Hello everyone. fullonshred here, no clan ever. I was a loner DM guy. Considered creating KO1 (Klan Of One) but figured it had already been done. If it hasn't, I lay claim to it here and now.
I'm an Oldtimer UT player, formerly a DM player for years under various names, now more MH as it is less aggravating. : ) Looks like a great UT99 site for which I am grateful. My old favorite DeathMatch servers are no more. UrbanWarfare and BronxBobby's Custom Giant Map/Lo Grav servers. They were both outstanding servers. I miss them.
Thanks for the welcomes. I am one who hopes UT99 never dies. I have played many other FPS and like several of them a lot, but none have had the staying power of UT99 for me. I salute those who formed and have contributed heavily to this website to keep UT99 alive and evolving. I wish I had something to offer on the technical side of things, but alas I have little experience in that area. I am grateful for those of you who know these things and help others with your expertise.
fullonshred wrote:Thanks for the welcomes. I am one who hopes UT99 never dies. I have played many other FPS and like several of them a lot, but none have had the staying power of UT99 for me. I salute those who formed and have contributed heavily to this website to keep UT99 alive and evolving. I wish I had something to offer on the technical side of things, but alas I have little experience in that area. I am grateful for those of you who know these things and help others with your expertise.
i dont think this game comunity wil ever die maybe in 200 jears or so hehehe
as longs as people like it there wil always be someone that runs a master server and as long as we have that multyplay on ut wil always exist.