Some good Monster Hunt?

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Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by FXANBSS »

Hi,i am not sure where to find a good Monster Hunt gametype to play with it.
Monster Hunt 2? Never played it, but i know it overrides a lot of stuff...

IDK what is the best of them, i can't find too much info.
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by MrLoathsome »

I haven't wrote it yet, but it is on the list. (far down on the list....)
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by Aldebaran »

I lately read that Monster Hunt 2 Gold is a good option to set up a Monster Hunt Server. ... unt-2-gold

The source code is included. I think some of the public MH servers have their own (non-public-)version.

I found a MH version called MH2_NS_V2 but I don't know when it was released and if it is better than the MH2Gold...
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by sektor2111 »

FXANBSS wrote:Never played it, but i know it overrides a lot of stuff...
Do you have wondered why it overrides stuff ?
Aldebaran wrote:I found a MH version called MH2_NS_V2 but I don't know when it was released and if it is better than the MH2Gold...
Also I don't know if MH2_NS_V2 is better than Gold, but has tendency to have Bot Stuff which Gold doesn't have (speaking about original map with Bot Support - unknown by cube-drawers only). If you wanna know when it was released check forum - "MH attached types" thread if I'm not mistaking... and... it's a bit older after all.

Back in MH versions "not good". What is a "MUST HAVE" in a MH ? What does it need to match "good" term ? Do you have any "good" maps to worth a "good" MH ? Let's speak about controller needs... and I want some maps too...
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by MrLoathsome »

Good, stable controller/gametype is the key here.

More Maps is always good, but must have robust controller/gametype managing things.
That is the spot to fix many errors with the multitude of horrible MH maps that contain
more horror than I care to look at currently..... :barf:
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by Aldebaran »

sektor2111 wrote:Also I don't know if MH2_NS_V2 is better than Gold
To go out from the mod title is it right then that MH2 (Gold) is the code basis for MH2_NS_V2? I can't find any related info in the thread link you posted... The most MH2Gold functions are then available in MH2_NS_V2 too?
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by sektor2111 »

If is good or not MH2_NS....whatever has a mix of things:
- Started as a rewritten MH;
- added a few MHPlus
- added a few MH2 specific things;
- rewritting Plus and MH2 stuff;
- creating/moving difficulty to mutator... getting rid of many problems in that time;
- removing OpenMover things because that is not a response for missing monsters - seriously evil things must be attacked in origins not covered with "New Features".
- removing any additional healing because regens are already doing too much;
- Added some ECoop type tweaks suggested by Core - moving shadow stupidly used in server into client where it belongs to;
- changing dry carcasses with Wet and bloody carcasses + tweaking retarded 451 engine against PlayerCanSeeMe() crashes;
- taking an account some monster attitude from EXU;
- rewriting A.I. adds for monsters;
- writing some stuff from team skins tweaking (in fact I deleted skinning color codes) - might be good other stuff;
- Writing from 0 point Bot Support (in that time was nothing done in MH2);
- rewritten regenerators;
- tweaking Skaarj;
- tweaking again skaarj;
- Teaching Bot to shoot carcasses for preventing new enemies added to bug retarded cheaters;
- Rewriting old weapons - these were pretty sucky, seriously no offend, but decals control belongs to client NOT SERVER;
- creating a new WeaponPowerup aka Amplifier aka MHUdamage also able to boost "ASMD" and "Dispersion";
- changing TimeDilation and suddenly Skaarj fixing log was getting vanished (they simply started to work properly);
- Latest things are still missing and that's why I say that is "old";
- Of course I did not described all stuff as long as I forgot everything done around 4-5 years;

Anyone telling me that he can do a MH in less than 1 month I don't believe that - unless is using codes already done around 7-8 years by at least 5-6 guys addicted to monster gaming + a few tens of testers and players + some of them which are not playing anymore UT (due to "new development options").

And now to be honest there is needed more stuff (replacing creatures) else keep dreaming at a SOLID MH - which doesn't exist if Levels are doing shit in servers. And this creature replacement is a constant stupid work as long as garbage factory is still producing retarded stuff (copying codes from monsters server crushers in new ones doing the same thing - ban those "coders" is the answer - they just ruin your playground).
Then you can't get nothing stable, all the time you need to act like an Antivirus, update update, update, until engine won't work anymore. How much do you want ? 100 Actors replaced ? 3000 Actors replaced ? 10000 ? 20000 ? Will this ever end ? "Good" monster hunt ? What exactly means "good" ? Playing at 30 FPS, at 15 , at 5, at 0.1, or with eyes closed because is the same thing ? Do speak... I listen.

Wait... I can do a PERFECT MH. Player spawns, monsters are attacking each-other and each monster dying will reward players with 10000 points. Perfect for stats, right ? At end of match an additional bonus is granted because you have 2 minutes patience for ending the Map with zero fight, just PERFECT, then everyone can be happy, right ?
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by Barbie »

I also offer a snapshot of my current version of MonsterHunt to everyone who is interested. "snapshot" because I handle it as a rolling release; after every single change tested as successful I take it out to my server. There are no mile stones.
My version was derivied from MonsterHunt2v3 but I changed and hopefully improved a lot. ;o)

  • RegenHealth
  • periodical Redeemer/Health to a random player
  • periodical group Amp/Invulnerability to all players
  • team translocator
  • a lot of reworked pickup/inventory/projectile items
  • Thing- and Creaturefactories support unlimited number of spawn points (yes, there are maps with > 16)
  • spawn points can be shared between factorys (ugly, but there are also maps with this)
  • map patching system embedded (modify/delete/spawn actors per specific map)
  • per map specific weapons for players
  • score recovery embedded
  • music change is detected for later joining players
  • glowing Lamps and Lanterns :D
  • Ammo and Weapons stucking in ground are lifted, if possible
  • Mover fixes (Returngroup, TriggeredOnce->Returning, bUseTriggered)
  • Teleporters with URL are replaced by MonsterEnd
  • difficulty of monsters can be adjusted (not only health)
  • properties are copied in CheckReplacement (if you ever wondered why Sliths are corroding on other servers...)
  • spectators have ghost mode
  • annoing monster attack surpressed before game start
  • double/triple jump for players possible
  • creating additional player starts if too less player starts exist
  • log entries have time stamp
  • HUD displays spectation players
  • some map checks before game start (duplicate actors, mutator chain, bGameRelevant, CTFFlag; some disabled per default)
  • SIGSEGV under unclear circumstances at cyclic garbage collection
  • ScoreBoard needs an eye candier implememtation
  • complete project is not designed to run on other servers than mine - although I tried to make configurable as much as possible
  • not done anything for bot support
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by sektor2111 »

Here I must share some of my Happiness: I'm always using the opportunity to attack Sliths with any BioRifle (damn how nice they explode at full bio charge), no more bullshit monster hiding away and player unable to get it because I'm not interested about MH with guiding redeemers and neither about slime zones hosting them :P .
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by Aldebaran »

Thank you sektor2111 for the detailed description. I think it is interesting to know for people who wants to install a new mh server.

One thing I would wish for monster hunt: the monsters appears at the same place every time you play the map. When the scope would be wider where monsters can spawn the maps won't be such predictable. Perhaps spawn points can be used ramdomly? Don't know if it is possible to map it in that way.

About the monster hunt mod itself I have to say that stability is one of the most important things. But I played long time now on mh servers and the servers crashed very seldom. With the right mod and maps monster hunt seems to run very stable for me (perhaps other people have other experience at this point :o ).

The monster hunt configuration should also be set in the way that the strength of the monsters is chosen wise (not too easy, not too hard). So a good monster hunt mod should offer this.

At least monster hunt should have more coop-style elements. I have no ideas at this moment how this can be realized. Perhaps there should be new game elements where players are forced to play more in a team.
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by sektor2111 »

Aldebaran wrote:One thing I would wish for monster hunt: the monsters appears at the same place every time you play the map.
:mrgreen: Te, He, the same way I was asking multiple times but... LOLOLO mapping. However... we have default options which not many people know or bother to study.
Monster setup is easier 100 times than drawing and aligning geometry. A few tests and you get into problem. An IceSkaarj tweaked with better projectiles and ordered "Ambushing" might use some random spots to spawn at entering the Level on some AmbushPoint, yes MH is not CTF but is MH for "experts" who are clueless about stuff, silence and learning is gold like. Our creature sorts a random ambush to spawn (mentioned in some doc and seen by me using other MH controller more relaxed).
Another hints:
- CreatureFactory - spawn a creature or two in SpawnPoints placed randomized;
- Something done in MyLevel setting up 5 locations and sorting randomly a location for a creature and moving it there;
- A custom thing to spawn or not whatever creature set as variable moved through multiple locations;
- Order Patrolling for a monster more far from start which might patrol through some sort of stone columns - unpredictable appearing from a spot with a good power challenging your attention. This "dude" can also switch ways using some custom pathing stuff for blocking/unblocking certain spot. Anyone bothered with such action ? "No, my monsters are not supposed to move" was the song from majority all the time + BlockMonsters is almighty stuff. That's why I was working at "virtualization" procedures but I quit this idea, is not for me. I like monster challenging in tricky way rather than waiting in the same spot to get a final direct hit. At a random moment I was thinking at some patrol injected using Actors doing moving stuff... Worth separate actors for whatever Levels ? Maybe... as you might see, if you want to change action in a Level, suddenly "mapper" goes balistic like burned in ass. UnrealEngine1 poor as it is might do some goodies if it's wise used. Right now I recall my time exhausted with that train-stuff and I think I got an idea about a Trooper having even a sort of flashlight not only weapon. Imagine that freak showing up randomly in a dark location... :lol2: behind player.
Did I mention Cams that can be used with a bit of fine tuning ? I don't have too much time and design skill as others which are wasting time in Editor for the same common trash type of mapping - sleep well, Mr. Monster. Any of them willing for special MH team-mapping ? I don't see this. I even don't see a section MH related. So what exactly do we expecting ? Only hopes for the moment.

Some coop stuff doesn't really work in MH but a few things are doable. I was doing probes if I can "FUCK UP" Shrimp's replacements from MonsterBase. It's doable, so you might have Amplifier, PowerUp, RazorJack+SkaarjOfficer using a very small mutator (which works properly even in servers as a server-side - no mismatch problems and crap - also supports XCGE in handling old stuff). I'm out of interest at stories from Translator, words type shit is doable using a trigger and if story is longer Dispatch some sounds (Zilla soon will retire, Lo Wang, go find and destroy it), and the rest of things shown with Cams.
Tournament type stuff might bring options which others can only dream about.
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by triple_ooo »

How can ppl vote for Godz, Atomic, Nuke Test facility, Insect Hell, etc a million times?? Some players are obsessed to play maps that are nothing but an empty space with a super sized monster that fires eletric bolts or nukes that deal 500 - 1000 damage. And specially the super spammy maps cause a server crash very often.

I said "this map is dumb" and the admin rebuffed "learn to play it". Learn what? That eletric bolts that deal 500 damage cause an annoying screen tilting? Or that players are addicted to firing Ultima Protos / nuke level 5 / ionizer over and over and watching their score hit billions of points? The japanese made troll maps that have instat death movers and are even named "stupid" or "idiot" are still up and running on many servers.

Do you know the doom modding community? There is a mod for doom called "boss battles", it's more or less the idea behind the godz maps for MH, except that it focus on bosses and the bosses aren't just a standard monster with one attack only.
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by sektor2111 »

Ooopsy... Yo... I can't believe that I still can see a player thinking in normal terms - you have perfectly right, you made my day :D , Sooner or later looks like people will be agree with me not with "awesome" stuff which is for people with mental problems and no logic. I personally find nothing to learn than a roulette MH game-type. We got luckily the bigger gun first, we are firing first, we are scoring first. And Now, the Dead GrandFather will come back to life because you are on the list in MH player-stats...
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by Spectra »

I would like to see additional coding which should be done at start of match.

1. Fire an iterator and scan the map with monsters with insane health like > 1500000. If found, scale down its health.
2. Same as above, check for monsters with insane melee damage. If found scale down.
3. Same as above, check for monsters with insane ground speed. If found, scale down.
4. Search for monster who is patroling. If found, make it go to state Roaming or Waiting. Patroling is useless in MH.
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Re: Some good Monster Hunt?

Post by sektor2111 »

Rocky wrote:I would like to see additional coding which should be done at start of match.
1. Fire an iterator and scan the map with monsters with insane health like > 1500000. If found, scale down its health.
Already done and not iterating. SETPAWNDIFFICULTY
Rocky wrote:2. Same as above, check for monsters with insane melee damage. If found scale down.
Doable if not already done.
Rocky wrote:3. Same as above, check for monsters with insane ground speed. If found, scale down.
Done too... I was living dumb things and that's why I have removed crap outta my yard.
Rocky wrote: 4. Search for monster who is patroling. If found, make it go to state Roaming or Waiting. Patroling is useless in MH.
NEVER EVER. Read posts above about Patroling. ROAMING MIGHT CRASH - it's an old problem of Demons][ and similar dumb Coop maps. Get more study about ScriptedPawn and see what a patrol can do randomly if is CORRECTLY SET.

Edit:The deviation
In original MH package there is a trash game called MonsterHuntArena or whatever MonsterArena. Not very used as long as maps were real garbage Not many of those "mappers" could figure how to setup End and Boss + a few servants. Main problem is that it spams a lot of errors everywhere and crashes are very often. However... I think I can do a 3 KB of mutator or 10 KB if I'm not very greed at your HDD space in purpose to remove some of those insane number of errors which MA game-type does. The most of dumb spam is coming from some game properties which were not properly set. Let me see, XCGE support can be added as well for handling old weapons if are needed.