OjitroC wrote: ↑Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:56 pm
One thing I noticed in the side rooms on the ground floor (starting area) is that the SkaarjGunners have the UnrealShare.Eightball and they tend to drop this - they either pick up nothing or pick up a UT Flak cannon if close to that - perhaps they should use the Botpack Rocket Launcher instead of the UnrealShare Eightball?
Stock music files - see
https://unreal.fandom.com/wiki/Unreal_Tournament - scroll down to Soundtrack.
Okay I have changed the weapons on those guys to flak cannons. I don't want 8ball available until nali cell is opened.
Thank you for the music default files list. I'll have a listen tomorrow and select the one I think fits best. Then update post with selection once I decide. (sidenote:) I never play with the music on and rarely play with sound on.
I don't know why, just how i have always done it. Just on my Woot-N-Roll map do I like to have the sound on.
I am going to edit this post with everyone's suggestions up to this point and what i did or didn't do. I'm just going to go one at a time. I'll get to everybody.

Buggie wrote: ↑Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:40 pm
Door movers need be connected. For example if you touch one mover of slide door, must open both part of door.
Currently, at start zone, both slide doors open partially.
Hint: add items spawn on destroy wooden boxes.
Also I cannot open map in UnrealEd, because some textures missing ('Ambient') but can play because it is present on my Cache.
I think you need open map with UTPT and check Import packages list against default for UT and conditions which you want to met. For example if your map must work on clean vanilla UT, it is one list of default packages, if must work only with UT + installed some mods (like monster hunt with some shipped textures) - another.
On activate buttons better play sound and push it into wall. Because in battle it can be activate and unnoticed that fact.
Okay I don't like the bump open timed doors either.

I changed the doors to trigger open timed, and connected both doors. They should be nicer doors now. Thank you for saying it out loud. I've been thinking it for a while lol
Okay the spawn items in boxes. I have a 50 shield in one box. The problem with adding items spawn from box destruction is that they continue to respawn so it isn't a one time gift. If you can explain how to make contents a one time item I will add health vials, but i don't want players to fill up health because of it. At this point you only have pistol and flak cannon so there really isn't anything I can put in boxes that isn't in abundance already. I would be okay with adding pistol clips if you think that would be better, but i don't want something that is extra benefit this early in adventure. Sidenote: When i first started this map (a lot of these memories are coming to me slowly) my initial plan was to have one gun given per area. As you progressed you would eventually have full arsenal. Not all ideas are good I guess or maybe I am too undisciplined to stay on track.
The Ambient I believe is a sound package I used on a door. Okay who has a list of stock stock sound files. Geez! Ambient isn't stock either? Sorry!!!
Okay I just went and downloaded the UTPT tool. Thank you. Wish I knew about this in my before release thread and I could have saved everyone from the missing package frustrations. Thank you thank you. I have it now and will install and see what all is in this map that doesn't belong (or isn't stock)
Okay your final thought was the buttons. I think you are referring to the star buttons in the upper hallways. If you don't have dynamic lighting checked in the preferences, you won't see the trigger lights change color on those.
They change from red to green when touched. Without dynamic lighting on, I think they are yellow and do not change color. So Yup. I will just keep the color change, but I will make them mover buttons so you can visually see them move in. That is a good idea. That area is so busy with monsters you really don't want to be watching the button. A good visual clue right away is a good idea. I will do that right now! Done.
Okay with UTPT tool I have removed ALL non stock texture package usage from map. Beta 3 should have NO issues with failed to load. I have added monsterhunt.u and .int to new beta 3 zip also.
Just have to find list of stock sounds. I'll try Barbies tool too... @Buggie. That might tell me what's what. I haven't made it down to her post yet. lol
Barbie wrote: ↑Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:03 pm
May I test the map on a public MH server also?
There is a special tool for checking depending files
OjitroC wrote: ↑Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:38 amit is always better to have a monster-free spawn area for Players
Yes! I tried playing the map and was killed multiple times in seconds. Nice start.
Yes you can but why not wait for the multi player version map. I can get that ready pretty soon. This version is for 1 player to babysit that Nali to the end. Not really what online players want to do. The multi player version will be really tough though!!! I have decreased monsters tremendously in this version to what 1 player can handle. Doors will open with that handle lever instead of Nali and star buttons will be to activate the lever. Basically same map but totally different way of playing it. Plus I liked the bot version too. I could get through in about 3 minutes with 16 bots help. They will actually open doors for you in this version after they kill the Nali. I removed the blocked path actors to allow bots to do that. Not recommended for this version but I tried it and it works.
About the flies...lol Establish your safe room!!!! Then they are a piece of cake. See spoiler I wrote earlier on hints to finish map in 1 try.
I just went and got that tool. It sounds perfect for what I need to find all missing packages. Will get it installed and check it out. It's about 2 am here so i guess I'll start back in tomorrow on updates and progress.
I will have a beta 3 ready soon with all dependencies taken care of. Probably tomorrow and with the fixes I have mentioned above.
Thanks again everybody!!!!! Y'all are great and the feedback is so spot on. This is going to be a master piece when it is all said and done. lol