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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by sektor2111 »

Barbie wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:03 pm May I test the map on a public MH server also?
Advisable if you are using a NGZ server without compression at redirect or LZMA or any other option. This map doesn't look like is having too much compressing activity anyway so good luck with redirect...
I'll try to figure if exist another option for UZ-ing this map... Usually happens when you are spending too much time to get over engine boundaries with a giant having less usage ON-Line...

Maybe compression works in another environment... here I'm awake at recommendations...

As for mapping:
You can remove all MonsterWayPoints repeating Position 1 for no purpose (Any MH Bot Pathing tutorial ? ) - will help in making map smaller. MonsterWayPoint has as Position 1 a single time then Position 2 then whatever, even Position 100. Then how goes with Jumps ? Bot won't jump that much in MH because is not having a good ImpactHammer - some mutators are accelerating damage and then... Bot dies. How about some swJumpPad design ? It causes less reachSpecs and guaranteed jumping.

Code: Select all

MaxNumFound: I found 7083 reachspecs, from 0 to 7082.
WarnDist: 59 reachSpecs have nodes claimed too close.
I think you can forget DevPath (I'm hoping to wrong) here... find a "Pathing Monster".
Worth so many items since respawntime can be adjusted ? Those from upper spots are only generating paths for no purpose, you can complete more ammo AFTER pathing... and so on.
Does the "Flag0" actor follows the boat ? By looking at setup I'm not sure about that.
Edit: Ahah, now I see the mover, it was a mix of AttachTag like attaching to itself, lol.

More PathNodes are in water... I think some Bots will get drowned.
And these combos...
Why not having a normal distance ? Under 400 UU.

All right I need some rest today...
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by EvilGrins »

Buggie wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:36 pmIf you reach docks you can kill it without any impact.
Technically we were under the docks at that point.
Buggie wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:36 pm3 buttons inside each tower in water. Need going to roof and down by entrance.

After that a boat with flag lead you to last button and mh end. Or you can swim to it via opened hole in wall.
One of my bots floated away on that boat...
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by TexasGtar »

Wow great feedback. It's funny how many people are having trouble with the flies. I guess it's a learning curve and I know where everything is. lol I have finished the map more than 20 times with only losing 1 or 2 lives. And I suck at playing. lol
Evil didn't read the readme. I see multiple people in those screenshots.

I guess I should have released the multi person map first. Maybe an adventure style is just too unorthodox.
But don't worry folks. I will get my stuff together and will try my best to deliver a file that works for everyone. I was going on memory on what the stock texture packages are. Those Anc2 and Anc 4 are not stock texture packages?
I could have sworn they were.
For those who didn't read the read me file here is a break down of objectives.

Mission Recap:
1.)Find jump boots
2.)Destroy all monsters
3.)Open Nali Priest cell by pushing the 4 star locks in hallways.
4.)Let Nali Priest open spiritual lock door 1.
5.)Destroy all monsters.
6.)Let Nali open spiritual lock door 2.
7.)Destroy all monsters.
8.)Let Nali open spiritual lock door 3.
9.)Push 1 star lock button inside 3 different towers at the docks.
10.)Take boat to find last star lock button.

I can give you guys some hints as to how I get through.
As soon as the precaching is done, click fire to start game and if you can see either of the two monsters guarding the doors at either end try to kill one of them.
They will drop 2 flak cannons. Enter the door he was guarding and kill 3 guys in there.
Now you have a safe room with unlimited flak ammo a 50 shield and a 100 shield for those that look.
If you can't kill 100 flies with a flak cannon and a tiny door they must come through to get you, I don't know what to say.

Now if you can't kill one of the guards on the first 2 or 3 tries, yes the flies come at you pretty bad. You have to establish the safe room. Don't try to kill the flies before getting your safe room cleared out.
Once you do that the flies are easy pickins and only last barely a minute before they are all gone.
If you go willy nilly like a normal death match game , yeah, the flies are going to kill you. Play smart, make the flies come to you through the door of the safe room.
Believe me, it is easy once you learn to clear a safe room down there.

Once the flies are gone, which is really quick, Jump up to the hallways.
Ok, what I do is try to do is keep moving. Use the minigun or flak cannon and takeout whatever you want, pupaes, tentacles, behemoths. If you get too damaged, hop back down to your safe room and armor up.
I rarely die in the hallways. Those pupae are pesky though and will cause damage. The tentacles too. I like to do a 1 shot at ceiling, 1 shot at ground as I am running in the circular hallways area.
I try to take out the tentacles first. They are easy to kill. Then the Behemoths, Then the pupae.

Presto, you have cleared the hallways and the cell areas and still have all but maybe 1 life. If you need to return to safe room and armor up again do it. Then I press the 4 buttons open the Nali cell door.
He will walk right to the area to unlock the next area. He has a little niche where he will stay to avoid trouble. Once he opens that door, enter that room and destroy everything there.
I try to stay on the left or the right to avoid the tentacles on the center beams. Don't walk down the middle over devilfish crossing. The tentacles can't hit you if you stay left or right.
I flak the skarj guy in the face until he dies and avoid any of the yellow flare shooter guys that fall down to attack.
This area is tricky for sure. You need to be very aggressive in this area. Not like the fly thing. Destroy the first skarj, when he dies get ready for the second more powerful skarj guy. Use the megahealth to reup after you kill the first guy.
Sometimes you can flak down the narrow corridor and get 3 or 4 shots on him before he gets out that door. That will help. If not no big deal. Stay to the left or right and keep firing. Try not to retreat out of that room or the Nali might get disturbed.
Okay once you kill the 2 skaarj guys, the yellow flare guys(3) are probably all dead by now. You can look at the shadows (from the hidey left or right)and aim your flak cannon on the beams shadows and take out all 3 tentacles on a beam. Do that 3 times (3 beams) and the room is almost cleared. There might be one more tentacle down the hallway. Sometimes the second skaarj guy kills it for you.

I agree that this area is probably the trickiest to conquer. 2 skaarj, 3 yellow flare guys, 9 tentacles and 1 more tentacle down the hall way and not a lot of room to maneuver. If you go in there with 150 armor and 150 health or so you can get through it even with limited skills like me. Use that megahealth wisely! Once you clear that area, you guessed it, return to the safe room and armor up! You're gonna need it. You should have time to get the rocketgun, and reup flak ammo and armor in safe room.
Return to the devilfish crossing and use the 8ball to take out the devilfish while you wait for the Nali to finish praying. It passes the time.

Okay so yeah, there is a learning curve. If you don't kill all in that room and have to retreat, I have had the Nali get scared when the second skaarj guy runs down the hall at me. He is easier to kill running backwards and firing down the long hallways. But the darn Nali. lol Also i have seen the yellow flare guys exit the room giving chase.

Did I mention it might be challenging?

Okay so after blasting the devilfish the Nali should start walking to the second door lock. I like to hide in the niche until he finishes opening up the door and getting to his praying spot. That queen really scares him if he is too close.
Now the important thing to remember when going into the Queen room is that the first 4 columns have tiny midget slith guys hiding in the top hole. 8 total. 1 on each side of the columns. So ..uh...yeah. don't go down the middle.
Stay left or right and run up the ramp to the end of the room and take out that side first. The queen can't go anywhere. tay on top of the big middle area and wipe out the mantas, 1 skarj (100 health) and 4 midget sliths on the back wall. Once you destroy the guys in the back of that room, go find the shield belt. Use the shield belt hall way and run across the mega health to the 100armor hall. Straight shot across queen area. If the queen gets a couple hits, so what you can 100 armor back up. That 100 armor area you can actually jump out of. (You can't jump out of shield belt area without jumpboots) So just jump out and you are back on top in the big middle area.

Pull out your 8ball and take out the midget sliths in the first 4 columns where you first entered the room from afar. Aim at teh holes in the columns. Don't get too close to the queen. Stay back and she can't hurt you. You may have to edge down the ramps to get the sliths on the wall side of the columns. Once those 8 tiny sliths are gone, you can concentrate on the queen. Try not to use the flak cannon (like there is any ammo left) because the spray may exit the door and touch the Nali in a bad way. I either use the 8 ball ot the mini gun or the ripper to take out the queen.

Now that the queen is toast don't forget to enter the area by the weapon and ammo cache at the back of the room. That area has 4 behemoths that will just stand there and let you shoot them. They are no trouble.

Once you do that, that whole area is clear. Reup your shield belt, and head back to devilfish crossing and mega health. If you are fast you can even reup on 8 ball ammo, flak ammo, and jump boots before the Nali starts for door 3.
Sometimes if things go well you have time to make a rum and coke too.

Once that 3rd door is open it's all on you to attack the Towers. Definitely take your time, clear each hallway before the docks. Gas bags are triggered when you approach the pier to the red flag boat. Try to avoid that area until you clear the hallways. Also another dock hint is the snipers. There are 4 on each tower facing you. Look closely and you can probably see 2 of them, maybe all 4 on closest tower if you walk side to side. You gotta take them out with ripper or minigun before you take boat to first tower. If you make it this far, you can figure out the towers. Battle your way to clear the towers. When the 3 star buttons are pushed, take the second boat to the exit area through the opening.

one more button and you are good to go. You can probably swim to finish or wait for boat to come back and ride it back and forth to end. You can take out squids on your pleasure boat outing. lol

Oh one more thing that might be helpful. There just might be a sniper rifle hiding somewhere as the 1st boat lands at first tower. Sometimes it is handy but the squids will probably kill you a few times until you find it. You can try to wipe out the squids close by and do short investigations to find sniper rifle. But there are a lotta squids. I don't even mess with the squids or the sniper rifle. I concentrate on clearing out the towers with the mini gun on rapid fire and staying close to mini ammo.

That's all I do and I only die 2 or 3 times. But i also know where every monster is and where everything is. I've been playing it for a month now non stop. haha
I still can't believe those anc packages are not stock packages. I would have sworn the were. I am truly sorry about not having the proper packages. I remember testing lots of peoples maps and that was a huge frustration when missing package error pops up. I apologize whole heartedly and it looks like Barbie has someway to find what map needs. Like I said this map has laid dormant for 14 years, i can't remember everything I did but that is no excuse.
I sincerely apologize everyone. It was not done because of anything but my stupidity and I am sorry. I will get it fixed. That's all i can do at this point. Where is my time travel kit when i need one.

Thanks to all for the feedback. I will get to each and every one of the comments soon. This is soooooo very helpful. I feel like such a noob now.
Last edited by TexasGtar on Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Buggie »

So, you can kill it. Message appear for any death Priest. Even if this death not block map.

Boat can return back if slith appear on boat way.
And you can swim by water as mentioned above.

Sniper located at flame near one tower down entrance.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by OjitroC »

TexasGtar wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:32 pm I guess I should have released the multi person map first. Maybe an adventure style is just too unorthodox.
I can give you guys some hints as to how I get through.
No, the adventure style is fine as that's what single player maps should be - it's fun and interesting to play, particularly with the hints you have given (though I'm still not convinced about that number of flies at the start :P).

If you want this version to be played as a SP map then, to make this clear, I would suggest removing all but one PlayerStart and the botpathing, and use the SP prefix rather than MH.

For the multi-player MH version you'll need more onscreen messages indicating what people should do/where they should go, bearing in mind that it will be played by people who don't have access to the readme (but you'll be aware of that).
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by TexasGtar »

Buggie wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:33 pm So, you can kill it. Message appear for any death Priest. Even if this death not block map.

Boat can return back if slith appear on boat way.
And you can swim by water as mentioned above.

Sniper located at flame near one tower down entrance.
After he opens the 3rd door, you don't need the nali to get to the end. I like to get him to his boat. That's just me. I have to admit I feel no guilt shooting his pet cow and rabbit.
I need to change the message to ...Nali Priest has died, I hope you got that 3rd door open. Or something to that effect.

Yes Boat is return when encroached. I don't want it pushing through a closed gateway knocking any riders into the water.
Yes you don't have to use boats at all. Swim at your own risk.

Yes there is 1 sniper hiding on middle floors of the towers.

I'll get to the fixing tomorrow. Must get some real life work done.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by EvilGrins »

While my bots no doubt will get a thrill from being referred to as "people"...
TexasGtar wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:32 pmEvil didn't read the readme. I see multiple people in those screenshots.
...I get lonely.
TexasGtar wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:12 pmAfter he opens the 3rd door, you don't need the nali to get to the end.
I actually lost track of him. After I freed him I didn't see him again until I killed all the Warlords and Gasbags and Mercs.

He was waiting on the docks, I poked him to see what he'd do and he jumped into the water. I thought he was drowning when my backup killed him.

So if I didn't need him anymore that message "now you'll never escape" was wrong.
Last edited by EvilGrins on Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Buggie »

I do not press last button. So boat simple goes via closed mover. I do not want try my luck, so I stay on edge and wall push me in the water. No collision occurs, so nothing stop boat from hide behind closed mover.

Priest want jump in middle boat and slowly travel across towers.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by sektor2111 »

NaliPriest - the mostly is chickening around and saying a pray on knees and... it doesn't do any patrolling, but I see it running away following paths. On-line with those movers in plain UT I'm not sure if it would work as should. However, you don't need that Nali in a raw MonsterHunt version because you can GRAB door or else map goes broken as long as Nali it's not like it's your best friend - like I said, when game starts MonsterHunt will set AttitudeToPlayer = ATTITUDE_Hate and others even ATTITUDE_Frenzy = Insanity. I think Nali should have an ALARM instead of PATROL. Monster in alarm have fear of player and might follow Alarms even using a HomeBase.
Anyway I wanna know how goes compressing such map for ON-Line, then we can discuss about the rest of needs...
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by EvilGrins »

Bit of advice, you've got a room with 2 SkaarjBerserkers in it. Unlike every other class of Skaarj, Berserkers see each others as enemies.

By the time I got to there, one had nearly killed the other one.

Might I recommend SkaarjLords? They're less likely to attack each other.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Barbie »

sektor2111 wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 6:09 pmMaybe compression works in another environment...
Sadly I have to report that in Linux environment the compression of the map does neither come to an end. I cancelled the process after 30 min at 100% CPU.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by TexasGtar »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:56 pm
One thing I noticed in the side rooms on the ground floor (starting area) is that the SkaarjGunners have the UnrealShare.Eightball and they tend to drop this - they either pick up nothing or pick up a UT Flak cannon if close to that - perhaps they should use the Botpack Rocket Launcher instead of the UnrealShare Eightball?

Stock music files - see - scroll down to Soundtrack.
Okay I have changed the weapons on those guys to flak cannons. I don't want 8ball available until nali cell is opened.
Thank you for the music default files list. I'll have a listen tomorrow and select the one I think fits best. Then update post with selection once I decide. (sidenote:) I never play with the music on and rarely play with sound on.
I don't know why, just how i have always done it. Just on my Woot-N-Roll map do I like to have the sound on.
I am going to edit this post with everyone's suggestions up to this point and what i did or didn't do. I'm just going to go one at a time. I'll get to everybody. :rock:
Buggie wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:40 pm Loaded.

Door movers need be connected. For example if you touch one mover of slide door, must open both part of door.
Currently, at start zone, both slide doors open partially.

Hint: add items spawn on destroy wooden boxes.

Also I cannot open map in UnrealEd, because some textures missing ('Ambient') but can play because it is present on my Cache.

I think you need open map with UTPT and check Import packages list against default for UT and conditions which you want to met. For example if your map must work on clean vanilla UT, it is one list of default packages, if must work only with UT + installed some mods (like monster hunt with some shipped textures) - another.


On activate buttons better play sound and push it into wall. Because in battle it can be activate and unnoticed that fact.
Okay I don't like the bump open timed doors either. :agree1: I changed the doors to trigger open timed, and connected both doors. They should be nicer doors now. Thank you for saying it out loud. I've been thinking it for a while lol

Okay the spawn items in boxes. I have a 50 shield in one box. The problem with adding items spawn from box destruction is that they continue to respawn so it isn't a one time gift. If you can explain how to make contents a one time item I will add health vials, but i don't want players to fill up health because of it. At this point you only have pistol and flak cannon so there really isn't anything I can put in boxes that isn't in abundance already. I would be okay with adding pistol clips if you think that would be better, but i don't want something that is extra benefit this early in adventure. Sidenote: When i first started this map (a lot of these memories are coming to me slowly) my initial plan was to have one gun given per area. As you progressed you would eventually have full arsenal. Not all ideas are good I guess or maybe I am too undisciplined to stay on track.

The Ambient I believe is a sound package I used on a door. Okay who has a list of stock stock sound files. Geez! Ambient isn't stock either? Sorry!!!

Okay I just went and downloaded the UTPT tool. Thank you. Wish I knew about this in my before release thread and I could have saved everyone from the missing package frustrations. Thank you thank you. I have it now and will install and see what all is in this map that doesn't belong (or isn't stock)

Okay your final thought was the buttons. I think you are referring to the star buttons in the upper hallways. If you don't have dynamic lighting checked in the preferences, you won't see the trigger lights change color on those.
They change from red to green when touched. Without dynamic lighting on, I think they are yellow and do not change color. So Yup. I will just keep the color change, but I will make them mover buttons so you can visually see them move in. That is a good idea. That area is so busy with monsters you really don't want to be watching the button. A good visual clue right away is a good idea. I will do that right now! Done.
Okay with UTPT tool I have removed ALL non stock texture package usage from map. Beta 3 should have NO issues with failed to load. I have added monsterhunt.u and .int to new beta 3 zip also.
Just have to find list of stock sounds. I'll try Barbies tool too... @Buggie. That might tell me what's what. I haven't made it down to her post yet. lol
Barbie wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:03 pm May I test the map on a public MH server also?

There is a special tool for checking depending files
OjitroC wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:38 amit is always better to have a monster-free spawn area for Players
Yes! I tried playing the map and was killed multiple times in seconds. Nice start. :pfff:
Yes you can but why not wait for the multi player version map. I can get that ready pretty soon. This version is for 1 player to babysit that Nali to the end. Not really what online players want to do. The multi player version will be really tough though!!! I have decreased monsters tremendously in this version to what 1 player can handle. Doors will open with that handle lever instead of Nali and star buttons will be to activate the lever. Basically same map but totally different way of playing it. Plus I liked the bot version too. I could get through in about 3 minutes with 16 bots help. They will actually open doors for you in this version after they kill the Nali. I removed the blocked path actors to allow bots to do that. Not recommended for this version but I tried it and it works.

About the Establish your safe room!!!! Then they are a piece of cake. See spoiler I wrote earlier on hints to finish map in 1 try.

I just went and got that tool. It sounds perfect for what I need to find all missing packages. Will get it installed and check it out. It's about 2 am here so i guess I'll start back in tomorrow on updates and progress.
I will have a beta 3 ready soon with all dependencies taken care of. Probably tomorrow and with the fixes I have mentioned above.
Thanks again everybody!!!!! Y'all are great and the feedback is so spot on. This is going to be a master piece when it is all said and done. lol
Last edited by TexasGtar on Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:51 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by sektor2111 »

Buggie wrote: Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:32 am You need be more patient. At least for 2.5 hour. :loool: ... 0.rar/file
I would be more happy if you can tell us what can be used for compressing, definitely UCC doesn't work here, just loads CPU and nothing is being written for hours...
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Re: MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta1

Post by Buggie »

I use UCC from v469. Not sure about any difference with UCC v436.

Code: Select all

X:\UT\System>ucc compress ..\Maps\MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta2.unr
ucc.exe: UnrealOS execution environment
Copyright 1999 Epic Games Inc

Executing Class IpDrv.CompressCommandlet
Compressing ..\Maps\MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta2.unr (72873863 bytes)
stage 0: 2.386206 secs
stage 1: 8357.626953 secs
stage 2: 0.823047 secs
stage 3: 1.207998 secs
Total: 8362.044204 secs
Compressed ..\Maps\MH-EscapeFromNaZaliBeta2.unr -> ..\Maps\ (6%)
TexasGtar wrote: Thu Jul 16, 2020 5:23 am Okay I just went and downloaded the UTPT tool.
You better use tool which mentioned Barbie. It is more suited for your needs.