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Post by TexasGtar »

UPDATE: We are up to Beta 4 now: ...

UPDATE: We are up to Beta 3. Here is the newest map version download link: ...

Okay, it's pretty rough but I know everyone here will help get it finalized.
I really appreciate any criticism or feedback of any kind. The download is here...
The music I put in was not a stock music file so I uploaded the map with no music for now. ...

This download has a music file called dungeon. It is not mine so use beta2 link above. Hopefully that will fix the missing package issue Buggie found. ...

Here is a new screenshot you guys haven't seen yet of the dock area.
I'll do my best to address all feedback.
This is a single person adventure. Enjoy!
I forgot how to do the objectives but the readme file has all you need to know to escape.
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Last edited by TexasGtar on Sun Jul 26, 2020 1:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by OjitroC »

Looks interesting - nice to have a new single player map to play. I just gave it a quick check and a very quick play of the starting area - will play more later.

Is it just me but there seemed to be an awful lot of flies for one player to deal with at the start - I checked one CreatureFactory and there seemed to be 100 flies to be spawned. I think I got killed three or four times without getting anywhere since they spawn in the same area as the Player - this may work where there are several players/bots but doesn't really work, for me anyway, with just one player. I think it is always better to have a monster-free spawn area for Players as that eases you into the map and doesn't lead to frustration at repeatedly getting killed before making any progress through the map (but, like I say, that's just my view - apologies for the negativity).

Sektor's MapGarbage tool reports
StaticsCheck: Bork >> Lamp9 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False.
StaticsCheck: Bork >> Lamp8 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False.
StaticsCheck: Bork >> PathNode283 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False.
StaticsCheck: Bork >> PathNode284 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False.
StaticsCheck: Bork >> PathNode285 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False.
StaticsCheck: Actor Lantern124 is screwed as bNoDelete. Check it...
(The latter comment seems to apply to all the Lanterns)

VoidCheck: --- Void placement report ---
VoidCheck: Tentacle18 looks placed into void.
VoidCheck: Pipe16 looks placed into void.
VoidCheck: Squid56 looks placed into void.
VoidCheck: 3 actors look placed into void, check those.

The UT log also reported "Log: NaliStatue0 fell out of the world!" (as well as Squid56 falling out of the world).
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by TexasGtar »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:38 am Looks interesting - nice to have a new single player map to play. I just gave it a quick check and a very quick play of the starting area - will play more later.

Is it just me but there seemed to be an awful lot of flies for one player to deal with at the start - I checked one CreatureFactory and there seemed to be 100 flies to be spawned. I think I got killed three or four times without getting anywhere since they spawn in the same area as the Player - this may work where there are several players/bots but doesn't really work, for me anyway, with just one player. I think it is always better to have a monster-free spawn area for Players as that eases you into the map and doesn't lead to frustration at repeatedly getting killed before making any progress through the map (but, like I say, that's just my view - apologies for the negativity).

Sektor's MapGarbage tool reports see spoiler to see fixes I did.
StaticsCheck: Bork >> Lamp9 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False.- I have this attached to an attach mover so needs False to stick.
StaticsCheck: Bork >> Lamp8 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False. -I have this attached to an attach mover so needs False to stick.
StaticsCheck: Bork >> PathNode283 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False. -I have this attached to an attach mover so needs False to stick.
StaticsCheck: Bork >> PathNode284 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False. - I have this attached to an attach mover so needs False to stick.
StaticsCheck: Bork >> PathNode285 won't be seen in clients. Class has bStatic True and has been screwed to False. -I have this attached to an attach mover so needs False to stick.
StaticsCheck: Actor Lantern124 is screwed as bNoDelete. Check it... - Not sure how that happened. Changed all lanterns to correct BNoDelete fixed.
(The latter comment seems to apply to all the Lanterns)

VoidCheck: --- Void placement report ---
VoidCheck: Tentacle18 looks placed into void. - I was wondering where that one went. lol Moved back into place.
VoidCheck: Pipe16 looks placed into void. - Leftover remnant from smoke vent. Deleted.
VoidCheck: Squid56 looks placed into void. - Deleted, got enough squids there.
VoidCheck: 3 actors look placed into void, check those.

The UT log also reported "Log: NaliStatue0 fell out of the world!" (as well as Squid56 falling out of the world). Well that nali statue was in one of the starting cells to give you bearings. It's always there until you destroy it so it is wierd but I deleted it just the same. Not necessary anyway. I have GBlades in one of the off shoot rooms to give bearings now.
Good stuff.
I'll look into those items. All items in spoiler fixed. Thank you sir. Cool little tool there!!!!

About the flies....head to the door guarded by the monster. Take out the monster, get his flak cannon, and secure the room behind the door. Then take out the flies while hiding in room and opening door shooting flies door closes, repeat. Easy. Once you know the strategy. They still get me every now and then. It is supposed to be challenging. But not frustrating. I may need to tweak the fly spawn time.
Last edited by TexasGtar on Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Buggie »

You must include all necessary files into archive.

Code: Select all

Warning: Failed to load 'MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1': Can't find file for package 'Dungeon'
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by TexasGtar »

Buggie wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:01 am You must include all necessary files into archive.

Code: Select all

Warning: Failed to load 'MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1': Can't find file for package 'Dungeon'
I thought that was a stock music file. I guess it isn't Very sorry on that.
I will upload new file with no music until I find list of the stock music files.

This is same map with that dungeon music removed. I'll fix first link. ...

Let me know if you have any more issues. That should be it.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by OjitroC »

TexasGtar wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:56 am About the flies....head to the door guarded by the monster. Take out the monster, get his flak cannon, and secure the room behind the door. Then take out the flies while hiding in room and opening door shooting flies door closes, repeat. Easy. Once you know the strategy.
Oh right, hadn't thought of that - yes I'll give that a try.

One thing I noticed in the side rooms on the ground floor (starting area) is that the SkaarjGunners have the UnrealShare.Eightball and they tend to drop this - they either pick up nothing or pick up a UT Flak cannon if close to that - perhaps they should use the Botpack Rocket Launcher instead of the UnrealShare Eightball?

Stock music files - see - scroll down to Soundtrack.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by TexasGtar »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:56 pm
TexasGtar wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:56 am About the flies....head to the door guarded by the monster. Take out the monster, get his flak cannon, and secure the room behind the door. Then take out the flies while hiding in room and opening door shooting flies door closes, repeat. Easy. Once you know the strategy.
Oh right, hadn't thought of that - yes I'll give that a try.

One thing I noticed in the side rooms on the ground floor (starting area) is that the SkaarjGunners have the UnrealShare.Eightball and they tend to drop this - they either pick up nothing or pick up a UT Flak cannon if close to that - perhaps they should use the Botpack Rocket Launcher instead of the UnrealShare Eightball?

Stock music files - see - scroll down to Soundtrack.
Good idea. I never had Unreal and so I was enjoying using the crappy rocket launcher. lol There is also a sniper rifle that must be from unreal in the towers the skaarj snipers drop. I'll switch those out to the ut99 weapons. It doesn't make sense to have both.

Thanks for the music list.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Buggie »


Door movers need be connected. For example if you touch one mover of slide door, must open both part of door.
Currently, at start zone, both slide doors open partially.

Hint: add items spawn on destroy wooden boxes.

Also I cannot open map in UnrealEd, because some textures missing ('Ambient') but can play because it is present on my Cache.

I think you need open map with UTPT and check Import packages list against default for UT and conditions which you want to met. For example if your map must work on clean vanilla UT, it is one list of default packages, if must work only with UT + installed some mods (like monster hunt with some shipped textures) - another.


On activate buttons better play sound and push it into wall. Because in battle it can be activate and unnoticed that fact.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Barbie »

TexasGtar wrote:MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1
May I test the map on a public MH server also?
Buggie wrote:you need open map with UTPT and check Import packages list against default for UT
There is a special tool for checking depending files:
OjitroC wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:38 amit is always better to have a monster-free spawn area for Players
Yes! I tried playing the map and was killed multiple times in seconds. Nice start. :pfff:
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Buggie »

Nali Priest must be indestructible or this map can not be used in most MH servers.

Or make second way for pass map without Priest.

Door 3, opened by Priest move two statues placed near.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by OjitroC »

MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1 Readme wrote:DOM-Dragonphile -?
DOM-LP-Dragonphile released November 2006 according to map's readme.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Buggie »

Tentacle18 placed in void and can not be killed.

All other things except Nali I kill with BShock. So this map can be passed. Not sure about weapons and monster count and strength. Also not sure by time limit for Priest.

What do box with sticks? Call Priest to actions?


Buttons messages and all Mission Recap must be embed in map as CriticalEvent messages.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Terraniux »

Tried to play, since I have a clean installation of UT, could provide a new download link with all files included? It won't start without the files.

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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by EvilGrins »

Okay, so first bust outta jail...

...then fight thru various threats...

...and then no clue what to do next.

This was annoying:

Turns out there's a SkaarjSniper around there somewhere, who has the actual UT sniper rifle, so it made up for that a bit, but U1 weapons shouldn't be in ut99... exception of the Dispersion Pistol.

I thought was doing pretty well, until my backup killed the Priest...
...but even before that I had no idea where to go next.

Other things:
· So if you don't know if a file is a stock one or not, include it anyway. If someone already has it they don't need to use it, but I didn't have that music so I couldn't use version 1.
· Typically the shock rifle works better against flies than the flak cannon.
· There's other MH maps where they use a Mercenary to guide players along, and I don't believe that Merc is killable. Something to look into.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Buggie »

Barbie wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:03 pmMay I test the map on a public MH server also?
It will end like this: they will kill the priest, and then they will vote for another map. If he is unkillable, they will scare him to death. The result is the same.
EvilGrins wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:13 pm I thought was doing pretty well, until my backup killed the Priest...
If you reach docks you can kill it without any impact.
EvilGrins wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:13 pm I had no idea where to go next.
3 buttons inside each tower in water. Need going to roof and down by entrance.

After that a boat with flag lead you to last button and mh end. Or you can swim to it via opened hole in wall.