Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Feralidragon »

Yeah, the guys of UTFight made bigger maps by scaling things to the tiny without you noticing. It's a neat trick, but I must mention it's not perfect.
For an offline game is still ok, but things go quickly to hell on in an online game once you work at small scales, starting with the fact that vector components are compressed to integers, therefore there's a limit to how small something can be without the displacement (object location or other vector variables) to be noticeable, or even buggy.

Of course, things like this have turn arounds, but they generally translate in consuming higher bandwidth and having to handle the movement replication yourself.

Another problem are the maps themselves. There's a reason why BSP must be on the grid, and geometry errors occur when they aren't, and that's floating point numbers.
A floating point number is by nature imprecise, and this implies that some BSP vertexes may not be exactly where you should expect them, and if you build smaller BSP structures, the vertexes points get more and more imprecise, resulting in very severe BSP problems (faulty polys, faulty collision, etc).
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by papercoffee »

papercoffee wrote:
SC]-[LONG_{HoF} wrote:FLuKE or Ferali would be your best bet at finding a way for this to work for you paper.
I know ...but both are occupied by their projects, I think.
Hey Ferali, do you have something similar I'm searching in one of your prototype archives?
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Feralidragon »

papercoffee wrote:
papercoffee wrote:
SC]-[LONG_{HoF} wrote:FLuKE or Ferali would be your best bet at finding a way for this to work for you paper.
I know ...but both are occupied by their projects, I think.
Hey Ferali, do you have something similar I'm searching in one of your prototype archives?
Nope. I was about to do something like what you want years ago (a little bit more advanced though), but then I ended up not doing it (for more reasons than I would like to have, but none of them technical ones btw).
The closest thing I made was the kind of jet you don't want (RX-SLV based): the Venom-X (basically another version of Rocket-X, particularly from Fluke's old Nemesis-X).
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by EvilGrins »

For the record, I've done dogfights with the Quantum Jets on large maps, mainly Hall Of Giants, in LAN games. They're not the fastest moving aircraft but it can be done. And, if you're a good enough pilot, the QJ can scoop up weapons if you get close enough to them, but I'm pretty sure you can't use those weapons until you eject from the jet.

I often would eject really high up (switch to minigun as i fell to shoot my opponent for a kill or a lotta damage) fall most of the way back to ground level, and launch a 2nd jet, most mutators let you have 2 QJ's in inventory, before I hit the ground. Unlike the telefrag, the QJ doesn't keep your falling momentum... it eliminates it completely.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Spectra »

About Venom-X, I found one problem.

When selecting the Mutator ---> Venom-X Monster Hunt (or somewhat other names idk)
When I fire missiles on Monsters, the missiles are not damaging the monsters. Inorder to kill Monsters, I had to do some Road Kills or Kill them with Machine Gun.
Even the Primary Fire is also not damaging the monsters.

Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

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medor wrote:
Rocky wrote:About Venom-X, I found one problem.

When selecting the Mutator ---> Venom-X Monster Hunt (or somewhat other names idk)
When I fire missiles on Monsters, the missiles are not damaging the monsters. Inorder to kill Monsters, I had to do some Road Kills or Kill them with Machine Gun.
Even the Primary Fire is also not damaging the monsters. ... ?f=9&t=944
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Feralidragon »

You have to go the Mod menu, and enter the Venom-X settings. I don't remember the exact setting, but there are a few checks there on what it can damage (something to do with "ghost" if I am not mistaken), so change those and you should be able to kill monsters afterwards.

EDIT: Or what medor pointed to. I just got ninja'd. :lol2:
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Ðàrk-_¦_-Ñìght.: »

I just downloaded it around the time it came out, I dunno' if the development team made it or some third party... Just look up "technology pack airfight UT" if it doesn't show up... well crap.

EDIT: Can't find it on google... if I don't have it somewhere on my old PC or amongst some CD's then it's probably gone forever...

Better ask around for it, someone's bound to have it I hope...
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Feralidragon »

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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by papercoffee »

papercoffee wrote:Damn ...Airfight UT is too big to be implemented into a Map.
That's why I said this ...I downloaded it already from Moddb ...but it's too big to be put into a map.

Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

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medor wrote:slv and venom can be very fast ... more the jets and they are very fun to play
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by papercoffee »

medor wrote:slv and venom can be very fast ... more the jets and they are very fun to play
I know but I search for a Jets only mod/mutator ...where you start as a Jet in the map. And you have to pickup the weapons like in a normal game.

Or ...if possible a way to make a hurt-zone nonlethal when you are riding a Jet. Just to prevent player to leave the mother-ship without a flying vehicle.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Dr.Flay »

Feralidragon wrote:ModDB has it:
Shame the last update "3.1a7 Patch" is unavailable (for now)
Useful fixes....

TA-DA !!!
After poking around*/http:/ ... /airfight/*
We now have the missing file ...

There you go Medor :mrgreen:

Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

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medor wrote:THX

Done save AF31_a7 :tu: