Okay... I've done a little tiny small research in who ruins Teleporters in several servers...
If whatever older NewNet has restrictive replacements mainly around stock teleporters, I think we talk about TeleporterFix whatever version replacing every single Teleporter even if this one doesn't include teleporting purpose. I could notice a VM (I think it's Vulpine Mission) which is a bit more smarter preventing swJumpad classes from being slapped in crap. However, this looks the only non stock class excepted from being ruined.
Any way NewNet code is "funny" (right term would be dumber than a rock)
Code: Select all
ForEach AllActors(class'Teleporter', B)
if (B.Class.Name != 'Teleporter' && B.Class.Name != 'FavoritesTeleporter' && B.Class.Name != 'VisibleTeleporter')
Loc = B.Location; // for dumb ass mappers who put the fucking portal in the wall
T = Spawn(class'NN_Teleporter', B.Owner, B.Tag, Loc, B.Rotation);
if (T == None) {
Loc.X += 18;
T = Spawn(class'NN_Teleporter', B.Owner, B.Tag, Loc, B.Rotation);
if (T == None) {
Loc.X -= 36;
T = Spawn(class'NN_Teleporter', B.Owner, B.Tag, Loc, B.Rotation);
if (T == None) {
Loc.X += 18;
Loc.Y += 18;
T = Spawn(class'NN_Teleporter', B.Owner, B.Tag, Loc, B.Rotation);
if (T == None) {
Loc.Y -= 36;
T = Spawn(class'NN_Teleporter', B.Owner, B.Tag, Loc, B.Rotation);
if (T == None) {
Loc.Y += 18;
Loc.Z += 18;
T = Spawn(class'NN_Teleporter', B.Owner, B.Tag, Loc, B.Rotation);
if (T == None) {
Loc.Z -= 36;
T = Spawn(class'NN_Teleporter', B.Owner, B.Tag, Loc, B.Rotation);
if (T == None) {
xxLog("!!!!!!! A PORTAL HAS BEEN PLACED INSIDE A WALL !!!!!!!");
xxLog("!!!!!!! UNABLE TO MAKE IT A NEWNET PORTAL !!!!!!!");
xxLog("!!!!!!! EDIT THE MAP TO FIX THIS !!!!!!!");
Yep... nice comment....
Dumbass is the "coder" who thinks it's coder, ahem, read it again you, monkey-brain - considering exclamations from last section this is similar to a jungle environment - get a banana or something useful. Some of these "smart as a birdie child" are not having any clue about UE1 rules regarding to spawning actors. If your class would have bCollideWhenPlacing FALSE and bCollideWorld FALSE, that trash Teleporter would spawn ANYWHERE in 3D Space, and this can be completely"collidized" after one or two ticks later... You have to be kidding here, this is blabbering not coding. You can move everywhere in Editor with your Edit camera from ViewPort. Why ? Because has all properties required for being everywhere not like these f@rt$ bumping into walls like a drunk hen. Biography... go get some study about "ghost" command... I won't ask who owns a Teleporter from map...
Let me see... I think in XXI century this sort of "fix" (isn't fixing that much), it should have a more mature implementations such as user defined class names which must be left alone/excepted because they are not for teleporting, are just extra A.I. stuff - is called
development here and there. Last time such a great teleporterfix added as ServerPackage was moving collision crash from server into client - lol fix... exactly, client crashed as it does sometimes at warps... And then, perhaps it's time to reconsider that maps are not guilty for wrecks used in servers, end of story with mooing teleporters. Admin/Mapper has the job to respond regarding to map's ReadMe what is used, or maybe mappers will fix problem as long as coders are smoking some stuff outside yelling at clouds like wolfs, let's see... it can be used a Full Lift Combo through walls almost in Teleporter's radius and a small kicker nicely added in teleporter's collision range...

. To not forget that we can make routes shorter through combos for being a priority in front of Teleporter and... Have fun !
Edit: Things to know: TeleporterFix vX whatever should have a list with classes excepted from being rammed.
NewNet replacing stock teleporters won't have A.I. access through them because they need Paths aka ReachSpecs which Plain UT is not creating out of Editor, and neither changing current specs to New teleporters. A NewNet map is recommended to have other stuff such as Fake warps or Combos LE-LC-LE through these points - in hoping that future NewNet "fascinating" mods won't "fix" WarpZones...