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Re: MonsterHunt2 Gold

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:59 am
by JackGriffin
Yeah lol, let me explain.

I began coding for MH using the UTJMH controller as a base. Eventually I rewrote almost everything in UTJMH though you can still see the functions order and some of the recognizable code snippets still lingering here and there. I left those particular checks in because I have looked at them for a couple of years now and they are like old friends from the original mod. I never did figure out if that was a simple typo on the part of the first coder or if it's a language variation on scripted pawn. At any rate it's empty lines but it was left as an homage to the script I used. Anyone that codes specifically for MH will know immediately what that is and get a laugh.

Re: MonsterHunt2 Gold

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:44 am
by MrLoathsome
Now that is funny. I thought I had forgotten how to read code for a minute or 2 there.... :lol2:

However, I can't stop myself from asking why you didn't at least comment those 2 lines out, even if you wanted to leave them in the source.

Unless I am reading it wrong still, there are still 2 checks on a non-existent class in the ScoreKill function.

They probably don't take up much CPU time, and shouldn't generate any warnings, but I imagine that ScoreKill gets called a lot in MH, and
that seems less than optimal.

(No criticism intended, just curious. I might be overlooking something obvious which voids my inquiry. Been looking at the MH and MH2Gold
source for the first time today while messing with the Monster Size Randomizer thing for far too long without a break, and am tired atm....)

Re: MonsterHunt2 Gold

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:54 pm
by JackGriffin
I'll fill you in a bit more, though you are absolutely correct in all your considerations above.

I was told second-hand that the original coder of UTJMH was less than happy that his work was being used and modified. Now I'm only one of about 6 people that did it but I did try to email him in the beginning and got no answer back. I considered the project abandoned and went on with my changes to the mod.In earlier versions I gave him full credit for his mod base but I've done so much writing it's hard to find UTJMH anywhere in there. The screpted pawn lines are unique in that the only place I have ever seen them was UTJMH so anyone else who takes the time to read the code lines (like yourself) will immediately see those and if they looked at UTJ will know I used it's base class. I could have used comment on them (and probably should have) but I learned so much from UTJ I just felt they needed to stay to pay tribute. Besides no one really reads comment lines that go

Code: Select all

// and thanks to blahblah for his fine base code
So anyway for good or bad that was my choice for this. I was mildly concerned as you are about it's being called but in testing it was never an issue and I particularly looked at that. BTW if you are considering picking up MH2 to continue on with it's development please feel free to message me directly. There is tons about MH that isn't in that code that's in my head and I don't mind at all to share. If you are USA, PM me and I'll shoot you my phone number so we can chat full-speed (and I also have a TS3 server).