Old Gametypes

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Old Gametypes

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I don't know why but nobody seems to be interested in the idea of re-creating working versions of the gametypes once planned for Unreal and UT. For Unreal there was Kill the Cow, okay there was a mod capture the cow but its now lost to time. Kill the Cow was finished at some point though and the unreali.u scripts from march 98 we have from the emissary devs featured this game in finished form and based on screenshots there were even maps for it, like special versions of some of the unreal dm maps etc. We never saw it in practice but that script is close to finish and even pc gamer in its may review/supplement mentioned KTC as one of the released gametypes which means it must have been cut just short of release. Probably due to poor bot support, as it was a ctf with a twist where you'd have the sacred cow shrine (it was a special class of cow with darker skin) and you'd have to kill the enemy team's cow and bring its head to your base or something like that. The head was an actual item that was scripted. I can provide screipts to anyone who is interested but this is probably the easiest of the gametypes.

The other thing not fully scripted in what we have is the UT gametype Command and I suspect the Commander class was going to be used heavily there. Resurrected for some proto war gametype for Unreal 2 also in concept phase but based on ctf, eventually turning into U2XMP.

Then there are also those funky gametypes from the very early days which some of them I made fun of. They were only on paper afaik but we can't know for sure. One of them was called MotherLode, the other King Kong of the Jill, err, hill, without the hill but with king kong....and there were two others I forgot lol. No but really the gametype was called just "King Kong" as hard as that is to belive and would feature one oversized player or something like that. It's really weird and was only in the early alpha phases/ideas of unreal.

Oh yea and I got a new avatar one that I chose for another site but why the hell not here? lol
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by esnesi »

Interesting read as always, thanks!

KTC sounds very cool!
i hope someone is passioned about it and has the time and skills to finish it!
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by Acoma »

UC2 also had 'Nali Slaughter' where you kill nalis to gain points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4olSBV0irk

for some reason i never noticed that the nalis had new models in that game
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by Neon_Knight »

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:16 pm I don't know why but nobody seems to be interested in the idea of re-creating working versions of the gametypes once planned for Unreal and UT. For Unreal there was Kill the Cow, (...) it was a ctf with a twist where you'd have the sacred cow shrine (it was a special class of cow with darker skin) and you'd have to kill the enemy team's cow and bring its head to your base or something like that. The head was an actual item that was scripted. I can provide screipts to anyone who is interested but this is probably the easiest of the gametypes.
Sounds like a mix of Quake III: Team Arena's Overload and Harvester (or its UT2004mod/UT3 equivalent, Greed) modes.

No video for the UT2004 version of the mod because whenever there's one there's a huge load of mods being played on top of Greed. -.-
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »


Try that, it has the scripts extracted from the latest ones. This was unreali.u file modified by the emissary team and it has an extra emissary pawn in it for example, but the rest is just how it was from a build before that obviously. This has otherwise the most up to date scripts from KTC. As it says the default properties are missing but I think there was a way to get them its just I haven\t focused on this one for a while. We don't have a build that's close enough to be able to load this at least not without considerable modification. Which might be poissible but might take time.
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

But now I remember that I actually did compile this for some version of Unreal, but it didn't work 100 percent. I'll try to find it at some poinnt.
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by EvilGrins »

My original install of UT from way back when I never removed from my hard drive, when I'm not actively played UT over the years I didn't delete or uninstall it... just let it stay where it was. Several computer upgrades over the years since, moved it onto new drives and whatnot but never got rid of it. Mostly use it for storage, I play UT these days off a more recent install I got from the Unreal Anthology pack on an entirely different drive.

The old one has gametypes galore, most of which I haven't touched in years, plus other stuff. Like "Nali Games" came from the UT GOTY CD long long ago, it's basically a shooting gallery of barrels and Nali.

Plus there's other stuff.
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by OjitroC »

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:25 pm ..This was unreali.u file modified by the emissary team and it has an extra emissary pawn in it
So that extra pawn is the Warrior? I wonder if it is possible to extract that so it could work in Unreal (or whatever)?
EvilGrins wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 10:41 am The old one has gametypes galore, most of which I haven't touched in years, plus other stuff. Like "Nali Games" came from the UT GOTY CD
Never come across Nail Games - is there an .int or .u for it with UT GOTY?
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by EvilGrins »

OjitroC wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:23 pmNever come across Nail Games - is there an .int or .u for it with UT GOTY?
As with every other gametype, yes.

I'll see if I can separate them out.
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:53 pm I'll see if I can separate them out.
Yes, that would be interesting - I've got GOTYE and I can't find a reference to it anywhere though perhaps I'm not looking in the right place.
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I think that must have been some different GOTY, there were multiple but also some countries had it differently, so I think EvilGrins has some special edition to wherever he's from. This tends to happen with some games, see france and the bonus cd with votlan and the link to the contest maps, which was the base for the french level pack.

EDIT: And yes that was Warrior and unfortunately the animations weren't finished for it, but I did sucesfuly port it/summon it before. It is somewhere in a mess of files, I might have made a thread about warrior on newbiesplayground. The Emissary content "library" is very huge though. And I was in process of converting maps but had to stop as other things took priority. The game was restarted three times also, there was very early build engine phase, then Unreal 1996 phase and Unreal 1997 phase with little bit of 1998 before it was cancelled by gti for budget reasons and they decided to only keep supporting wheel of time from those projects.
EDIT2: I'm in the process of some conversion tests but they have been unsucesful due to conflicting native functions. But what I can do is take the script and copy defaults from the leaked early february 1998 unreal which had codebase from like december 1997 mostly. It's a bit confusing all the versions and numbering and unfortunately delacroix made a bigger mess out of it with his repacks and installers, like several small versions were missing and he added my test levels/conversions into the mix and backdating them leading to confusion. Unfortunately the stuff you can download from yrex's page are delacroix's versions, while I have the originals on newbiesplayground currently and with separate zips of bonus/additional maps.

For example the version 0.868 is not that, it was a custom altered/compiled version from emissary team of an earlier build in the 864/865/866 range. Delacroix took the number from Tim's log as he thought it would match the date there but it didn't as he didn't realize it was a custom compiled build. (and it wouldn't make sense why from version 867 which was showcased at e3 it would go back to the more primitive one).

EDIT3: Trying to compile killthecow from the scripts while also pasting defaultproperties from the earlier build. The problem is in that early build that's still the 1997 code and it is heavily unfinished, the cowshrine didn't have a model it was a placeholder etc while in this it uses the frcefield proj model but assuming with custom skin which we don't know due to lack of properties and classes like sacredcowcarcass were missing completely.
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I got it compiled, under 200 only though, it does work, not perfectly but it does. I uploaded the file but it's not ready yet on the site itself. The source code is included so you can modify it for ut/later unreal, I tried further conversion but there are many variable differences etcetera sitll and I don't have time. But it surprisingly works well as a weird ctf clone. You carry around cow's heads and actually delivering the head of one's team cow to each base has different results. I made a test map for it too out of dmtulane.

I decided to actually place it as attachment here now instead of waiting. If you have pre-220 unreal you can try this otherwise try to recompile yourself/edit the source. Some of the formatting is wrong for later versions of unreal but this came frm the beta so you might want to adjust the mesh etc entries. Also the cowshrine should be bhidden false but i did set it so in the map anyway.
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by OjitroC »

Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 9:26 pm EDIT: And yes that was Warrior and unfortunately the animations weren't finished for it, but I did sucesfuly port it/summon it before. It is somewhere in a mess of files, I might have made a thread about warrior on newbiesplayground.
Looking at the .uc for the warrior I did eventually notice that there was only one animation for it. I also see that I have an EmissaryWarrior.u in my System folder so that must have come from newbiesplayground a couple of years ago perhaps - I remember summoning it into games and wondering why it didn't do anything - it wasn't until I looked at the mesh that I realised!
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Yes that was the file I made, emissarywarrior. It came from this, now you know.

What evilgrins posted is certainly interesting. Dark Magic etcetera was going to get commercial release in fact I heard about it. But I thought that got cancelled, yet he has it, must have slipped into his regional release. I really want those files now, preferably even image of his disc.
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Re: Old Gametypes

Post by GamesHarder »

So how is the extraction going?
I'd be happy to play with those gametypes.