"hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable ones

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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by gattovicentino »

Dr.Flay wrote:The examples I gave need you to have that model package, except for the Fly which is a default pawn so should work for you.
The models should have an int file already, so just add the missing line and copy the package info to the new line.
At the moment I can't get it to work, because I could not find those models (Rebkrall and DeathMatchTitan) with their .int files... and the Fly didn't work too (another model appears in game), I'll need time to understand what is wrong and what to do exactly.
OjitroC wrote: Perhaps you should forget about the Spatial Fear bot - I tried playing as the SFJaelPlayer1 and the model/skin are fine - however when the Player is killed the game hangs as UT seems to be looking to run code from Spatial Fear to do with the player's death. I assume the same would happen if you use the Bot.

Yes, I saw that - I don't know what the Reconizer bot looks like so thought that might fit it somehow.

PS - when you try these bots and they don't work, do you look in the UT.log as you may well find a clue there as to why they don't work?
I think you're right about Spatial Fear.
About the UT log, a bit confused, but I couldn't find any interesting about these specific issues.
I'll try Utron Recognizer later.
EDIT: The recognizer... I don't think it's the correct one, but there are only colored rectangles in its textures :D
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by OjitroC »

gattovicentino wrote: At the moment I can't get it to work, because I could not find those models (Rebkrall and DeathMatchTitan) with their .int files... and the Fly didn't work too
It doesn't work for me in UT or in Unreal. Even if it did, the ones you mention here aren't weapon holders and don't have team colours, apart from anything else. By the way, the RebKrall doesn't come with an .int file - don't know about the DMT as I don't have it (well, at least that version of it - I do have the UTDMT).
gattovicentino wrote: I'll try Utron Recognizer later.
That won't work as it is a ScriptedPawn not a bot, despite being called RecognizerBot.
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by gattovicentino »

OjitroC wrote: It doesn't work for me in UT or in Unreal. Even if it did, the ones you mention here aren't weapon holders and don't have team colours, apart from anything else. By the way, the RebKrall doesn't come with an .int file - don't know about the DMT as I don't have it (well, at least that version of it - I do have the UTDMT).

That won't work as it is a ScriptedPawn not a bot, despite being called RecognizerBot.
It seems to be correct... So, summarizing, at the moment the working stuff of this discussion:

- Infiltration Male Commando (the other Infiltration models contained in Infiltration 2.75 seems to be clones of default UT ones, nothing new in them)
- Utron FlynnBot
- Utron TronBot
- Utron SarkBot
- Utron GuardBot
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by OjitroC »

Yes, that's about it. Have you tried Defence Alliance or Strike Force - the former has some unusual bots (a Brute for example) and the latter may have something as the standard UT commando mesh isn't used (at least for some of the pawns).
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by gattovicentino »

OjitroC wrote:Yes, that's about it. Have you tried Defence Alliance or Strike Force - the former has some unusual bots (a Brute for example) and the latter may have something as the standard UT commando mesh isn't used (at least for some of the pawns).
I know Strike Force but I have yet to try Defence Alliance. Tomorrow I will install it, I'm curious :)


I installed Defence Alliance, it's interesting... and I'm trying to understand if I can use some stuff of Defence Alliance in normal UT.

About Strike Force, I tried to import its weapons to Stuffswapper (this is the only way I found to use its weapons in normal UT) but it doesn't seem to work very well.
The models/skins of Strike Force work as bots in normal UT, but seem to be "stupid" (SF.SFMaleBot remains motionless until someone shoots him).
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by Nakron »

EvilGrins wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:28 pm
Also, Team Orbit which has mechs that can be assigned to human players (got their own unique built in weapons) and can be placed on bots:


Spatial Fear's monsters can work in UT fine, I've got many of them setup on MH maps, but they don't react well. They're designed to track a scent-trigger attached to players which doesn't operate outside their gametype... though they'll still attack if you get too close to them:

nice i dind't know until now about this utron mutator, looks pretty sick, this lovely madcat mechwarrior style mech in UT...there's other mechs models in this mod? these mechs works like a true vehicle or it's just a player model that simulates a mech?

Also speaking of Spatial Fear's i really like this mod, theres a way to take the weapons and player models from this mod and put to work in UT? :what:
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by OjitroC »

Nakron wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:47 pm Also speaking of Spatial Fear's i really like this mod, theres a way to take the weapons and player models from this mod and put to work in UT? :what:
Weapons - yes, use StuffSwapper and put them into a configuration along with the ammo. I see I have a couple of weapons (the grenade launcher and a rifle) in one of my configs but it's been some time since I used that one so I can't remember how they worked - I would think they worked OK otherwise I would have taken them out but can't be sure.

To try them out, use an ammo regen and summon some into a DM match and see how they go.

Players - no. The SF Players are subclassed from Botpack.TournamentPlayer and use the default Male and Female Commando meshes. However they have been recoded to work specifically in Spatial Fear. A quick test indicates that the class SFFemale1 is loaded and functions OK but ... on being killed, the Player does not respawn (it's a long time since I played Spatial Fear and I presume that if the Player dies, then the level/map has to be restarted). There are, as one would expect, a number of ScriptWarnings in the log - some relate to the SF HUD (obviously using the SF Female1 results in Spatial Fear being loaded but not run).

There are only two Player Classes in SF I think unless I missed any - both use default models(meshes) and so I'm not sure that there is much point in trying to use them in default UT games?
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by EvilGrins »

Nakron wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:47 pmthere's other mechs models in this mod? these mechs works like a true vehicle or it's just a player model that simulates a mech?
There's 5 mechs in Team Orbit, 1 called the "big wheel" which has the most firepower but I don't like, 3 moles (that 2 legged thing in the screenshot) of different types, and the scorpion looking thing which is called a Selk. They're not vehicles, they're player models.

Team Orbit had a 2nd release that did have vehicles in it, but I didn't like it so I didn't keep it.
Nakron wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:47 pmAlso speaking of Spatial Fear's i really like this mod, theres a way to take the weapons and player models from this mod and put to work in UT?
You have to add these to your UnrealTournament.ini:

Of course you need to have SpatialFear or that's kind of pointless.
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 5:46 am
Nakron wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:47 pmAlso speaking of Spatial Fear's i really like this mod, theres a way to take the weapons and player models from this mod and put to work in UT?
You have to add these to your UnrealTournament.ini:
That simply ensures that those 4 packages load each time the Editor is run. However ... those packages only contain the SpatialFear.SFScriptedPawn classes (and their related meshes/skins/projectiles etc, etc).

The Spatial Fear Male and Female Players are, as I have indicated, in SpatialFear.u and the weapons are in SFWeapons.u.

It really depends what the OP wants to do - using the weapons in a default UT game is easy enough with StuffSwapper. Making use of the SFScriptedPawn meshes (there are human Male and Female Officers that I had forgotten about), other than simply using the classes in a MH map, is a different matter altogether as it would involve exporting the meshes and importing them into recoded relevant TournamentPlayer and/or Bot classes.

Using the SFScriptedPawn classes in a MH map for general distribution requires the distribution of much of the Spatial Fear 'package' as those ScriptedPawns are dependent on (use resources from) at least 4 other Spatial Fear packages.   
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable ones
A brief update on SF weapons in UT - summoned the RapidEddy, HardWave, B9 Rfile and US Rifle into various UT DM games (playing against ScriptedPawns using MonsterSpawn).

Both the B9 Rifle and the Ultra Sonic Rifle give rise to ScriptWarnings - the latter gives rise to LOADS with an Accessed None every tick - so logs can grow quite large (2.9MB in one game). The weapons function OK though the US Rifle uses 1 unit of ammo every time one uses the Alt-FIre Target Identification (no idea if it does this in Spatial Fear) - this could limit its usefulness in the absence of plentiful ammo in a map. I later used it with an ammo regen so no longer had that issue.

The other two weapons are error/warning free.

Also stuck the Male and Female Officer from SFCharacter2 in MonsterSpawn - they are friendly and weaponless, with low health. Their meshes also have relatively few animations compared to the default Player models or to other ScriptedPawns and so would be of limited use as models for TournamentPlayers or Bots - a number of the animation sequences are used for more than one animation group and so, although they move OK, some of the gestures and movements of the default models are absent.
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by Nakron »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:57 pm
Nakron wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:47 pm Also speaking of Spatial Fear's i really like this mod, theres a way to take the weapons and player models from this mod and put to work in UT? :what:
Weapons - yes, use StuffSwapper and put them into a configuration along with the ammo. I see I have a couple of weapons (the grenade launcher and a rifle) in one of my configs but it's been some time since I used that one so I can't remember how they worked - I would think they worked OK otherwise I would have taken them out but can't be sure.

To try them out, use an ammo regen and summon some into a DM match and see how they go.

Players - no. The SF Players are subclassed from Botpack.TournamentPlayer and use the default Male and Female Commando meshes. However they have been recoded to work specifically in Spatial Fear. A quick test indicates that the class SFFemale1 is loaded and functions OK but ... on being killed, the Player does not respawn (it's a long time since I played Spatial Fear and I presume that if the Player dies, then the level/map has to be restarted). There are, as one would expect, a number of ScriptWarnings in the log - some relate to the SF HUD (obviously using the SF Female1 results in Spatial Fear being loaded but not run).

There are only two Player Classes in SF I think unless I missed any - both use default models(meshes) and so I'm not sure that there is much point in trying to use them in default UT games?

"Weapons - yes, use StuffSwapper and put them into a configuration along with the ammo."

How i do that exactly? i know stuffswapper i have installed and i use it, but i never added manually weapons in it, i can't find the weapons names from SF to summon in UT, i need to put the SF weapon or any custom weapon set inside the codelist in system/unrealtournament.ini? to be able to summon? also how about the NightsEdge weapons? i mean the others that are not inside the NightsEdge Arena mutator(Only a few weapons from the mod are avaiable in this mutator unfortunately), i noticed there's some stuff from NightsEdge that are not present in the NightsEdge 0.9.5 that comes inside the stuffswapper mutators list.

Also theres a way to add more ammo value we get from marathon rensurrection weapons? i noticed that for example the "WSTE-M Combat Shotgun" have low ammo value when you get the weapon and you get a low ammount of ammo from each ammopack you get in the map, so it gets kinda unbalanced when you get this shotgun and comes only with 1-2 shots? you need to get a tons of shotgun ammo to be able to have like 20 shots?

Thanks for the help with this i really want to make a crazy combination of weapons to play with stuffswapper like NE, Marathon resurrection and SF.   
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EvilGrins wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 5:46 am
Nakron wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:47 pmthere's other mechs models in this mod? these mechs works like a true vehicle or it's just a player model that simulates a mech?
There's 5 mechs in Team Orbit, 1 called the "big wheel" which has the most firepower but I don't like, 3 moles (that 2 legged thing in the screenshot) of different types, and the scorpion looking thing which is called a Selk. They're not vehicles, they're player models.

Team Orbit had a 2nd release that did have vehicles in it, but I didn't like it so I didn't keep it.
Nakron wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:47 pmAlso speaking of Spatial Fear's i really like this mod, theres a way to take the weapons and player models from this mod and put to work in UT?
You have to add these to your UnrealTournament.ini:

Of course you need to have SpatialFear or that's kind of pointless.

thanks, I really like the models they added in SF, but i more focused in the weapons i already have tons of skins/models added to my personal UT than weapons models.

About the mechs... hmmm very interesting i really like the ideia, i kinda guessed it was playermodels, would be more nice to add them as vehicles similar to that XVehicles mutator and also add more variety to the mechs kinda starsiege and mechwarrior series.

I don't know if you guys know about but in UT2004 i found one mutator called "mechdeath"(i think you can find it on unreaclarchives) something like that and this mech itself works and looks like the mechs from mechwarrior it's very awesome to play with, unfortunately it's only 1 model that comes within the mutator there's no variety but still this mutator rocks.
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by OjitroC »

Nakron wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:32 am How i do that exactly? i know stuffswapper i have installed and i use it, but i never added manually weapons in it, i can't find the weapons names from SF to summon in UT, i need to put the SF weapon or any custom weapon set inside the codelist in system/unrealtournament.ini? to be able to summon? also how about the NightsEdge weapons? i mean the others that are not inside the NightsEdge Arena mutator(Only a few weapons from the mod are avaiable in this mutator unfortunately), i noticed there's some stuff from NightsEdge that are not present in the NightsEdge 0.9.5 that comes inside the stuffswapper mutators list.
I use Unreal Tournament Package Tool (UTPT) to explore the packages - open the relevant u file(s), find the weapons and ammo, make a note of their names (packagename.weaponclassname) and then add them to StuffSwapperItems.ini in the appropriate place(s). It takes a while if you add a lot of weapons but you don't need to do it all at once nor add a lot of the weapons; once it's done, it's done :P

I see I only have 2 SpatialFear weapons but 9 NightsEdge weapons in my StuffSwapper configs - no idea why so few SF weapons, possibly the large number of log warnings from some of them (I like to keep the log as free of warnings as possible for the obvious reason but also to keep a lid on its size as scrolling through 1000s of the same errror line becomes tedious when debugging other stuff).

You can get the names of the Spatial Fear weapons from the spatialfear.int file that should be in your System folder - you will need to use UTPT to get the names of the ammo types. You can open the packages in the Editor of course but I find it takes a little longer than it does with UTPT to find all the necessary info (UTPT is an essential tool in my opinion so it is worth having anyway - to quickly explore any UT package from textures to maps).

Nakron wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:32 am Also theres a way to add more ammo value we get from marathon rensurrection weapons? i noticed that for example the "WSTE-M Combat Shotgun" have low ammo value when you get the weapon and you get a low ammount of ammo from each ammopack you get in the map, so it gets kinda unbalanced when you get this shotgun and comes only with 1-2 shots? you need to get a tons of shotgun ammo to be able to have like 20 shots?
There are two ways - one involves altering the original MR package and so you may not wish to do this. You would need to increase the PickUpAmmoCount of the Shotgun and increase relevant ammo value for the ammopack.

The other method is to use an ammo regen that increases the starting amount of ammo in the gun and regenerates ammo as it is used thus meaning you don't have to worry about the ammo in the map. I use Ferali's NWMHExtrasVIII.NWMHMut - the Monster Hunt Extras mutator - to regenerate health and ammo but with some of the MH specific items turned off - Ferali's Nali Weapons mutators are very versatile and don't seem to be used widely enough. Using a regen in matches with bots obviously regenerates bot ammo/health as well.

There is a possibility that the starting/pickup ammo count can't be increased by a mutator - it depends on the coding of the weapon I think - I can't remember what happens with the SF weapons.
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by Nakron »

OjitroC wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:53 am
Nakron wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:32 am How i do that exactly? i know stuffswapper i have installed and i use it, but i never added manually weapons in it, i can't find the weapons names from SF to summon in UT, i need to put the SF weapon or any custom weapon set inside the codelist in system/unrealtournament.ini? to be able to summon? also how about the NightsEdge weapons? i mean the others that are not inside the NightsEdge Arena mutator(Only a few weapons from the mod are avaiable in this mutator unfortunately), i noticed there's some stuff from NightsEdge that are not present in the NightsEdge 0.9.5 that comes inside the stuffswapper mutators list.
I use Unreal Tournament Package Tool (UTPT) to explore the packages - open the relevant u file(s), find the weapons and ammo, make a note of their names (packagename.weaponclassname) and then add them to StuffSwapperItems.ini in the appropriate place(s). It takes a while if you add a lot of weapons but you don't need to do it all at once nor add a lot of the weapons; once it's done, it's done :P

I see I only have 2 SpatialFear weapons but 9 NightsEdge weapons in my StuffSwapper configs - no idea why so few SF weapons, possibly the large number of log warnings from some of them (I like to keep the log as free of warnings as possible for the obvious reason but also to keep a lid on its size as scrolling through 1000s of the same errror line becomes tedious when debugging other stuff).

You can get the names of the Spatial Fear weapons from the spatialfear.int file that should be in your System folder - you will need to use UTPT to get the names of the ammo types. You can open the packages in the Editor of course but I find it takes a little longer than it does with UTPT to find all the necessary info (UTPT is an essential tool in my opinion so it is worth having anyway - to quickly explore any UT package from textures to maps).

Nakron wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:32 am Also theres a way to add more ammo value we get from marathon rensurrection weapons? i noticed that for example the "WSTE-M Combat Shotgun" have low ammo value when you get the weapon and you get a low ammount of ammo from each ammopack you get in the map, so it gets kinda unbalanced when you get this shotgun and comes only with 1-2 shots? you need to get a tons of shotgun ammo to be able to have like 20 shots?
There are two ways - one involves altering the original MR package and so you may not wish to do this. You would need to increase the PickUpAmmoCount of the Shotgun and increase relevant ammo value for the ammopack.

The other method is to use an ammo regen that increases the starting amount of ammo in the gun and regenerates ammo as it is used thus meaning you don't have to worry about the ammo in the map. I use Ferali's NWMHExtrasVIII.NWMHMut - the Monster Hunt Extras mutator - to regenerate health and ammo but with some of the MH specific items turned off - Ferali's Nali Weapons mutators are very versatile and don't seem to be used widely enough. Using a regen in matches with bots obviously regenerates bot ammo/health as well.

There is a possibility that the starting/pickup ammo count can't be increased by a mutator - it depends on the coding of the weapon I think - I can't remember what happens with the SF weapons.

Thanks for all the info, i downloaded the UTPT i am giving a try and now i understand now why you say "It takes a while if you add a lot of weapons" because there's tons of stuff for you to go through its not separated in alphebetical order so you waste a lot of time it's a torture to find the stuff you want inside this mess :facepalm:

so now talking about UTPT you said "find the weapons and ammo, make a note of their names (packagename.weaponclassname) and then add them to StuffSwapperItems.ini in the appropriate place(s)", so in this case for example the "SFB9Pistol" would be the package name? and "SpatialFear.SFWeapon" would be the weaponclassname? i kinda confused in this so if you can clear my mind it would be appreciated.

also how you properly put these packagename and weaponclassname line of codes inside the stuffswapper.ini?

anyways maybe i will give it a try, if you still have this file of stuffswapper.ini with the spatialfear and nightsedge weapons you mentioned and could send it here to me to download? it would be very appreciated if is not ask too much, many thanks.
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by OjitroC »

Nakron wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 4:45 am Thanks for all the info, i downloaded the UTPT i am giving a try and now i understand now why you say "It takes a while if you add a lot of weapons" because there's tons of stuff for you to go through its not separated in alphebetical order so you waste a lot of time it's a torture to find the stuff you want inside this mess :facepalm:

so now talking about UTPT you said "find the weapons and ammo, make a note of their names (packagename.weaponclassname) and then add them to StuffSwapperItems.ini in the appropriate place(s)", so in this case for example the "SFB9Pistol" would be the package name? and "SpatialFear.SFWeapon" would be the weaponclassname? i kinda confused in this so if you can clear my mind it would be appreciated.

also how you properly put these packagename and weaponclassname line of codes inside the stuffswapper.ini?

anyways maybe i will give it a try, if you still have this file of stuffswapper.ini with the spatialfear and nightsedge weapons you mentioned and could send it here to me to download? it would be very appreciated if is not ask too much, many thanks.
Yes, I should have given a fuller reply setting out in detail how to do all that - so apologies for that. I will come back and add to this post later today or tomorrow.   

So here we are - a more detailed explanation :
Nakron wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 4:45 am so now talking about UTPT you said "find the weapons and ammo, make a note of their names (packagename.weaponclassname) and then add them to StuffSwapperItems.ini in the appropriate place(s)", so in this case for example the "SFB9Pistol" would be the package name? and "SpatialFear.SFWeapon" would be the weaponclassname? i kinda confused in this so if you can clear my mind it would be appreciated ...

...also how you properly put these packagename and weaponclassname line of codes inside the stuffswapper.ini?
OK - before directly answering the questions, I would suggest that you read through the StuffSwapper documentation if you haven't done so before or if it was some time ago when you last did so - this will/should help to clarify some things.

Right, so on to the details.

You will have noticed that the StuffSwapperitems.ini has 3 Sections (or Pages), namely WeaponPage, AmmoPage and PickupPage with a numbered list of weapons, ammo and pickups respectively in each Section.

The entries in the WeaponPage are set out in this way

Code: Select all

Weapon[0]=MOD:Uweaponway2k4 DES:assaultrifle STR:Uweaponway2k4.assaultrifle AMO:Botpack.EClip
MOD is the name you want to give to the weapon mod (or collection of weapons) - so if you want to group Spatial Fear weapons together you put MOD:Spatial Fear;
DES is the name of the weapon - again this is for you to fill in and for the SFB9Pistol you could put SFB9Pistol or B-9 Disruptor Pistol (the name given to it in Spatial Fear);
STR is the packagename.classname of the weapon - so for the SFB9Pistol this would be STR:SFWeapon.SFB9Pistol. For all of the weapons in Spatial Fear, SFWeapon is the package name as they are contained in SFWeapon.u (the package or file);
AMO is the packagename.classname of the ammo the weapon uses - for the SFB9Pistol this would be SFWeapon.SFB9Ammo.

Just to clarify, you add the weapon packagename and classname (plus the ammo and pickups, if any) to the StuffSwapperItems.ini, not the StuffSwapper.ini.

To add the Spatial Fear weapons to the StuffSwapperItems.ini, open it up in a plain text reader (I have a Mac and my text reader/writer is called TextEdit, I can't remember now what it is called in Windows).

Go to the end of the numbered list under the heading [StuffSwapper.StuffSwapperWeaponPage] - the last weapon in mine is
Weapon[307]=MOD:Steele Dawn DES:SD AutoMag STR:SteeleDawnPak.SDAutoMag AMO:none

so if I were adding the SFB9Pistol, I would type in
Weapon[308]=MOD:Spatial Fear DES:SFB9Pistol STR:SFWeapon.SFB9Pistol AMO:SFWeapon.SFB9Ammo

It is important that (a) you number each new weapon consecutively so there is no gap in the numbering - so here the weapon after Weapon[308] would be Weapon[309] and so on; and (b) there are no typos and no additional spaces - the spacing between words/characters for STR and AMO must be as in the example but that you can have additional spaces in MOD and in DES.

Nakron wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 4:45 am Thanks for all the info, i downloaded the UTPT i am giving a try and now i understand now why you say "It takes a while if you add a lot of weapons" because there's tons of stuff for you to go through its not separated in alphebetical order so you waste a lot of time it's a torture to find the stuff you want inside this mess :facepalm:
OK on to UTPT.

But before we get there ... one way to make searching for info on the weapons and ammo easier is to look through all the documentation for the mod as you may find a list of the weapon names as their appear in their package (.u file). Also look through any .int file (to be found in your /System folder or a folder for the mod) that there may be for the mod - so for Spatial Fear, if we look in SpatialFear.int we find the following list

Code: Select all

Object=(Name=SFWeapon.SFHardWave,Class=Class,MetaClass=SpatialFear.SFWeapon,Description="Hard Wave Rifle")
Object=(Name=SFWeapon.SFB9Pistol,Class=Class,MetaClass=SpatialFear.SFWeapon,Description="B9 Pistol")
Object=(Name=SFWeapon.SFB9Rifle,Class=Class,MetaClass=SpatialFear.SFWeapon,Description="B9 Rifle")
Object=(Name=SFWeapon.SFGrenadeLauncher,Class=Class,MetaClass=SpatialFear.SFWeapon,Description="Grenade Launcher")
Object=(Name=SFWeapon.SFUSRifle,Class=Class,MetaClass=SpatialFear.SFWeapon,Description="Ultra Sonic Rifle")
Object=(Name=SFWeapon.SFRapidEddy,Class=Class,MetaClass=SpatialFear.SFWeapon,Description="Rapid Eddy")
Object=(Name=SFWeapon.SFEProj,Class=Class,MetaClass=SpatialFear.SFWeapon,Description="Electric Projector")
So from this we know the STR for each weapon (for the Prybar, this is SFWeapon.SFPrybar and we know what we can call the weapon so we know what to put in DES.

OK onto UTPT

Open up UTPT -> open SFWeapon.u -> go to the tab ExportTree (this sets out everything that is in SFWeapon.u, including classes/code, textures, meshes, sounds, etc) -> left mouse click on one of the bold headings, like GLauncher, to highlight it and then right mouse click to bring up a context menu -> in that menu, click on Full collapse and this will compress the list to classes (plus lod meshes, etc but we are not concerned with those) -> if the list of classes, etc is not in alphabetical order, click on Name at the top left and this should sort it - if it is in reverse alphabetical order, click again on Name and this will sort the list in descending alphabetical order.

Now you can go through the list, looking for weapons. You should see a column headed Super and in this column against weapons you will see SpatialFear.SFWeapon. Look for these.

The first is weapon is SFAlien but let's have a closer look at SFB9Pistol. Find that -> left mouse click on SFB9Pistol to highlight it -> right click to bring up the context menu -> look for and click on View object properties -> this will open a list of properties on the righthand side of the window -> click on Name at the top of the window to sort it in alphabetical order.

We already know the weapon packagename.classname (SFWeapon.SFB9Pistol) so we now need the ammo name. Look down the list of properties and you will see AmmoName and against that to the right you will see a number followed by Class SFB9Ammo - this gives us the name of the ammo and we can ignore Class so the ammo name is SFB9Ammo.

Go through the rest of the classes on the left of the screen, looking for weapons and for the name of their ammo.

You can enter the information about the weapon and the ammo into StuffSwapperItems.ini directly as you find each one or you can make a separate list of weapon name and ammo name and add them to the ini later.

Nakron wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 4:45 am anyways maybe i will give it a try, if you still have this file of stuffswapper.ini with the spatialfear and nightsedge weapons you mentioned and could send it here to me to download? it would be very appreciated if is not ask too much, many thanks.
I don't have Spatial Fear weapons in my StuffSwapperitems.ini (well, there are a couple but they are not grouped under the mod name Spatial Fear for a reason I no longer remember) - however these are the Nights Edge entries

Code: Select all

Weapon[197]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:MP5K STR:NightsEdge.UT_MP5K Amo:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo9mm
Weapon[198]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:Sako TRG22 STR:NightsEdge.UT_SakoTRG22 Amo:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo762mm
Weapon[199]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:CyTek Laser Rifle STR:NightsEdge.UT_CyTekLaserRifle amo:NightsEdge.UT_AmmoPowerCell
Weapon[200]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:Ithaca M37 Stakeout STR:NightsEdge.UT_IthacaM37 amo:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo12gauge
Weapon[201]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:Heckler & Koch Pistol STR:NightsEdge.UT_SOCOM amo:amo:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo45ACP
Weapon[202]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:TAR-21 Rifle STR:NightsEdge.UT_TAR21 amo:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo556mm
Weapon[203]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:HK UMP45 SubMG STR:NightsEdge.UT_UMP45 amo:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo45ACP
Weapon[204]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:Vektor CP-1 Pistol STR:NightsEdge.UT_VektorCP1 amo:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo9mm
Weapon[205]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:M17 Laser Pistol STR:NightsEdge.UT_Vortex17 amo:NightsEdge.UT_AmmoPowerCell

Code: Select all

Ammo[128]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:9mm Ammo STR:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo9mm
Ammo[129]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:762mm Ammo STR:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo762mm
Ammo[130]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:Power Cell STR:NightsEdge.UT_AmmoPowerCell
Ammo[131]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:Shotgun Shells STR:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo12gauge
Ammo[132]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:45ACP Ammo STR:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo45ACP
Ammo[133]=MOD:Night's Edge DES:Rifle 556mm ammo STR:NightsEdge.UT_Ammo556mm
If you use these, then you need to change the Weapon[ ] and Ammo[ ] numbers.

I hope that this explains everything clearly but if not, come back to me if you have any questions or need further info.
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by browndl »

OjitroC wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:02 pm No, Infiltration bots won't work in UT - as you've probably seen they are a subclass of INF_Core.u and so only work in the Infiltration gametype.
Did you play Infiltration back in the day? I miss those days.
UT99 DM-EchoCanyons:DM-WaterTreatment1565:DM-DSKilnWorks3993:DM-DSWashNDry:DM-DSRedDawn:DM-DSBacktoSchool:DM-DSTowerBridge:DM-DSDeadeyeCanyon:DM-DSSectionn8Refinery:DM-DeckardsRevenge:DM-DSStudio:DM-SniperTown:DM-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-Wastelands:DM-TurboGen23:DM-LongForgotten:DOM-Dockside:CTF-enMakhana:CTF-UrbanSniper:CTF-CanyonWars:CTF-DSTowerBridge Unreal Badlands CiderTown UT99 Infiltration DM-INF-MagnumDocksDeluxe:DM-INF-MagnumDocks2:DM-INF-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-INF-CityStorageLotA][:DM-INF-ColumbianDrugLord:EAS-INF-DS-RailBridge:DM-INF-ACityBlock:CTF-INF-SavageKillersHeadQuarters:CTF-INF-Capital:CTF-INF-ComplexB UT2003/04 DM-PineValley:DM-Koltoff:CTF-PawnsKeep:CTF-Ardimus Rainbow Six RavenShield AlleyStrike
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Re: "hidden" player classes (models), available or unusable

Post by OjitroC »

browndl wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 10:09 pm
OjitroC wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:02 pm No, Infiltration bots won't work in UT - as you've probably seen they are a subclass of INF_Core.u and so only work in the Infiltration gametype.
Did you play Infiltration back in the day? I miss those days.
Not very much at all TBH - same with TacticalOps, just a bit. Used the stripped-back Infiltration 2.75 for a while but mostly stuck to using RL weapon mods in UT, hence my settling on using Counter Strike weapons most of the time (though I have AgentX/Covert Forces/Combat Zone/Defence Alliance 'stuff' in my StuffSwapper configs). Spend a bit of time 'converting' maps from those mods to vanilla UT, especially where there aren't versions in UT.

Came across one of your INF maps the other day - can't remember the name - it was a large building, a Clan HQ. You should put a list of your maps in a readme sometime, would be interesting to have a look at the ones I'm not familiar with.