why do we need to lose all that time wasted in Editor ? :omfg:
Ahah, Barbie is the Evil here :lol2:, others are real Angels - let's kiss them (with hammer ?).
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

sektor2111 wrote:MH-HouseOfPsychos+SBMod2 [...] FearSpot - does this have a meaning when is FALSE ? Those are totally useless, as long as nothing turns them ON. They have even default Tag.
Thanks, I did not know that these can be switched on and off nor that the default is initially off. Maybe this default has not been chosen as one may expect. (Hey, I've added a PlayerStart. It is initially active. Oh, and here a Teleporter. It is initially active. And a nice FearSpot. It is initially inactive. What? What!?) In Version 3 this will be corrected. :D
sektor2111 wrote:(Pathing things)
The alternative would have been no pathing at all. I don't play with bots, and so the support I added for bot playing was done for others only. And the bots are able to finish the map, what was my goal.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

Barbie wrote:Thanks, I did not know that these can be switched on and off nor that the default is initially off.
Look at my 3072 map, I used that because Bots were rushing to exit after killing titan and then the fart exploding would hurt them, so I went to stop them and to follow warning message from screen...

Pathing patcher seems a very... different deal (currently arguing with that). It was reacting different from a version to another, so I have to rethink a bit the stuff... because I did aggressive attack to actors and relevance might go funky in MH2 types - original crash (too many string checks, too many tweaking in a single iteration... heck knows). I really believe that patching Level is not that healthy - Editor is for editing not game engine... oh, :sad2: .
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

Checking and bumping stuff here
Have you done something for Cryptrunners done in multiple versions and nothing like a "problems solved" there ? This SuperSwim (oops deliberated mistake - it is SuperFly) was the dude doing the start, the fixes or the crap ? This is not really a nasty cubed one, is a good looking thing from my side but having EVIL setup. I'm thinking to fix critical things (others fixable VIA patching) or entirely screwing this level for prevent resulting another borked UNR file.
Your proposal ?
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Aldebaran »

I tried MH-(SF)Cryptrunners_v1e and it crashed here with NW3, also the middle part with the big fish in the water basin is very strong, so I recommend an adjusted version.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

Usually I touch maps only if a problem is not fixable by runtime patches. The need of the editor is always given if there are problems with the geometry, textures, light or uncompiled code.
sektor2111 wrote:This SuperSwim (oops deliberated mistake - it is SuperFly) was the dude doing the start, the fixes or the crap ?
I guess you are referring to Fly0 which has a health of 3000? This can easily be adjusted by runtime patching as well as the high health (13000/14000) of DevilFish4/DevilFish5.

PS: I'm referring to map "MH-Cryptrunners{fix}.unr", CRC32: 5691DE34.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

Aldebaran wrote:I tried MH-(SF)Cryptrunners_v1e and it crashed here with NW3, also the middle part with the big fish in the water basin is very strong, so I recommend an adjusted version.
I'm not surprised either.

Okay, let me show something which you will not fix not with mother of all patchers - I was trying to do this even modifying constants.
Personally I see nothing different from a version to another just stupid brackets and another trash.
Mover32 doesn't use bNoDelete=True as is Mover in normal stage, by "brute-forcing" it to normal, player is crashing unable to join ever, idk why the f..k was needed this mess. Then, at random or permanent (setup dependent) pupae boss becomes visible because mover door is... invisible - with brushtrackerfix disabled for said map. By accepting brushtrackerfix in XCGE this mover will cause some BSP crap like a barrier even you can die there for some reason. If map is edited VIA Editor and correctly set everything works properly and map has a perfect behavior.
For now "{fixed}" version has:
- duplicated Light 103, 104, Brush414, ScubaGear0, MedBox0 - I think I know why these were created;
- other Movers which probably would need bTriggerOnceOnly have "1.#INF00" at StayOpenTime - this is a mess firing a lot of timers running as long as map is loaded and firing timers useless is not a good thing;
- normal doors are using 2 triggers since one set in timing with door would work perfectly and even without to mock Bots;
- 18 PlayerStart actors ? Default MH uses 16 as TeamGamePlus. Only other MH types are supporting this - not a critical bug after all;
- I believe last Warlord has chances to die easily without too much fight due to insane damage which that LavaZone can do as long as ReducedDamagePct is 0.000000 - So what the heck is this ?
Which means the same shit as "v1e" so I do not have any clue what was fixed because I see the same garbage in all versions, probably was rebuild in other messed up format and that's all.

So what exactly can be fixed in run-time ? Mover32 ? I don't think so. I worked almost one day for paths deploy module and I had a big nasty surprise ON-LINE at firsts tests, pretty much later I could see what crap is this regarding to how nice it do looks like.

Else map is supporting paths so we can have Bot company here without issues, because Playing Off Line is useless without a minimal company, and ON-Line it does damage to a server, so we have just an useless mess not a map and having multiple copies.
I'm able to fix all these in Editor with no pain but I prefer to not do that - I'm able to create a decoration mesh like TV set showing ON Screen "Breaking News" about what was initial map - people usually do not read txt files - so they might wanna know what was solved here right in game-play stage, else in other order of ideas this TV set added might be a sort of defaming showing what mapping skill had whoever modified/did it but perhaps he deserves that, which is a bit painful for him and great for admins and players; probably by adding such decorations with news in these fixed maps all player/admin will know what was solved and avoiding similar bad content as a lesson in how to not mock with UNR files to public game ground.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

sektor2111 wrote:- duplicated Light 103, 104, Brush414, ScubaGear0, MedBox0
Even more:
Duplicate Actors
Brush360 occurs 2 times
Brush361 occurs 2 times
Brush362 occurs 2 times
Brush363 occurs 2 times
Brush364 occurs 2 times
Brush365 occurs 2 times
Brush414 occurs 2 times
Brush422 occurs 3 times
Brush432 occurs 2 times
Brush433 occurs 2 times
Brush434 occurs 2 times
Brush435 occurs 2 times
Brush465 occurs 2 times
Brush616 occurs 2 times
Light103 occurs 2 times
Light104 occurs 2 times
MedBox0 occurs 2 times
SCUBAGear0 occurs 2 times
sektor2111 wrote:- other Movers which probably would need bTriggerOnceOnly have "1.#INF00" at StayOpenTime
Yep, namely:
Mover4 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover5 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover3 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover2 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover8 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover11 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover13 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover12 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover14 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover16 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover22 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover19 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover28 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover29 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover27 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover17 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover18 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover21 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
Mover23 has an infinite float value (StayOpenTime=1.#INF00)
And finally the map brings some light into the void:
Light31 is placed in the void
Light47 is placed in the void
Light5 is placed in the void
Light6 is placed in the void
But I have never noticed any problems running the map with that duplicate Actors, infinite floats and Mover32 with bNoDelete=True.

So, when you are going to fix all these in Editor I'd like to have a copy. :mrgreen: (Oh no, I won't sell it as my own)
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

So worth some slapping to face. Let me copy bugs into a work journal.
Edit: Reading and reading
Barbie wrote: But I have never noticed any problems running the map with that duplicate Actors, infinite floats and Mover32 with bNoDelete=True.
Interesting, but then I will need explanations why exist so many versions of this map and all of them are just... trash. And then I can say that many timers started might break things very ugly, it depends on what is being loaded in server, these are not healthy and I know what I'm saying because in a map where I was running a bunch of timers mapvote did not open anymore, map content is affecting server regarding to what you think. And that Mover is bNoDelete=False regarding to default mover which is True, a mover is not meant for deletion from any kind, so it's in opposite direction - this can be deleted, invisible at a moment ON-Line - WinServer, I really don't get the reason for this setup and left like that in ALL versions.
So let's see, at this moment I can see that none of these versions are healthy for hosting but only if admin doesn't care about his server and he loads all trash just for maps count.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

A bump:
I did not forgot this stuff. I was working a bit on some array for client side that can be injected with a patch module with self-deploy operated by NavAdder mutator - at least I will have these if anyone else is not interested.
What array is about ?
I will setup some 64 UU locations and spawning dynamic waves - LAVA in cause - as client side, so it won't exhaust net channels because they are going in client. Their setup will not allow animation breaks because... I see people having super duper video cards and I did not see performance loss not even in my rigs where some maps are frames devastators. Server runs smoother, but client has to participate at visual things by itself because server doesn't need a nice map - there is nothing to see in server.
Why I'm computing arrays and I spawn them in a fixed spot ?
Because I tried to align them in Editor and I was not fascinated how do they look like. First lava at ShockRifle seems now perfect with no visual gaps.

Edit: Ah, Major problem - reason for versions
Every fix done by whoever supposed mapper which was mooing in Editor around this map will probably fail, let me predict 1e, 1f, 1g, 1h and all then 1aa 1ab and so on - versions one more crapped than another.
I'm picking this last and I'll happily remove all HAZARD zone craps right in run-time taking a blink. or I will write a good patcher for it using a counter replacement and it will go to None issues. Or... directly in map, or doesn't worth to finish other's garbage :???: .
The only fixes which I'll do in Editor is setting up Movers properly, the rest is doable without Editor.

I was asked why some pawns remains alive after killing Boss in Sk_Godz, even if map is messaging these "left-over" creatures - I think reading messages is forbidden...
Answer: BECAUSE I will never count monsters falling in HAZARD zones and breaking counters and making map subject to be fixed over and over by those having ignorance toward console log. When "Counter.Trigger" does Accessed Nones then you are in for a broken map, geniuses... Yeah, fix map forever... In this case due to a heavy ambush, if player is dying and pawns are taking a break, they might land into LAVA being burned in around 2 seconds depending on "monsterskill" setting.
A creature killed with a weapon or such as result of a player or other's pawn action has an Instigator. Creature falling in acid or such and dying by itself will not point to any Instigator. Do you have any clue what an Instigator is in UE1 games ? NO, you don't. Of course, some of my mods are replacing default Counter and things will work properly, but not in raw controllers which are replacing nothing.