I see what you did there
Update on Real Life
- Adept
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Re: Update on Real Life
My UT stuff:
CTF-NRMC-Gravitation | CTF-Panamax | Octane Boss Skin | Diesel mkII Boss Skin | Magma NewXan Skin | Skinsect Skjaarj Skin | Gaspack Voicepack
CTF-NRMC-Gravitation | CTF-Panamax | Octane Boss Skin | Diesel mkII Boss Skin | Magma NewXan Skin | Skinsect Skjaarj Skin | Gaspack Voicepack
- Inhuman
- Posts: 879
- Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:26 pm
Re: Update on Real Life
I am bumping this thread. I did make a new one that did not get respond to, I mean I had relative stability for a while and I still managed to barely scrape off things (barely) this month, though I had to receive one payment in advance to be able to do this. But now everything is crashing down. Just as I reached some stability, recovered lost memories and achieved some balance.
the thread in question was this because I knew I wouldn't make it through this month and well I could not technically pay off any debt or whatever...
Which does bring me to the next problem that is a complete doomsday scenario in practice.
Remember how we discussed earlier in the thread about the court/police issues? Well...since my name appeared on the list of misdeamenor handling, because of the issues we had with this owner (he has since calmed down and became more patient and more sincere with me), no matter that two of those were with me being the victim, one of them was me simply defending him from coming inside, but I did not harm him...and that case is being prolonged because the owner kept refusing to come and finding excuses. But I did win the original case and the owner was fined, not me.
However the court in question we are dealing with is one of the most corrupt in the czech republic or maybe the most corrupt. The judge assigned to the case knows one of my original accusers personally though I cannot prove this unless I had photos with them together and I did see them together. I maintain that I am objectively innocent and the few things I have done were in self-defense(and did not match the criteria for being a crime either way as I have not caused any damage to the people concerned despite them claiming otherwise and my evidence was dismissed), the rest of the things was done also by defence of me but by zeur, however they pinned it down on me and accused me of doing it, because that was more convenient than having a scandal with embassy on their name.
When I was convicted with probation term that got in the end extended to 5 years which is the maximum it can be for probation, meaning it cannot be extended again, meaning that the only outcome of such hearing is that I get sent to jail unless I mount some kind of decent defense/get help from outside and I have a plan of reaching out to a certain office or appearing there in person. I also don't want to say too much not to leak this information to someone wrong, because they could take actions that would harm me/prevent me from executing this plan.
But they misdilevered (on purpose I believe) the letter for the hearing, so even though they had a correct alternate adress for the family post box, they did not send anything there. Instead they immediately put me on the wanted list(I can show evidence of this if someone is interested or even scan of the letter).
So yea I was on the wanted list, first without knowing it but then I got alerted to the fact. I managed to find out it was issued by the court so I ended up calling there and the judge only agreed to take down the arrest warrant once I'd receive the letter. I did warn her that the police can arrest me anytime and she was aware of that and sounded arrogant. I had to go and .. I'm sorry I lost the thoughts I had sudden vietnam-style flashbacks. But I was basically preparing to pick up the letter when this building got surrounded by several police cars. I managed to convince them that I was in the agreement with the judge, though they found it odd why would they do this over the letter, well they are naieve(the police) about how corrupt the court is. Based on what the secretary said on the phone at first it doesn't even look like they care or are aware that those misdemenor cases are against me, but they think I violated that I should have stayed out of trouble at ALL COSTS. Which is completely idiotic, so what am I supposed to when someone wants to shoot me huh? What is this?
I have to remind you I never had a real lawyer that they wouldn't threaten or get him/her out of the case, the assigned lawyers were from the jurisdiction of the court in the past and they did not defend me at all, they wanted the same thing as the prosecution and my original detainment court was held over easter holidays in 2019 without there being a presence of a lawyer or a prosecutor. The original or more like middle prosecutor was the wife of the inspector who had my case, if it stayed with her it would be ironically better for me and I would not have received such harsh sentencing, however people noticed the connection as it was too obvious and she was taken off the case and replaced with someone way worse, who had direct connection with the family instead. That cannot be easily proven however, but I was imprisoned together with certain person who swore to me that is the case and who is part of the extended family. I could not get him to summon to be a witness though as they tried him for something completely else at the time and they wanted to cover this up.
The problem is, czech republic is EU member state and as such has backing, even when it comes from historically corrupt region, my position is harder because of the simple fact that czech republic is considered fully safe country, even though they do not match in all case the criteria of being EU member, but there are more corrupt EU members. Still, I often get disbelief reactions especially from people in the UK who think there must be some defense. That defense is very difficult to outright impossible, but I cannot do this without money I cannot travel and defend myself if I don't get a lot of money, because they only care about that, there's no pro bono defense either and you have to pay everything back *and get in debts in turn* if they convict you. So in the czech legal system, if you are convicted and detained before that, they will, even for the budgetary reasons, make sure that you are not judged being innocent. It all comes down to money and burocracy. You can believe their lies but they are objectively just that, lies, nothing else. This is not a tinfoil conspiracy theory, these are the facts. This is how it works and I've been on the inside of it, I lived through it, I can see through the sweet talk that gets put into media in order to obscure what is under it. I had a long time to even study a lot of the law while I was held prisoner for 6 months. I am aware of a lot without the "sauce" on top that other people get fed.
I have to also stress out the fact that this is a justice mafia and if they see me as too much of a threat they will make sure I die in prison, which is almost what ended up happening last time. They will agitate people or prisoners in order to force me to commit something. I am not safe from them and the system and the government CANNOT provide for me as they are an INTEGRAL part of it themselves, thus there's no way to depose them, judges have too much autonomous power in the czech legal system, you cannot even file a criminal complaint against a judge.
Its just not possible within the legal system. If you ask a czech lawyer he will confirm that to you however he might also give you all kind of sauce on top that they are schooled with. Just ignore that because it doesn't change the hard fact that this is not a lawful or fair system in practice.
But yea right now I am NOT on the wanted list, but the situation is pretty hard and the hearing where they will convert my sentence is at 22nd April. I have time until then to stop them. But I need YOUR help or anyone's help at the best of their ability. Not government free help, that doesn't exist here in practice for reasons I outlied. They make sure it all looks nice on the paper, you will only spot the holes if you carefuly study it and that is why it took the higher court such a long time until they deemed that they violated my rights for a fair trial. But it was too late because they already brought me to the court and blackmailed me into giving up the appeal. The alternative would be my death and the guards told me that the prisoners got already agitated and it doesn't look good for me if I decide to appeal which means I'll get send back...in a tight van with agitated prisoners when I was already almost dying.
I have no choice but to make this public now. Even though I am taking a risk just by saying that.
To get back to our owner's problem...
well when I was taken to the police and after we returned...his car was suspiciously damaged. I thought he just had a scrape but the next day (yesterday) when I went out, I noticed the car is badly damaged from the other side facing away from us. I found out that he had crashed. But nobody I asked knew anything, the neighbors are not home or pretending not to be home.
Mind you, the owner has his own enemies, after all he also illegaly sold the car of his previous renters who didn't give him the full "debt" back. And he lied to them about it. He is a shady guy by default. So when the police arrived he might have panicked and drove off in a hurry and then clashed with some other car...or it might have been a deliberate sabotage by his car, might have been targeted towards us, we don't know, but its damn weird it happens. I do not know where the owner is, what is happening, there is complete radio silence, he might be in hospital, he might be dead. Nobody knows and nobody tells me. And this is right after we paid the rent too so I can't get the money back from him even if I decided to leave this place early he can't give me anything back. Because he would if the conditions are reasonable, even if he hates to do that because his main love is his car AND money. So yea...
and few days ago before all this happened he had called me to help him find his phone because I better hear where it is..it turned out to be under the stack of papers. He normally doesn't trust me enough to go fully into his place or didn't trust me. But obviously since everyone else left him, he treated me better now. Because even his family doesn't care about him now after some fallouts they had. So he only has few friends left in this village at most.
This is a downfall for him and I also managed to beat him legally which is something nobody did before acording to him or at least not for a long time.
Auto merged new post submitted 3 hours 23 minutes later
Well...acording to the neighbor he was brought back home eventually, its just I saw no activity for a while except a kitchen light he turned on, but his bedroom blinds are closed...so either he keeps being deep asleep or he died in his sleep.
But yea that fence crashing was indeed him, he drove straight through it. His car was towed by the neighbor himself. Dunno why, maybe he didn't want the authorities on his trail or something. We'll see.
the thread in question was this because I knew I wouldn't make it through this month and well I could not technically pay off any debt or whatever...
Which does bring me to the next problem that is a complete doomsday scenario in practice.
Remember how we discussed earlier in the thread about the court/police issues? Well...since my name appeared on the list of misdeamenor handling, because of the issues we had with this owner (he has since calmed down and became more patient and more sincere with me), no matter that two of those were with me being the victim, one of them was me simply defending him from coming inside, but I did not harm him...and that case is being prolonged because the owner kept refusing to come and finding excuses. But I did win the original case and the owner was fined, not me.
However the court in question we are dealing with is one of the most corrupt in the czech republic or maybe the most corrupt. The judge assigned to the case knows one of my original accusers personally though I cannot prove this unless I had photos with them together and I did see them together. I maintain that I am objectively innocent and the few things I have done were in self-defense(and did not match the criteria for being a crime either way as I have not caused any damage to the people concerned despite them claiming otherwise and my evidence was dismissed), the rest of the things was done also by defence of me but by zeur, however they pinned it down on me and accused me of doing it, because that was more convenient than having a scandal with embassy on their name.
When I was convicted with probation term that got in the end extended to 5 years which is the maximum it can be for probation, meaning it cannot be extended again, meaning that the only outcome of such hearing is that I get sent to jail unless I mount some kind of decent defense/get help from outside and I have a plan of reaching out to a certain office or appearing there in person. I also don't want to say too much not to leak this information to someone wrong, because they could take actions that would harm me/prevent me from executing this plan.
But they misdilevered (on purpose I believe) the letter for the hearing, so even though they had a correct alternate adress for the family post box, they did not send anything there. Instead they immediately put me on the wanted list(I can show evidence of this if someone is interested or even scan of the letter).
So yea I was on the wanted list, first without knowing it but then I got alerted to the fact. I managed to find out it was issued by the court so I ended up calling there and the judge only agreed to take down the arrest warrant once I'd receive the letter. I did warn her that the police can arrest me anytime and she was aware of that and sounded arrogant. I had to go and .. I'm sorry I lost the thoughts I had sudden vietnam-style flashbacks. But I was basically preparing to pick up the letter when this building got surrounded by several police cars. I managed to convince them that I was in the agreement with the judge, though they found it odd why would they do this over the letter, well they are naieve(the police) about how corrupt the court is. Based on what the secretary said on the phone at first it doesn't even look like they care or are aware that those misdemenor cases are against me, but they think I violated that I should have stayed out of trouble at ALL COSTS. Which is completely idiotic, so what am I supposed to when someone wants to shoot me huh? What is this?
I have to remind you I never had a real lawyer that they wouldn't threaten or get him/her out of the case, the assigned lawyers were from the jurisdiction of the court in the past and they did not defend me at all, they wanted the same thing as the prosecution and my original detainment court was held over easter holidays in 2019 without there being a presence of a lawyer or a prosecutor. The original or more like middle prosecutor was the wife of the inspector who had my case, if it stayed with her it would be ironically better for me and I would not have received such harsh sentencing, however people noticed the connection as it was too obvious and she was taken off the case and replaced with someone way worse, who had direct connection with the family instead. That cannot be easily proven however, but I was imprisoned together with certain person who swore to me that is the case and who is part of the extended family. I could not get him to summon to be a witness though as they tried him for something completely else at the time and they wanted to cover this up.
The problem is, czech republic is EU member state and as such has backing, even when it comes from historically corrupt region, my position is harder because of the simple fact that czech republic is considered fully safe country, even though they do not match in all case the criteria of being EU member, but there are more corrupt EU members. Still, I often get disbelief reactions especially from people in the UK who think there must be some defense. That defense is very difficult to outright impossible, but I cannot do this without money I cannot travel and defend myself if I don't get a lot of money, because they only care about that, there's no pro bono defense either and you have to pay everything back *and get in debts in turn* if they convict you. So in the czech legal system, if you are convicted and detained before that, they will, even for the budgetary reasons, make sure that you are not judged being innocent. It all comes down to money and burocracy. You can believe their lies but they are objectively just that, lies, nothing else. This is not a tinfoil conspiracy theory, these are the facts. This is how it works and I've been on the inside of it, I lived through it, I can see through the sweet talk that gets put into media in order to obscure what is under it. I had a long time to even study a lot of the law while I was held prisoner for 6 months. I am aware of a lot without the "sauce" on top that other people get fed.
I have to also stress out the fact that this is a justice mafia and if they see me as too much of a threat they will make sure I die in prison, which is almost what ended up happening last time. They will agitate people or prisoners in order to force me to commit something. I am not safe from them and the system and the government CANNOT provide for me as they are an INTEGRAL part of it themselves, thus there's no way to depose them, judges have too much autonomous power in the czech legal system, you cannot even file a criminal complaint against a judge.
Its just not possible within the legal system. If you ask a czech lawyer he will confirm that to you however he might also give you all kind of sauce on top that they are schooled with. Just ignore that because it doesn't change the hard fact that this is not a lawful or fair system in practice.
But yea right now I am NOT on the wanted list, but the situation is pretty hard and the hearing where they will convert my sentence is at 22nd April. I have time until then to stop them. But I need YOUR help or anyone's help at the best of their ability. Not government free help, that doesn't exist here in practice for reasons I outlied. They make sure it all looks nice on the paper, you will only spot the holes if you carefuly study it and that is why it took the higher court such a long time until they deemed that they violated my rights for a fair trial. But it was too late because they already brought me to the court and blackmailed me into giving up the appeal. The alternative would be my death and the guards told me that the prisoners got already agitated and it doesn't look good for me if I decide to appeal which means I'll get send back...in a tight van with agitated prisoners when I was already almost dying.
I have no choice but to make this public now. Even though I am taking a risk just by saying that.
To get back to our owner's problem...
well when I was taken to the police and after we returned...his car was suspiciously damaged. I thought he just had a scrape but the next day (yesterday) when I went out, I noticed the car is badly damaged from the other side facing away from us. I found out that he had crashed. But nobody I asked knew anything, the neighbors are not home or pretending not to be home.
Mind you, the owner has his own enemies, after all he also illegaly sold the car of his previous renters who didn't give him the full "debt" back. And he lied to them about it. He is a shady guy by default. So when the police arrived he might have panicked and drove off in a hurry and then clashed with some other car...or it might have been a deliberate sabotage by his car, might have been targeted towards us, we don't know, but its damn weird it happens. I do not know where the owner is, what is happening, there is complete radio silence, he might be in hospital, he might be dead. Nobody knows and nobody tells me. And this is right after we paid the rent too so I can't get the money back from him even if I decided to leave this place early he can't give me anything back. Because he would if the conditions are reasonable, even if he hates to do that because his main love is his car AND money. So yea...
and few days ago before all this happened he had called me to help him find his phone because I better hear where it is..it turned out to be under the stack of papers. He normally doesn't trust me enough to go fully into his place or didn't trust me. But obviously since everyone else left him, he treated me better now. Because even his family doesn't care about him now after some fallouts they had. So he only has few friends left in this village at most.
This is a downfall for him and I also managed to beat him legally which is something nobody did before acording to him or at least not for a long time.
Auto merged new post submitted 3 hours 23 minutes later
Well...acording to the neighbor he was brought back home eventually, its just I saw no activity for a while except a kitchen light he turned on, but his bedroom blinds are closed...so either he keeps being deep asleep or he died in his sleep.
But yea that fence crashing was indeed him, he drove straight through it. His car was towed by the neighbor himself. Dunno why, maybe he didn't want the authorities on his trail or something. We'll see.
- Inhuman
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Re: Update on Real Life
>2000 words, you outdid yourself! Although I see you were assisted by several posts auto-merging.
You must construct additional pylons.
- Masterful
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Re: Update on Real Life
lolHellkeeper wrote: ↑Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:56 am >2000 words, you outdid yourself! Although I see you were assisted by several posts auto-merging.
- Inhuman
- Posts: 879
- Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:26 pm
Re: Update on Real Life
not several...only oneHellkeeper wrote: ↑Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:56 am >2000 words, you outdid yourself! Although I see you were assisted by several posts auto-merging.
but whatever I see nobody takes me seriously anywhere. People either have big words that don't help or they think I'm joking. Well I'm done really.
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Re: Update on Real Life
No offense man, but if you worded these posts in a less dramatic, emotional and long-winded way and just kinda stuck to what the problems are, maybe even as a bullet-point kind of thing, i think people would take what you're saying more seriously. Or in this case, actually read what you're saying. Personally, I'm all about mental health, but I don't think you're going to find any therapists here. This is a forum for a 25 year old game. You would be better off posting these kinds of things on reddit, you will probably find people with more patience there and maybe even some actual resources.Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: ↑Sat Mar 30, 2024 4:25 pmnot several...only oneHellkeeper wrote: ↑Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:56 am >2000 words, you outdid yourself! Although I see you were assisted by several posts auto-merging.
but whatever I see nobody takes me seriously anywhere. People either have big words that don't help or they think I'm joking. Well I'm done really.
- Inhuman
- Posts: 879
- Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:26 pm
Re: Update on Real Life
This has nothing to do with mental health.darkbarrage99 wrote: ↑Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:22 pmNo offense man, but if you worded these posts in a less dramatic, emotional and long-winded way and just kinda stuck to what the problems are, maybe even as a bullet-point kind of thing, i think people would take what you're saying more seriously. Or in this case, actually read what you're saying. Personally, I'm all about mental health, but I don't think you're going to find any therapists here. This is a forum for a 25 year old game. You would be better off posting these kinds of things on reddit, you will probably find people with more patience there and maybe even some actual resources.Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: ↑Sat Mar 30, 2024 4:25 pmnot several...only oneHellkeeper wrote: ↑Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:56 am >2000 words, you outdid yourself! Although I see you were assisted by several posts auto-merging.
but whatever I see nobody takes me seriously anywhere. People either have big words that don't help or they think I'm joking. Well I'm done really.
I'm fucking getting killed by madmen who think they're above the law. How the fuck do you want me to be less dramatic? It was already less dramatic than a lot of stuff I said. Yeah I am taking offense in what you said.
Go see a "professional" yourself.
I am really bloody offended here, being taken for a madman. Do you even know what its like? No you don't. You're a hypocrite. To quote someone "those are not judges, those are executioners".
- Inhuman
- Posts: 879
- Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:26 pm
Re: Update on Real Life
I really am serious, and I am not delusional. If you want I can post some scanned evidence or w/e.
But I am tired of it and I don't have much time left.
People who call me delusional or mentally ill are the same like kids who refuse to believe Santa isn't real or call other kids who claim Santa isn't real a "conspiracy theorist" equivalent.
But I am tired of it and I don't have much time left.
People who call me delusional or mentally ill are the same like kids who refuse to believe Santa isn't real or call other kids who claim Santa isn't real a "conspiracy theorist" equivalent.
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Re: Update on Real Life
Whatcha talking about?Leo(T.C.K.) wrote: ↑Mon Apr 01, 2024 12:25 pmPeople who call me delusional or mentally ill are the same like kids who refuse to believe Santa isn't real or call other kids who claim Santa isn't real a "conspiracy theorist" equivalent.
Santa Claus is real!
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Smilies · https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13758medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins
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Re: Update on Real Life
now I'm kinda regretting not sending the big long response i wrote last night. but I'll sum it up like this:
This is a forum for a 25 year old game with a very small player base.
There are no resources here for you.
You need to seek help or asylum elsewhere.
Try Reddit, try local social media, or get off of the internet and try a hostel or a religious organization.
If your situation is as dire as you say it is, then you need to abandon this situation you are in as you clearly have no other options.
If your partner or whoever is holding you back or refusing to go with you, abandon them too.
Unless they are your children, there is no excuse and they are abusing you by manipulating you into staying in this situation.
You need to learn how to accept criticism.
Nobody wanted to offend you, but when you project passive-aggressive bullsh*t, write long drawn out dramatic symposiums and lash out at people, nobody is going to want to take you seriously.
It makes you look like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." This has been going on for, what, over a year?
Come on dude this is embarrassing. Go find actual help where it actually exists. Use your brain.
This is a forum for a 25 year old game with a very small player base.
There are no resources here for you.
You need to seek help or asylum elsewhere.
Try Reddit, try local social media, or get off of the internet and try a hostel or a religious organization.
If your situation is as dire as you say it is, then you need to abandon this situation you are in as you clearly have no other options.
If your partner or whoever is holding you back or refusing to go with you, abandon them too.
Unless they are your children, there is no excuse and they are abusing you by manipulating you into staying in this situation.
You need to learn how to accept criticism.
Nobody wanted to offend you, but when you project passive-aggressive bullsh*t, write long drawn out dramatic symposiums and lash out at people, nobody is going to want to take you seriously.
It makes you look like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." This has been going on for, what, over a year?

- Inhuman
- Posts: 879
- Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:26 pm
Re: Update on Real Life
Then tell me where. Someone already tried. I am just getting ridiculed further.darkbarrage99 wrote: ↑Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:38 pm now I'm kinda regretting not sending the big long response i wrote last night. but I'll sum it up like this:
This is a forum for a 25 year old game with a very small player base.
There are no resources here for you.
You need to seek help or asylum elsewhere.
Try Reddit, try local social media, or get off of the internet and try a hostel or a religious organization.
If your situation is as dire as you say it is, then you need to abandon this situation you are in as you clearly have no other options.
If your partner or whoever is holding you back or refusing to go with you, abandon them too.
Unless they are your children, there is no excuse and they are abusing you by manipulating you into staying in this situation.
You need to learn how to accept criticism.
Nobody wanted to offend you, but when you project passive-aggressive bullsh*t, write long drawn out dramatic symposiums and lash out at people, nobody is going to want to take you seriously.
It makes you look like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." This has been going on for, what, over a year?
Come on dude this is embarrassing. Go find actual help where it actually exists. Use your brain.
And this has nothing to do with the housing situation alone. I am being persecuted by a bunch of corrupt officials. The state of the court is just like in Russia. The lawyers, if they grant you any, are just the same as prosecution. Yet czech republic is *somehow* a full EU member.
Delacroix already ran away like a coward yesterday while bashing e1l5mine and delcaring he will not play unreal psx ever again.
I am using my brain that is the problem. It is not embarassing, what you are saying is embarassing because you do not understand the situation.
The only thing linking this and the other stuff together is now the court who has given me probation term 5 years ago found out about my presence right here and they want their comeuppance/revenge. They are using as ammunition the fact that I got into misdeamenor hearings with the owner here and an agressive taxi driver. Even though I was the victim in two of those cases and in one case I was just defending myself from an impending attack.
They do not hold anything resembling fair trials, that region was isolated and still is one of the most communist socialist but also "czech nationalist" regions. Because the original populace was replaced by those assholes as it had originally a sizable german population that got thrown out at the end of the world war 2 or outright killed and held in revenge concentration camps. Most of those people had nothing to do whatsoever with the nazis.
That court was even founded by that group doing those attrocities that got silenced later.
I also know of someone whos family member got wrongfuly convicted by the communists for a death sentence and fled to the west germany. But in the recent years the government managed to put an arrest warrant to extract him back to their country because of EU treaties. The sentence was converted to a life long imprisonment instead. There are these kind of nasty politics in play and you *have* to understand that this is no lunatic rambling.
I am not Boy who Cried Wolf. I am brave. I am the Wolf Who Cried OH BOY. Instead.
Auto merged new post submitted 20 minutes later
I am attaching an attachment, a censored version of the court call for that hearing. If you need to, put it through a translator. You will see it mentions nowhere that a lawyer can be present or will be present. Even in this case. But they held an illegal hearing without a lawyer in the past that wasn't even fully on paper as long as they could get away with it within the system. When they abducted me back in 2019. Why do you think I was gone with some people thinking I was dead?
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- Inhuman
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Re: Update on Real Life
I wonder why, if only there was a way to prevent this.
You must construct additional pylons.
- Adept
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Re: Update on Real Life
First off...
"ran away like a coward"
Fuck right off. FUCK. RIGHT. OFF.
When any advice I offer is being dismissed, when I'm no longer able to tell what's fact and what's paranoia in your pages-long rants, then hell yeah I left. I would be talking to a brick wall either way and I felt like I myself started getting insane. You seem to have no ability to step back and think critically of your own behavior, this kinda reminds me of a certain other guy I have blocked everywhere because I lost the ability to discern what's good from what's bad in terms of what was coming from him.
Second, I don't recall bashing anything. I offered constructive criticism: a way out of a locked room is practically invisible and unable to be found without prior knowing it's there, I mentioned how bullet-sponge hitscan-shooting enemies are a bad idea to begin with because it has nothing to do with proper difficulty but rather punishing the player and I was pointing out how you dismissing the criticisms of the level and the gameplay because the level is optional is just nonsense. Hell, I'll even add now that going by that logic, installing and playing any project is optional so I'll choose the option not to play.
Third, just because there is no mention of a lawyer having to be present is because it's likely none is REQUIRED. That doesn't mean you cannot seek legal counsel or have a representative with you. You're making things up. This isn't how legal systems work. And if someone's trying to tell you that a lawyer's presence is prohibited: didn't it occur to you that that person saying you this might be either lying or incompetent? If there's one thing I can believe it's the police lying because they aren't legally obliged to tell you the truth. If they need a confession, in most countries they are allowed to lull you into walking onto a landmine. In their book, if you confess, you were guilty to begin with and a legally binding confession is all they need.
Fourth, stop bringing me up. Don't you dare insult me by calling me any sorts of names again. I will not tolerate this.
"ran away like a coward"
Fuck right off. FUCK. RIGHT. OFF.
When any advice I offer is being dismissed, when I'm no longer able to tell what's fact and what's paranoia in your pages-long rants, then hell yeah I left. I would be talking to a brick wall either way and I felt like I myself started getting insane. You seem to have no ability to step back and think critically of your own behavior, this kinda reminds me of a certain other guy I have blocked everywhere because I lost the ability to discern what's good from what's bad in terms of what was coming from him.
Second, I don't recall bashing anything. I offered constructive criticism: a way out of a locked room is practically invisible and unable to be found without prior knowing it's there, I mentioned how bullet-sponge hitscan-shooting enemies are a bad idea to begin with because it has nothing to do with proper difficulty but rather punishing the player and I was pointing out how you dismissing the criticisms of the level and the gameplay because the level is optional is just nonsense. Hell, I'll even add now that going by that logic, installing and playing any project is optional so I'll choose the option not to play.
Third, just because there is no mention of a lawyer having to be present is because it's likely none is REQUIRED. That doesn't mean you cannot seek legal counsel or have a representative with you. You're making things up. This isn't how legal systems work. And if someone's trying to tell you that a lawyer's presence is prohibited: didn't it occur to you that that person saying you this might be either lying or incompetent? If there's one thing I can believe it's the police lying because they aren't legally obliged to tell you the truth. If they need a confession, in most countries they are allowed to lull you into walking onto a landmine. In their book, if you confess, you were guilty to begin with and a legally binding confession is all they need.
Fourth, stop bringing me up. Don't you dare insult me by calling me any sorts of names again. I will not tolerate this.

I am the Unreal archivist and historian. If you have something from the past of Unreal that I don't have, do tell.
~formerly Delacroix
- Inhuman
- Posts: 879
- Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:26 pm
Re: Update on Real Life
You are all just bunch of trolls who aren't interested in the truth. I have much too big problems than to keep feeding you.
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1482
- Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:03 pm
- Personal rank: Founder of UT99.org
- Location: Germany
Re: Update on Real Life
To sum up what others were already telling:
1. Nobody can help you here.
2. Your text is very long and confusing, at this point its hard to know what's really going on, especially if the reader didnt read all the other posts before. Next time (e.g on reddit or law related forums) keep it as short and simple as possible, listing facts in historical order, etc. And make clear what you want from the reader.
3. Search for professional help. Free legal advice, social services etc. Take it all. Outside the internet.
4. This thread is now locked, as it leads to unwanted drama in these forums, which are about a 25 year old game.
Please refrain from opening another topic about your legal issues.
I wish you the best of luck in the future.
1. Nobody can help you here.
2. Your text is very long and confusing, at this point its hard to know what's really going on, especially if the reader didnt read all the other posts before. Next time (e.g on reddit or law related forums) keep it as short and simple as possible, listing facts in historical order, etc. And make clear what you want from the reader.
3. Search for professional help. Free legal advice, social services etc. Take it all. Outside the internet.
4. This thread is now locked, as it leads to unwanted drama in these forums, which are about a 25 year old game.
Please refrain from opening another topic about your legal issues.
I wish you the best of luck in the future.