Rule #1: Do not make double posts on this forum. Definition: It's a double post if you add a comment/reply to the thread directly after your last one, in less than 24 hours. Advice: You can either wait patiently until someone else comments or you can edit your previous post.
WARNING: If you consistently make double posts more than a few times, admins will track down where you live and leave a bag of burning poop on your doorstep.
Last edited by EvilGrins on Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rule #B
Some avoid using too much correct english. Most people here have problem processing it.
Advice: In case your sentences turn out alright, try these proven tricks to make your post more palatable to the international membership.
- Reverse the order of two or more of these elements: verbs, nouns, complements. This will result in a correctly chaotic syntax. If your native language uses a word order different from English, try to use it. Try to push verbs at the end of your sentence if you can (as in German) to be properly hard to understand.
- Disregard ponctuation. This simple trick can give your post a number of different meanings without any possibility to distinguish the right from the wrong ones.
- Omit words, usually articles. You can skip a verb for maximum effect. This mimics some actual languages and English becomes a mess without them.
- Be agressive and sarcastic. Nobody will be sure what you really think of the issue.
Avoid combining too much of these tips; an accumulation of Proven Obfuscating Randomizers (tm) will make your post entirely unreadable. Your goal is to make reading your post a chore, not have people disregard it entirely.
EvilGrins wrote:if you add a comment/reply to the thread directly after your last one
So, a reply is allowed within 24hours, when some other replied on my last post? Or should I generally not post two replies in same thread within 24hours? When I understand you right, first sentence is the right one.
EvilGrins wrote:if you add a comment/reply to the thread directly after your last one
So, a reply is allowed within 24hours, when some other replied on my last post? Or should I generally not post two replies in same thread within 24hours? When I understand you right, first sentence is the right one.
Rule #3: Do not play, tease, make fun of, manipulate, or in any way otherwise fuck with papercoffee's mind... for he is rabid and will poke you in the eye.
Rule ALPHA/OMEGA: You must not ever, under any circumstances, upon penalty of death (it's really REALLY really a bad idea) reply to threads that haven't been active for a VERY LONG TIME!!!!
A pox on your house if you do! Only exception is if you're the one that started the thread... OTHERWISE YOU SHALL DIE!!!!
Rule #72: Do not try to get special privileges by sending naked pics to one of the forum's admins. Not only is this truly deplorable... there's a reason you spend most of your time at home playing computer games.
Hellkeeper wrote:Rule #B
Some avoid using too much correct english. Most people here have problem processing it.
Advice: In case your sentences turn out alright, try these proven tricks to make your post more palatable to the international membership.
- Reverse the order of two or more of these elements: verbs, nouns, complements. This will result in a correctly chaotic syntax. If your native language uses a word order different from English, try to use it. Try to push verbs at the end of your sentence if you can (as in German) to be properly hard to understand.
- Disregard ponctuation. This simple trick can give your post a number of different meanings without any possibility to distinguish the right from the wrong ones.
- Omit words, usually articles. You can skip a verb for maximum effect. This mimics some actual languages and English becomes a mess without them.
- Be agressive and sarcastic. Nobody will be sure what you really think of the issue.
Avoid combining too much of these tips; an accumulation of Proven Obfuscating Randomizers (tm) will make your post entirely unreadable. Your goal is to make reading your post a chore, not have people disregard it entirely.
Good luck everyone.
Rule #B.2
write your posts in Denglisch ...this is common habit in Germany.
Or ju kän jus paper's-inglisch (tm). Dschast wreit se inglisch wörds leik ju hier it in dschermän pronanziäschen.