The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only)
- Godlike
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
Bang on nog.
There should be no discussion in the voting thread. The minute you start giving reasons it opens the door to people lobbying for their particular position. That belongs in the individual map threads, not here.
This sort of contest is inherently very unfair. You can't truly judge Terra's MH map against one of the normal DM maps. MH requires so much more forethought and planning to make an enjoyable experience that the 'rules' for a good MH map are vastly different than the rules for a good DM map. I think comparing apples to oranges like this makes everything fall down to who best executed their idea.
Arguing a map doesn't deserve consideration because it doesn't have total bot support is silly. Of course people need to do that because Nog's map is so far above the rest that it becomes the only way to level it back with the playing field. I know of maybe three mappers who could create something like this. Green-eyed jealousy is strong in the consideration discussions.
I'm with you Nog, can we please just vote and be done with it? I'd like to get back to work and finish the mansion. Everyone is getting mired in negative feedback. It'd be so much better if you guys went to the individual map threads and said something nice to the people who put in some effort. I did because I enjoyed playing every single entry despite whatever issues were there.
There should be no discussion in the voting thread. The minute you start giving reasons it opens the door to people lobbying for their particular position. That belongs in the individual map threads, not here.
This sort of contest is inherently very unfair. You can't truly judge Terra's MH map against one of the normal DM maps. MH requires so much more forethought and planning to make an enjoyable experience that the 'rules' for a good MH map are vastly different than the rules for a good DM map. I think comparing apples to oranges like this makes everything fall down to who best executed their idea.
Arguing a map doesn't deserve consideration because it doesn't have total bot support is silly. Of course people need to do that because Nog's map is so far above the rest that it becomes the only way to level it back with the playing field. I know of maybe three mappers who could create something like this. Green-eyed jealousy is strong in the consideration discussions.
I'm with you Nog, can we please just vote and be done with it? I'd like to get back to work and finish the mansion. Everyone is getting mired in negative feedback. It'd be so much better if you guys went to the individual map threads and said something nice to the people who put in some effort. I did because I enjoyed playing every single entry despite whatever issues were there.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
- Masterful
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
It's not jealousy if you meant me up above. It was not nogardilaref It was pointed to. Nevermind. I don't care. I can't force myself to care.
There is some serius shit goin' 'round in the background. Throwin' it at people's face.
Here's my vote, with some extras.
I'll post screenshots, so you can see how I saw your maps. You'll know what I saw and what I didn't.(NOTE THAT THE SCREENSHOTS ARE A BIT DARKER THAN THE INGAME LOOK!!!) NONE of the maps will be tested usin' Chaos. All of the maps were grabbed from the contest thread.
This map is a perfect example of how basic geometry is able to deliver such a nice experience. While bots weren't "on the top", the interestin' theme, fittin' music and well-thought layout makes this map awesome!

A map that stands out from the rest of the entries in a lot of aspects. First because it's a Monsterhunt map, not one with a (let's call...) "standard or stock" gametype. While an MH map is harder to make than a stock one, this one delivers every aspect pretty well.
The bots were doin' their job nicely, clearin' the infested streets.
The overall feelin' is AAA thanks to the medieval setting, the awesome soundtracks, and all the decorations you can see all 'round.

Another map with basic brushwork, but rewardin' visuals nice play and atmosphere! Bots do know their way 'round too.
Sweet layout!

Well. The use of static meshes and the codin' behind it must be brilliant. With almost no offline(bot) support, the map is still playable thanks to the layout changin'. It looks a bit basic on the mappin' side, etc... The execution could've been better, but stone me if I'm not right. You may had serius limitations there.

(My image grabber didn't capture the snowy wind effect goin' on the background)

One of those maps I was waitin' like crazy to play! It looked so interestin'! Well, It turned out to be a interested indeed.
Nice brushwork came with an interestin' but a bit underthought layout. You managed to deliver one of the best feel in the competition, with big dudes watchin' your step in the torn ruins of an ancient temple. Superb!
Hope you'll add more rooms and corridors, pathways, shortcuts later!
You've got the chance to make somethin' really-really outstandin'!
Enjoy the scenery!

The best layout with an awesome feelin', beautiful brushwork and excellent look overall. A bit blank tho, BUT it's just my opinion. I'm a plant-and-overgrown maniac so... I may be a bit infatuated.

I really liked the theme you choose for the pack as a fan of the Unreal universe. The overall look, layout is just great. Everythin' is well thought, but then again, it's a bit blank for me. Plants again. INFATUATIOOOON.
Superb work.
(These pics were taken from another UT install, since it kept crashin' on my "usual-one".)

The best brushwork with excellent visuals in an unplayable form.
It's a very grand design which you didn't succeed to finish in time. Neither did I.
I hope we'll see the final version soon!
A bit too much on the corona side. Less is more sometimes!

My map. Which has zero points so far. I'm no longer thinkin' that it's inferior to any of yours. It turned out to be a very nice lookin' lil map.
It definetely has it's flaws like the corrupted .umx file which I was not allowed to change, some unfinished areas, and it's pretty resource-eatin'.
You guys may not, but others gave it a very nice welcome.

It's clear to see what's goin' on in the background.
There is some serius shit goin' 'round in the background. Throwin' it at people's face.
Here's my vote, with some extras.
I'll post screenshots, so you can see how I saw your maps. You'll know what I saw and what I didn't.(NOTE THAT THE SCREENSHOTS ARE A BIT DARKER THAN THE INGAME LOOK!!!) NONE of the maps will be tested usin' Chaos. All of the maps were grabbed from the contest thread.
Le Impact Frag - CTF-CMC-HellScape
This map is a perfect example of how basic geometry is able to deliver such a nice experience. While bots weren't "on the top", the interestin' theme, fittin' music and well-thought layout makes this map awesome!

Terraniux - MH-CMC-PartyCrashers
A map that stands out from the rest of the entries in a lot of aspects. First because it's a Monsterhunt map, not one with a (let's call...) "standard or stock" gametype. While an MH map is harder to make than a stock one, this one delivers every aspect pretty well.
The bots were doin' their job nicely, clearin' the infested streets.
The overall feelin' is AAA thanks to the medieval setting, the awesome soundtracks, and all the decorations you can see all 'round.

Silver Sound - DM-CMC-Constantine
Another map with basic brushwork, but rewardin' visuals nice play and atmosphere! Bots do know their way 'round too.
Sweet layout!

Papercoffee & Jack Griffin - DM-CMC-MansionOfChaos
Well. The use of static meshes and the codin' behind it must be brilliant. With almost no offline(bot) support, the map is still playable thanks to the layout changin'. It looks a bit basic on the mappin' side, etc... The execution could've been better, but stone me if I'm not right. You may had serius limitations there.

(My image grabber didn't capture the snowy wind effect goin' on the background)

XaNKoNII - DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid
One of those maps I was waitin' like crazy to play! It looked so interestin'! Well, It turned out to be a interested indeed.
Nice brushwork came with an interestin' but a bit underthought layout. You managed to deliver one of the best feel in the competition, with big dudes watchin' your step in the torn ruins of an ancient temple. Superb!
Hope you'll add more rooms and corridors, pathways, shortcuts later!
You've got the chance to make somethin' really-really outstandin'!
Enjoy the scenery!

memsys - DM-CMC-ChaosKeep
The best layout with an awesome feelin', beautiful brushwork and excellent look overall. A bit blank tho, BUT it's just my opinion. I'm a plant-and-overgrown maniac so... I may be a bit infatuated.

ExpEM - DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence
I really liked the theme you choose for the pack as a fan of the Unreal universe. The overall look, layout is just great. Everythin' is well thought, but then again, it's a bit blank for me. Plants again. INFATUATIOOOON.
Superb work.
(These pics were taken from another UT install, since it kept crashin' on my "usual-one".)

nogardilaref- CTF-CMC-Kullrena
The best brushwork with excellent visuals in an unplayable form.
It's a very grand design which you didn't succeed to finish in time. Neither did I.
I hope we'll see the final version soon!
A bit too much on the corona side. Less is more sometimes!

makemeunreal- DM-CMC-Letitia
My map. Which has zero points so far. I'm no longer thinkin' that it's inferior to any of yours. It turned out to be a very nice lookin' lil map.

It definetely has it's flaws like the corrupted .umx file which I was not allowed to change, some unfinished areas, and it's pretty resource-eatin'.
You guys may not, but others gave it a very nice welcome.

It's clear to see what's goin' on in the background.

So, here's mytop 3 in short
1# Terraniux - MH-CMC-PartyCrashers (3 points)
2# XaNKoNII - DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid (2 points)
3# Le Impact Frag - CTF-CMC-HellScape (1 point)
1# Terraniux - MH-CMC-PartyCrashers (3 points)
2# XaNKoNII - DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid (2 points)
3# Le Impact Frag - CTF-CMC-HellScape (1 point)
- Godlike
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
I updated the first post.
Please all participants vote now!
Yes me too.
Please all participants vote now!
Yes me too.
- Masterful
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
Will think about it tonight. Such hard choices.
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- Masterful
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
My vote in short, doing a full review on the maps. Lots of typing
But half way there. 4 reviews done. 4 to go.
1st place [3 points ]: DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence
Unrealism, very worked out game play and beautiful map. Not very 'chaos', but truly worth playing.
Love the fog settings.
Stable, reliable map. Was hard to find errors and wrong things with it. Just minor things. Excellent done.
2st place [2 points ]: DM-CMC-Letitia
Totally not chaos, not even a little bit of sandsgrain of chaos is found there.
. But I felt something else, eternal relaxation.
I truly wish this map is going to be realized in the 'real world'. I wanna swim, explore, dive and look at the sky for ever and ever.
It is walking and playing in a dream. So much effort and beauty. This map would be number 1 if it was SUMMER MAPPING CONTEST. No doubt.
For the only reason it is CMC, not SMC.
Well done makeunreal.
3st place [1 point ]: CTF-CMC-Kullrena
With head and shoulders the most Chaos map there is, beauty and shininess. The map is so detailed and tight, I can shave myself while looking at any wall.
The map is alpha, not very playable, and need sunglasses to play it. I'm getting absolutely blinded by the light.
As I truly wanted to give my third point to the others, I can not stand that this map is getting not getting any for all the efforts and things you archieved so far.
Try sollicitate at and digital art / design / game company Nog.
I would have hired you directly.
Man, it was very hard leaving the other maps not in the top 3.
You all did truly a good job.
Got a few hours left to spare to write on the full reviews, so that's what Im going to do next, and try to finish it this week.

1st place [3 points ]: DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence
Unrealism, very worked out game play and beautiful map. Not very 'chaos', but truly worth playing.

Stable, reliable map. Was hard to find errors and wrong things with it. Just minor things. Excellent done.
2st place [2 points ]: DM-CMC-Letitia
Totally not chaos, not even a little bit of sandsgrain of chaos is found there.

I truly wish this map is going to be realized in the 'real world'. I wanna swim, explore, dive and look at the sky for ever and ever.
It is walking and playing in a dream. So much effort and beauty. This map would be number 1 if it was SUMMER MAPPING CONTEST. No doubt.
For the only reason it is CMC, not SMC.
Well done makeunreal.
3st place [1 point ]: CTF-CMC-Kullrena
With head and shoulders the most Chaos map there is, beauty and shininess. The map is so detailed and tight, I can shave myself while looking at any wall.
The map is alpha, not very playable, and need sunglasses to play it. I'm getting absolutely blinded by the light.

As I truly wanted to give my third point to the others, I can not stand that this map is getting not getting any for all the efforts and things you archieved so far.
Try sollicitate at and digital art / design / game company Nog.

Man, it was very hard leaving the other maps not in the top 3.

Got a few hours left to spare to write on the full reviews, so that's what Im going to do next, and try to finish it this week.
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- Godlike
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
At first I thought "man, the voting is just all over the place" and then it hit me...the voting SHOULD be all over the place. Well done everyone, it's good to see voting spread around.
Terra, I'm going to set up my Christmas MH server this weekend. I'll make your map the startup map for the season.
Terra, I'm going to set up my Christmas MH server this weekend. I'll make your map the startup map for the season.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
- Masterful
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
That's truly a honor. But many guys here pointed out that there are several, if not way too many errors to have it played online.JackGriffin wrote:At first I thought "man, the voting is just all over the place" and then it hit me...the voting SHOULD be all over the place. Well done everyone, it's good to see voting spread around.
Terra, I'm going to set up my Christmas MH server this weekend. I'll make your map the startup map for the season.
Also the second music added is missing in the map ( accidentally removed the music actor).
Hereby I give you permission to fix anything in the map, for whatever reason it may bug online playing. This counts for others as well!
Nelsona and Ojitroc something and Barbie gave some valuable inputs. Im not a coder it is: kj4503535338jjkhdjkfhajkfh3784y26423#$%$#&^%^ 6 + 239482 - sdkjodfu8 to me.
The map will have a new release from me later in time, since I learned a lot this mapping contest and had some totally new insights.
For I have big time experience, everyday I learn something new. This mapping contest was like back to school, and loved it!

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- Godlike
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
I sent you a PM but I'll also post some if it here. My MH server is live, just finished housekeeping on it. I have plans for the season but for now I'm all caught up. If you still want to work on your MH map I'm happy to do whatever scripting you need to finish it off so you are happy. You're welcome to stop by my TS3 server if you want to chat privately about it. MH has always had a special place in my heart and I'll most likely help anyone who wants to do work for that gametype. Let's get this map [final]'ed 

So long, and thanks for all the fish
- Godlike
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- Personal rank: coffee addicted !!!
- Location: Cologne, the city with the big cathedral.
Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
Ok let's vote:
1st place: 3 points DM-CMC-ChaosKeep
This map has everything I like on a good DM map. Z-axis, very thoughtful weapon and item placement and so many ways to get in and out that you nearly get lost... but just nearly. Every here and there you can remember a part and after a few rounds you have the layout of the map in your blood. This map feels bigger than it is and it's fast.
Well Done.
But I miss the readme file.
2nd place: 2 points DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence
I'm not a DOM player but man this map is intense ...everything is very well executed. You get the actual feeling that this map is huge due to the teleporter. Weapon placement is not really 100% my liking. And too many similar textures and architecture parts lets you get lost. I was mostly just guessing where I have to go and followed just my bot team through the teleporters.
If you could make the all-dark textures a little bit more distinguishable, that would be great.
3rd place: 1 point MH-CMC-PartyCrashers
It is cramped with lots of monsters and you have to spend some time to get anywhere. I missed some Easter Eggs but I will get them later for sure. The bots are ok in this map. I had always a team of 4 out of 7 bots around me. Very nice player guidance. Only some minor design decisions are not my liking. For example the the big bland wall at the start. I would have liked to go through an actual Gate into the castle instead of this down sliding wall. This broke the immersion from the start.
Get this map ready for online play!
honourable mentions:
This map has some frame rate issues on my machine and the Bots are not supported. But DAMN is this map a beauty. Heavy use of meshes and crazy BSP magic. Checking this map out in the Editor nearly crashed my rig.
And I drooled on my keyboard.
Only thing I would change... the way to each flag room is very short and I don't know why I should go to the admirable Underground section or why should I go up and use this fantastic elevator.
A magnificent skybox and the broken parts give a very surreal vibe and the place with the U-damage is great. But the remaining map not so much... too much empty space for my taste. Long rooms, long corridors and just some pillars as cover.
You invested very much time in the void effects (the Redeemer place shocked me
) but it seems like you lost all energy when it had come to actual game play layout. When you start in one of the two main fighting areas then you mostly get fragged there as well.
Fill those empty space with playable obstacles ...ramps, stairs, floating stuff... think about ways to get up or down in many different ways and not just a few elevators.
DM-CMC-Constantine had btw the same problem with the emptiness. It's too empty and too less weapons and items.
Every time before I got close to a weapon I got fragged by three other Enforcers.
DM-CMC-Letita. Here it's the opposite I couldn't really move here. Too much brush work, I got stuck on many place but mostly on the upper part. And it crashed on my machine ... my graphic card must be a grump it doesn't like so much brightness and sparkling.
And CTF-CMC-HellScape has some serious pathing issues. The red team won't leave the base and if the blue team got the flag they won't leave it either. The brush work is ok for a beginner map. I like the idea of the U shaped map layout.
The blue flag isn't lit up. I couldn't see it and had to guess if it would be there.
1st place: 3 points DM-CMC-ChaosKeep
This map has everything I like on a good DM map. Z-axis, very thoughtful weapon and item placement and so many ways to get in and out that you nearly get lost... but just nearly. Every here and there you can remember a part and after a few rounds you have the layout of the map in your blood. This map feels bigger than it is and it's fast.
Well Done.
But I miss the readme file.
2nd place: 2 points DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence
I'm not a DOM player but man this map is intense ...everything is very well executed. You get the actual feeling that this map is huge due to the teleporter. Weapon placement is not really 100% my liking. And too many similar textures and architecture parts lets you get lost. I was mostly just guessing where I have to go and followed just my bot team through the teleporters.
If you could make the all-dark textures a little bit more distinguishable, that would be great.
3rd place: 1 point MH-CMC-PartyCrashers
It is cramped with lots of monsters and you have to spend some time to get anywhere. I missed some Easter Eggs but I will get them later for sure. The bots are ok in this map. I had always a team of 4 out of 7 bots around me. Very nice player guidance. Only some minor design decisions are not my liking. For example the the big bland wall at the start. I would have liked to go through an actual Gate into the castle instead of this down sliding wall. This broke the immersion from the start.
Get this map ready for online play!
honourable mentions:
This map has some frame rate issues on my machine and the Bots are not supported. But DAMN is this map a beauty. Heavy use of meshes and crazy BSP magic. Checking this map out in the Editor nearly crashed my rig.
And I drooled on my keyboard.
Only thing I would change... the way to each flag room is very short and I don't know why I should go to the admirable Underground section or why should I go up and use this fantastic elevator.

A magnificent skybox and the broken parts give a very surreal vibe and the place with the U-damage is great. But the remaining map not so much... too much empty space for my taste. Long rooms, long corridors and just some pillars as cover.
You invested very much time in the void effects (the Redeemer place shocked me

Fill those empty space with playable obstacles ...ramps, stairs, floating stuff... think about ways to get up or down in many different ways and not just a few elevators.
DM-CMC-Constantine had btw the same problem with the emptiness. It's too empty and too less weapons and items.
Every time before I got close to a weapon I got fragged by three other Enforcers.
DM-CMC-Letita. Here it's the opposite I couldn't really move here. Too much brush work, I got stuck on many place but mostly on the upper part. And it crashed on my machine ... my graphic card must be a grump it doesn't like so much brightness and sparkling.
And CTF-CMC-HellScape has some serious pathing issues. The red team won't leave the base and if the blue team got the flag they won't leave it either. The brush work is ok for a beginner map. I like the idea of the U shaped map layout.
The blue flag isn't lit up. I couldn't see it and had to guess if it would be there.
- Masterful
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
I played your map online with Nali Weapons 3 and saw no issues. Perhaps I had luck...Terraniux wrote:But many guys here pointed out that there are several, if not way too many errors to have it played online.

The map is well done in this small space, I like it!
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
Yeah, it's on purpose, and the gameplay is mostly based on my own experience in CTF in multiplayer.papercoffee wrote: CTF-Kullrena
Only thing I would change... the way to each flag room is very short and I don't know why I should go to the admirable Underground section or why should I go up and use this fantastic elevator.![]()
Most of the players/bots will go directly by the shortest path, but they will be met with highly packed action from the opposite side as well, so it's actually the hardest way to get the flag.
While the underground and elevator are alternate, but longer, routes, so they're actually easier to take to get the flag.
Normally alternates are built on the sides of a map, so players tend to flank, but I tried to do it more on the Z-axis.
Plus, if you take the underground route, you will be able to get a lot of important pickups I meant to place there: Redeemer, UDamage, Shieldbelt and Big Health.
While with the elevator one, you get the best placement on the map to shoot down enemy players/bots from high above, you get Invisibility, and there's the surprise factor by taking the flag through those holes on the ceiling of each base.
Also, players spawn in all 3 major zones, and you can get get from the main zone to the underground through the tower, so there are a lot of strategical combinations that can be made to get the flag.
Either way, once I add the needed bot paths, you should be able to see this since I will try to make the bots do it all.

- Godlike
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
Can't wait to see the end result.nogardilaref wrote: Either way, once I add the needed bot paths, you should be able to see this since I will try to make the bots do it all.
Le Impact Frag, XaNKoNII and memsys have to vote.
Then I can count the bonus points to the result.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
Ok,so here are my votes for the contest.
1st place [3 points]: DM-CMC-ChaosKeep
Probably the best Layout of the contest. With a huge opening in the middle and a lot of little corridors and rooms around it, expect a real frantic DM experience.
2st place [2 points]: DM-CMC-Kullrena
The best looking map of the contest. Period. The map looks so beautiful, it belongs in UT2k4. not only to have a more fair "competition", but to also run better. Probably has something to do with UE1 limits, but that's besides the point. Remove some less lens flares and add in botpathing and you've got yourself a winner.
3st place [1 point]: DM-CMC-Letitia
A really nice map. Not everyday you see this kind of theme in here. The map has a really good atmosphere, and the layout to go with it. Just make the water shallower at places and fix up the lighting a bit. All in all,
1st place [3 points]: DM-CMC-ChaosKeep
Probably the best Layout of the contest. With a huge opening in the middle and a lot of little corridors and rooms around it, expect a real frantic DM experience.
2st place [2 points]: DM-CMC-Kullrena
The best looking map of the contest. Period. The map looks so beautiful, it belongs in UT2k4. not only to have a more fair "competition", but to also run better. Probably has something to do with UE1 limits, but that's besides the point. Remove some less lens flares and add in botpathing and you've got yourself a winner.
3st place [1 point]: DM-CMC-Letitia
A really nice map. Not everyday you see this kind of theme in here. The map has a really good atmosphere, and the layout to go with it. Just make the water shallower at places and fix up the lighting a bit. All in all,

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realize it doesn't say anything it's too late to stop reading it.
- Adept
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
I keep meaning to post but real life keeps kicking my ass. I hope I can manage to post my vote tomorrow.
EDIT: here are my reviews!
I give 3 points to : DM-CMC-Letitia because I like the overall non standard UT aesthetic. I think enjoyed playing this level the most.
I give 2 points to : DM-CMC-MansionOfChaos for the crazy shit paper and gopo pulled off here, very impressive! I had fun exploring the crazyness of this level. and I LOVE those rugs!
I give 1 points to : CTF-CMC-HellScape Despite some small things with layout I think it's a very strong first map!
EDIT: here are my reviews!
The good
I like the way the map looks, it's well textured despite the limited amount of textures used (a little more variety would be nice IMO).
Lighting is well done and I thing the use of lensflares to give the water a glow-y / mist-y effect is quite creative.
The bots work well and the entire map has environmental sounds.
The bad
I do have some issues with the map however.
the stairs and ramps are too steep IMO. There is a bit too much deep water for my taste, this slows down the combat quite a bit. I'm not personalty not a fan of giant plants with pickups placed within them.
Some pickups a bit hard to grab when you are swimming I found this to be rather annoying.
The little things
The BSP hole near the triple arches can be fixes by making to middle arch a semi-solid.
The subtracted cube for the armour room needs to be moved a little so that it does not cut a hole in the stairs.
A little tip, I saw you use the 2D editor quite a bit. The engine prefers multiple simple brushes over a single complex one, in other words using multiple vertex edited cubes will often result in less BSP issues and overall cleaner BSP.
As a follow up to the above, you should look into brush clipping, it's a criminally under used tool, Hellkeeper has a great tutorial.
It's a nice map, i would like to see where it goes despite the few I don't really like.
I like the way the map looks, it's well textured despite the limited amount of textures used (a little more variety would be nice IMO).
Lighting is well done and I thing the use of lensflares to give the water a glow-y / mist-y effect is quite creative.
The bots work well and the entire map has environmental sounds.
The bad
I do have some issues with the map however.
the stairs and ramps are too steep IMO. There is a bit too much deep water for my taste, this slows down the combat quite a bit. I'm not personalty not a fan of giant plants with pickups placed within them.
Some pickups a bit hard to grab when you are swimming I found this to be rather annoying.
The little things
The BSP hole near the triple arches can be fixes by making to middle arch a semi-solid.
The subtracted cube for the armour room needs to be moved a little so that it does not cut a hole in the stairs.
A little tip, I saw you use the 2D editor quite a bit. The engine prefers multiple simple brushes over a single complex one, in other words using multiple vertex edited cubes will often result in less BSP issues and overall cleaner BSP.
As a follow up to the above, you should look into brush clipping, it's a criminally under used tool, Hellkeeper has a great tutorial.
It's a nice map, i would like to see where it goes despite the few I don't really like.
The good
This map has potential but it needs work. It is clearly made by someone who is new to mapping.
@Le Impact Frag, for a first level I think you did a good job. (my early attempts at mapping where WAY worse!)
Don't take the things in the "the bad" section the wrong way, I want to review all maps to the same standard and that does mean I have to be hard on in experience mappers.
The bad
The map does not have a screenshot or level info in game.
The map is WAY too dark, some zone lighting would help a lot, even a low brightness value.
Bots are broken, blue team likes to attack but can't make it back to their base, red team only defends and sometimes bots don't even leave the spawn room.
There is no way to exit the lava if you fall in, maybe you should add a few ramps.
Looking at the map in the editor shows me that some brushes are placed rather crudely.
Some texture are not alighted properly.
Clearly you are new at mapping and you still have a lot to learn. The ut99 community is a friendly bunch and there are a LOT of resources that you can use to become MUCH better!
I would recommend you download the large mapping tutorial pack that can be found on ut99 and reading at least some of it.
All in all this is pretty good for a first level and I look forward to what you will come up with in the future as your skills improve!
This map has potential but it needs work. It is clearly made by someone who is new to mapping.
@Le Impact Frag, for a first level I think you did a good job. (my early attempts at mapping where WAY worse!)
Don't take the things in the "the bad" section the wrong way, I want to review all maps to the same standard and that does mean I have to be hard on in experience mappers.
The bad
The map does not have a screenshot or level info in game.
The map is WAY too dark, some zone lighting would help a lot, even a low brightness value.
Bots are broken, blue team likes to attack but can't make it back to their base, red team only defends and sometimes bots don't even leave the spawn room.
There is no way to exit the lava if you fall in, maybe you should add a few ramps.
Looking at the map in the editor shows me that some brushes are placed rather crudely.
Some texture are not alighted properly.
Clearly you are new at mapping and you still have a lot to learn. The ut99 community is a friendly bunch and there are a LOT of resources that you can use to become MUCH better!
I would recommend you download the large mapping tutorial pack that can be found on ut99 and reading at least some of it.
All in all this is pretty good for a first level and I look forward to what you will come up with in the future as your skills improve!
The good
A monster hunt map in a 4096 cube?! Are you mad?! It's impressive that you managed to cram it in even if it's a bit of a spam fest (not really my thing)
I admit I cheated, I used god mode and the occasional redeemer to speed things up because I kept dying all the time because without something like utjmh I found it too hard.
The map is well textured, well lit and the bots can finish the map.
The bad
I find the map a tad too spammy, I understand why it was done this way but it makes playing the map take forever in a way I don't find enjoyable. With something like UTJHM I find it more playable.
The respawn rate of the ammo is a bit too low seeing as how I kept dying over and over and seeing as the bots did the same often there was just no ammo at all.
The little things
Your cat texture at the end needs a little tweaking to fix the masking.
sometimes a bot gets stuck for a while
It's a nice little and well made HM map.
A monster hunt map in a 4096 cube?! Are you mad?! It's impressive that you managed to cram it in even if it's a bit of a spam fest (not really my thing)
I admit I cheated, I used god mode and the occasional redeemer to speed things up because I kept dying all the time because without something like utjmh I found it too hard.
The map is well textured, well lit and the bots can finish the map.
The bad
I find the map a tad too spammy, I understand why it was done this way but it makes playing the map take forever in a way I don't find enjoyable. With something like UTJHM I find it more playable.
The respawn rate of the ammo is a bit too low seeing as how I kept dying over and over and seeing as the bots did the same often there was just no ammo at all.
The little things
Your cat texture at the end needs a little tweaking to fix the masking.
sometimes a bot gets stuck for a while
It's a nice little and well made HM map.
The good
The map look fairly nice and the lighting is well done.
There is a nice amount of detail in the ceilings, something you don't always see.
The bots work well enough
The bad
Practically all the combat takes place in the large room in the middle with everyone using the rocket launcher.
There are not NEARLY enough pickups meaning you WILL get shot from all sides with enforcers more then a few times.
the map is mostly empty space
The little things
some trim would be nice to see around the door openings.
some textures need better alignment.
Overall this map needs some tweaks to be more playable.
This map is okay, it needs work but it can be made playable.
The map look fairly nice and the lighting is well done.
There is a nice amount of detail in the ceilings, something you don't always see.
The bots work well enough
The bad
Practically all the combat takes place in the large room in the middle with everyone using the rocket launcher.
There are not NEARLY enough pickups meaning you WILL get shot from all sides with enforcers more then a few times.
the map is mostly empty space
The little things
some trim would be nice to see around the door openings.
some textures need better alignment.
Overall this map needs some tweaks to be more playable.
This map is okay, it needs work but it can be made playable.
The good
HOLY-BANANAS-ON-A-STICK-BATMAN! This is THE most impressive thing I've seen in a long time.
If combined with a few warpzones (dynamic ones if such a thing is possible) would allow for some REALLY crazy things!
I have walked around 20+ min in this map, I think I've seen all it has to offer but I am not sure.
The bed in the basement gave me a good laugh.
I totally dig the surreal vibe going on.
The bad
No pathing.
The map is too dark IMO
The pickup points don't show what you are picking up other then if it's ammo, health or a weapon.
This map was CLEARLY made as a demo to show some cool stuff not as a playable map, even so I find it very impressive.
I would love to see what can be done with this new tech!
HOLY-BANANAS-ON-A-STICK-BATMAN! This is THE most impressive thing I've seen in a long time.
If combined with a few warpzones (dynamic ones if such a thing is possible) would allow for some REALLY crazy things!
I have walked around 20+ min in this map, I think I've seen all it has to offer but I am not sure.
The bed in the basement gave me a good laugh.
I totally dig the surreal vibe going on.
The bad
No pathing.
The map is too dark IMO
The pickup points don't show what you are picking up other then if it's ammo, health or a weapon.
This map was CLEARLY made as a demo to show some cool stuff not as a playable map, even so I find it very impressive.
I would love to see what can be done with this new tech!
The good
The top chamber looks amazing! it's well detailed decently lit and I think it's a really cool effect and I think it has a lot of potential
The map is nicely trimmed.
The bad
the map does not fit inside a 4096 cube.
The large room downstairs feels like an after thought.
The large room downstairs has the shield belt, the big keg AND the invisibility! That is just too much!
There is a lot of empty space downstairs.
There are too many spawn places that are not close to weapon pickups
This map kinda feels like you had the idea for the top room and then had no idea what to do for the rest of the level. It's a real shame because this map could have been SO much better!
The top chamber looks amazing! it's well detailed decently lit and I think it's a really cool effect and I think it has a lot of potential
The map is nicely trimmed.
The bad
the map does not fit inside a 4096 cube.
The large room downstairs feels like an after thought.
The large room downstairs has the shield belt, the big keg AND the invisibility! That is just too much!
There is a lot of empty space downstairs.
There are too many spawn places that are not close to weapon pickups
This map kinda feels like you had the idea for the top room and then had no idea what to do for the rest of the level. It's a real shame because this map could have been SO much better!
The good
This map is very well made. good use of textures, moody lighting but almost too dark IMO.
Bots work just fine.
The map feels a LOT larger then it really is.
The bad
The map is a bit too dark for my liking.
I would have liked to see a little more variety in the textures because as is it's fairly easy to get lost/disoriented.
It's a good level with a few minor issues.
This map is very well made. good use of textures, moody lighting but almost too dark IMO.
Bots work just fine.
The map feels a LOT larger then it really is.
The bad
The map is a bit too dark for my liking.
I would have liked to see a little more variety in the textures because as is it's fairly easy to get lost/disoriented.
It's a good level with a few minor issues.
The good
Is this UT99 or UT2k4?! Very impressive visuals!
the map is SUPER detailed.
The lighting is SUPER detailed.
I like the layout.
The bad
No paths!
No pickups other then the invis and the redeemer!
Even my I5 2500 with GTX770 has problems keeping a stable framerate as it dips as low as 20-30ish!
Lensflares are a bit over used.
This thing is pure eye candy! But it still needs a ton of work as it's still in the alpha stage.
Is this UT99 or UT2k4?! Very impressive visuals!
the map is SUPER detailed.
The lighting is SUPER detailed.
I like the layout.
The bad
No paths!
No pickups other then the invis and the redeemer!
Even my I5 2500 with GTX770 has problems keeping a stable framerate as it dips as low as 20-30ish!
Lensflares are a bit over used.
This thing is pure eye candy! But it still needs a ton of work as it's still in the alpha stage.
I give 3 points to : DM-CMC-Letitia because I like the overall non standard UT aesthetic. I think enjoyed playing this level the most.
I give 2 points to : DM-CMC-MansionOfChaos for the crazy shit paper and gopo pulled off here, very impressive! I had fun exploring the crazyness of this level. and I LOVE those rugs!
I give 1 points to : CTF-CMC-HellScape Despite some small things with layout I think it's a very strong first map!
- Godlike
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- Location: Cologne, the city with the big cathedral.
Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only
Updated the first post.
XaNKoNII C'mon vote please!
XaNKoNII C'mon vote please!