The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only)

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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by XaNKoNII »

1st place: 3 points MH-CMC-PartyCrashers : Best and optimal work, great presentation and the most fun to play
2nd place: 2 points DM-CMC-ChaosKeep : Despite not being fully Chaos themed in my opinion, it has many great scores :)
3rd place: 1 point DM-CMC-Constantine : Although somewhat inconsistent areas of the map (in terms of quality), loved what it did and the elements that it uses

I want to apologize for taking so long to say anything :oops:
But in one hand my job has been demanding so much energy of me that i couldn´t have the courage to start typing, on the other hand despite this i did force myself to do it anyway... only to be deleted by an autentication error wich swept a whole afternoon of work straight to the garbage... So I was back in the first hand with even less mental energy to see this through. Until today that is :shock:

For my votes I did a general balance and tried to be objetive, following certain parameters i found crucial.
Let me clarify that bugs and minor issues were compeletely disregarded as those are fixable and we all know this is in no way the
final versions of the maps to be played online.
But I did have the Contest Rules and guides in mind when making my decision:
"-Theme of the contest is CHAOS ...spooky bloody chaos!"
"The playable area must be inside a 4096x4096x4096uu space"
"-Any game-type allowed."
"-The contest badge must be placed somewhere into the map on a visible place. Not just in some easter-egg room."
"- Map Screenshot, Bot-Support and Music (at least a MyLeveled blank.umx) are a must."

Also before reading these keep in mind, do I really know what I´m talking about? I´m so new to this, some parts can be hold true and other be complete trash... so If you disagree with something I say don´t care about it srly

makemeunreal: DM-CMC-Letitia
Excelent Arquitecture, light and element placement. You paid very atention to all small details without compromising consistency through out all areas of the map. I loved the sky islands detail as for those that pay atention will use this visual cue to know where they are (in such an island) :D
With such a limited space you took advatange of Verticality, horizontal flow and decorative elements to create the scene for the Deathmatch. weapon placement and item placement was well balanced and decorative :wink:
In sum, this map met all requirements that the contest asked for... But the theme was just so happy and devine ( the name of the map even means happiness) , I think you missed a great oportunity to make it like a false paradise that could hide terrors, I would probably have made a blood pool with corpses and laid out some traps arround the map :noidea
Le Impact Frag: CTF-CMC-HellScape
A demonstration of the power of "Simple". good brushwork, although needing some practise in overall you got the typical UT Brushstyle pretty good :gj:
"Simple" but well thought and defined path´s betwen bases as well as item placement. You followed the Guide/rules and delivered a functioning (meaning enjoyable) CTF map instead of going to a simpler DM model, wich shows atitude from you 8)
With more practice you will make a good mapper, you have the eye for the details that matter so keep it up and I´m proud you decided to join in the competition :ironic:
Terraniux: MH-CMC-PartyCrashers
H-How did you put it?...

Die? Bitch... ? :pfff: well see about that :mad2:

Die Bitch Indeed :satan: , this was a chalange to begin with: low space more complex maping type and a well defined theme to follow. Yet you manage to outcome all and deliver a professional work and a really enjoyable experience.
Good arquitecture and use of spaces was maximized and dynamic. What I especially love about this map is that you took the traditional chaos theme of Halloween wich is more used than my Ex, but still you managed to make it singular and memorable with all those little details and secrets (the intro, the decorations, the waving guys and the Purr Purr <3 ). Of all maps this is the one that gets excelent points in every aspect, design, theme, execution, consitency and memorable... making me have no other choice but to give you my 1st Vote.
SilverSound: DM-CMC-Constantine
It´s interesting how everyone found a diferent meaningn of Chaos in this contest, and In your case I love the way you did it.
While everyone was making their original and diferent visions you looked where everyone outlooked, you took the designs and atmospheres of Unreal Tournament Itself and realised there was Gothic Dark Chaos in it, you staid truthfull to the original formula of the game but met the theme of the contest in a clever way.
You show potential and vision in arquitecture and brush work, but unfortunaly a strong con is that i feel you didn´t manage to bring consistency to the entirety of your map. The flow and itemn placement were simple but efective and again truthfull to the formula, but you have areas in your map that are Excelelent and others just average in delivery quality: something that demonstrates a yet lack of practice (meaing you still show evolution within the same map, but with time this will be in betwen maps).
papercoffee and Jackgriffin: DM-CMC-MansionOfChaos
Mansion of Chaos... reminds me of Thief:The dark project Mission 6: The Sword , fairly simple and linear layout and arquitecture but memorable...
It´s truly an experience and a map to be played and played again... Much hard work was put into this and you should feel proud of it because I loved it :lol2: and it really does start like: "theres some cool decorations, k" ,"this is just a regular map" but then "ok... what the..." and everyroom made me feel on my toes and was expecting the best and the worst at the same time, such an emotional rush :rock:
Sadly the Theme is quite original and met, the decorations, layout and everything is there but... there is no purpuse, no killing, no story progression, in other words It failed to bring closure a few other requirements for the contest, so you score really high in some aspects and very low in other aspects that even things out and bring it to the middle :|

You shouldn´t have quit, what i think you guys really failed was not to make this an SP map from the begining. I don´t see any reasons for you to not participate with us :noidea
XaNKoNII: DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid
What do you expect me to say about this sad excuse for a map? :noidea big uncle bens watchin some poor fellas in the vacum of space? what is this Celestials? are we in a marvel universe all the sudden? where´s the Stan Lee easter egg?

Well jokes aside, I will make use of this space to express how I felt as a participant in this contest. This is my first contest and in now way I ever thought i would have the courage to participate in one, I still don´t have much trust in my maps to think they are still worthy in some way. To my suprise it actually cought people´s atention and I´ve been told it was enjoyable and interesting... so thank you all that thought this and said it :D I felt well recieved and apriciated by all participants which really motivated me to keep going :highfive:
memsys: DM-CMC-ChaosKeep
Best Flow of all maps, weapon placements and somewhat confusing and "chaotic" rooms and corridors through out all the map. Especially in the dungeon areas (Iove the Udamage spot)
Great arquitecture and excelent lighting, somewhat reminds me of a Source map (like half-life or Counter strike) maybe because of the general geometry, still I can find classic UT elements all arround wich is refreshing.
Despite not having sounds wich cuts the atmosphere they were all placed so it is clear it was a time shortage reason.
Another thing i have to say something about is that this is probably the map that i believe really missed out the oportunity to create a more santanistic theme, you have a medieval gothic atmosphere and the dungeons to do so... maybe if the skybox was diferent or more red that would have done the trick.
Still a solid and enjoyable map
ExpEM: DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence
First of all, what does "Psyence means"?
This is a Classic example of Unreal Nali temples, a perfect execution and demonstration of the enviroments we saw in that game. Everything geometrically simple but arquitectonically detailed just enough to elevate the quality :gj:
you added a few elements of your own wich combined really great with the existing asthethics (those portals and those crystals all arround were excelent).
But what is has of great i think its the weakness of this map, for me (don´t take it badly) It was little bit just too vanilla :/ too peacefull albeit dark (wich i liked)

nogardilaref: CTF-CMC-Kullrena
This map is the crownjewl of the contest. THANK GOD YOU DIDN´T FINISH IT :loool: (lol jk :mrgreen: )
This is what i would expect from someone who worked as a Level Designer comming straight from DOOM 2016, It has a very comercial look into it but at the same time it has that personal artist touch and and atmosphere. Though layout and flow, complex visual cenario but geometrically not really, it has much personal detail into it with all those costum coded stuff and decorations. A big plus is that you respected the Theme very well !
Sadly I think it´s too much for this Engine to take and although pretty cool it´s something to be taken in consideration. wich in my opinion makes me say that the itent of contest was not respected, afterall this is to be put into a mappack and online playable. Also it was presented in Alpha version with the gameplay severly incomplete wich also counts against it.
Despite the downsides, it does score really high in many aspects so in a way it balances out kinda.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by makemeunreal »

I'm very glad that you guys liked my map in general. It looks like that biggest and strongest complaint was the theme, which was the complete opposite of the contests theme.

Let me add a little trivia-like-thingy here.

The very first idea was to build a bath a spa-like Nali temple overran by the Chaos lords leavin' nothin' but blood, and guts behind.
I was, however unable to deliver this due to the lack of my favorite image editor, Photoshop.
I couldn't deliver that feeling without it.

Let me show you somethin':
The map supposed to have the name: DM-CMC-Cesspool due to the fact that it would give home to extremely disgustin' stuff.
I didn't change the name durin' the process as you can see. The last version was cess80 which got renamed to Letitia.
That's how the rotten-ugly-disgustin'-cesspoolish theme did a 180 grade turn.

Letitia is the name of my girlfriend's. Another bit of trivia.

This post will be attached to the original thread of my map.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by Terraniux »

Ive been counting this afternoon, I was like so curious..... :what: haha. - so we have a winner for now!

( the first post not updated, and counted xantons post in this )

Clap clap Memsys!

The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE Winners :
1 first place: Memsys : 11 points
2 second place: Terraniux and Expem : 8 points
3rd place : Makemeunreal and XantonII : 6 points.
4th place:, SilverSound, le impact frag, and nogardilaref 3 points

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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by ExpEM »

First of all, what does "Psyence means"?
It is a mix of "Psychic" and "Science".
for me (don´t take it badly) It was little bit just too vanilla
No badly-ness taken, nice review. :tu:
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by papercoffee »

Updated the first post.
The official results are.


Code: Select all

DM-CMC-Letitia				2-1-3		+1SL-+1FL
CTF-CMC-HellScape			1-1-1		+1SL-+1FL
MH-CMC-PartyCrashers		1-3-1-3	+1SL-+1FL
DM-CMC-Constantine			2-1		+1SL-+1FL
DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid	2-2-2		+1FL
DM-CMC-ChaosKeep			3-3-3-2	+1SL-+1FL
DOM-CMC-NaliPsyence		3-3-2		+1SL-+1FL
CTF-CMC-Kullrena			1-2		+1SL

SL= space limit
FL= file-size limit

First place
memsys with 13 points

Second place
Terraniux & ExpEM with 10 points

Third place
makemeunreal with 8 points


Congratulations memsys!!!
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by XaNKoNII »

Good, something I missed out is that i accidentally went over the unit limit. Only someone noticed, I was worried you would count a point anyway :oops:
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by papercoffee »

XaNKoNII wrote:Good, something I missed out is that i accidentally went over the unit limit. Only someone noticed, I was worried you would count a point anyway :oops:
I noticed it days before. :wink: But the contest was already over.
Before I played the maps I looked for the file size and space size and made a list.
Your map was the only one which haven't got the space bonus and Nog's and our Mansion map didn't got the file size bonus.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by nogardilaref »

Congratulations memsys. :tu:

Btw, does this mean we can actually start to release fixed/finished versions of our maps now?
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by papercoffee »

nogardilaref wrote:Congratulations memsys. :tu:

Btw, does this mean we can actually start to release fixed/finished versions of our maps now?
Yes please! ...sorry, got a little bit agitated.

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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by memsys »

Well, I better get started then! XD

Oh, yey I won :ironic:
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by makemeunreal »

Congratulations! Don't forget to add a few plants to the map!
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by ExpEM »

Congrats memsys!
and congrats to all for a close competition!

On a tangent, 2nd equal this year, 3rd equal last year... First equal next year?
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by makemeunreal »

Will users vote as well?
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by ExpEM »

Will users vote as well?
With memsys announced as the winner, I wouldn't hold my breath on that.
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Re: The Chaos Mapping Contest VOTE thread (participants only

Post by Le Impact Frag »

papercoffee wrote:
nogardilaref wrote:
Btw, does this mean we can actually start to release fixed/finished versions of our maps now?
Yes please! ...sorry, got a little bit agitated.

Ok, but how long can we release the final versions? before Halloween, right? 'Cuz I'm kinda sick and don't have the energy to work on the map atm :barf:
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