Hello from [A]ssassins

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Hello from [A]ssassins

Post by [A]Corpse »

Like the title says, Hello from [A]ssassins... We were a CTF-based UT99 clan and along with our own server, we frequented a lot of other pubs and team servers. House of Fools [HoF], Viper Squadron [VIPER], {WINGS}, and Former Osha Clan Reunited {FOCR} were some of our pals. I'm not sure how long we stayed alive since I fell off the map somewhere around the early 2000's, but we were still kicking when I went away.

If anyone from [A] is reading this - I'm sending out a homing beacon in hopes of reaching you. I've lost all of my contact information, and google searches for our team only show dead posts long since abandoned. Life happens, people move on to other things, but we were all friends outside of the game. So, I'm doing my part to get the roll call started, surely someone is still around.

Same goes for friends of [A] - If you remember me or any of us from back then, I'd love to see who's still around.

I'll be posting this message to all the forums that still exist. If all that's left of our clan is outdated posts, hopefully this can be a light in the darkness for anyone looking to find us.

- [A]Corpse
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Re: Hello from [A]ssassins

Post by papercoffee »

House of Fools is still kicking ...did you check their forums?
{WINGS} went down.
And isn't Viper Squadron still active? :noidea

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Re: Hello from [A]ssassins

Post by RocketJedi »

Did you guys play rocket -x?
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Re: Hello from [A]ssassins

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

I have never seen [A] members ever play RX. They mostly play CTF normal weapons from what I know.
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Re: Hello from [A]ssassins

Post by [A]Corpse »

Thanks for the updates, guys.

I was able to find the HOF forums, I posted there as well. I was also able to find VIPER's forum but I can't get onto it, they might have it locked out. I know a couple of the Vipers would remember us, Sweet_Boo was a frequent in our server. Sad to hear about WINGS though...

If we played RX it wasn't on our servers, ours was mostly CTF like Long said. I know we all dabbled in different modes, instagib was a favorite of mine. There was even a time when a handful of us got really into strangelove.
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Re: Hello from [A]ssassins

Post by rjmno1 »

[A]Corpse wrote:Thanks for the updates, guys.

I was able to find the HOF forums, I posted there as well. I was also able to find VIPER's forum but I can't get onto it, they might have it locked out. I know a couple of the Vipers would remember us, Sweet_Boo was a frequent in our server. Sad to hear about WINGS though...

If we played RX it wasn't on our servers, ours was mostly CTF like Long said. I know we all dabbled in different modes, instagib was a favorite of mine. There was even a time when a handful of us got really into strangelove.
sweet_bo was curerently on the dmdeck 16 #13 server publik (dmdeck 16) i saw him there yesterday and a few days before. :tu:
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Re: Hello from [A]ssassins

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

[A]Corpse wrote:Thanks for the updates, guys.

I was able to find the HOF forums, I posted there as well. I was also able to find VIPER's forum but I can't get onto it, they might have it locked out. I know a couple of the Vipers would remember us, Sweet_Boo was a frequent in our server. Sad to hear about WINGS though...

If we played RX it wasn't on our servers, ours was mostly CTF like Long said. I know we all dabbled in different modes, instagib was a favorite of mine. There was even a time when a handful of us got really into strangelove.
Ahhh the strange love days..... Good memories before RX started to rule the flying CTF games. Sweet-Boo is still very active and plays with us DM guys on Thursdays. She also plays RX on the vulpine server because RX is one of her fav games to play. We used to host RX but unfortunately our server was ddos'd repeatdly for years by another person which I will not mention here but did help vulpine get there RX traffic they have today so just ask Qwerty if you have any questions about that.