UT99.org is moving to another host today at 7pm UTC+2. This process may take several hours (including loading the new DNS zone information). The board will be in maintenance mode for this time period.
Because moving to another host means getting a new ip address, it may be possible that you will be unable to open ut99.org even when it's up again.
In this case, you need to clear your DNS cache. To do this, open the console via typing "cmd" in the windows search. Then type "ipconfig /flushdns" in the console and press Enter. (I guess Linux and Mac OS X users will also find out how they can do it.

Clearing the browser cache won't hurt, too.
With the new host, the running costs for UT99.org will decrease to 5,90 Euro / 7,48 Dollar per month. Big step!

Thank you for your patience and please report any problems in this thread you may experience.
Best regards,