NfoServers weren't informed about certain servers using XC_Engine and desired run-line which founder himself has modified. In 469 there are changes at natives no longer having XC_Engine compatibility, as result, server was turned into a permanent crusher crap and nothing could start it. I see 469 using certain things similar with UGold227 - I don't think these are an answer...
#1) In 469 like in UG227 command from Editor used very intensive by me "Camera Align" doesn't work properly anymore - it should align camera over a selected actor because this is needed at changing viewport rendering type and when is losing focus over a selected actor - What was the problem here?
#2) I suspect that map stripped will have a "bytes-purging" causing zoneinfo actors to look like they share the same zone (deleted iLeaf data ? Why ?)- else in UGold227 certain areas are not zoned any longer because... they don't use a ZoneInfo actor when they should have LevelInfo properties in this case.
Because I have mods using XC_Engine by default, I have no use at this time of v469. Apology for my rants but I won't remove mods and maps because of newer Engine - these servers by me are working as they are with XC_Engine and conformed stock - Titans dying from a shock-ball, lolz. NfoServers actually aren't helping me with "template replies" and changes undocumented and NO it's nothing like a new standard as long as I could manage map's navigation (changes, removals, adds) and newer "standard" is causing me to return back in the dark and no longer having these options - losing options for me it's not a standard, it's only a n00b admin assumptions clueless in all ways, some of these geniuses have never heard about XC_Engine and they cannot even write 2 UScript lines calling this extension, I don't get why NfoServers are listening and are following what are saying these "button-admins" with no knowledge about newer options for UE1 in XXI century

Things in account as described even in G00gl3's forums: Don't fix things which ain't broken. Editor commands have to be fixed and those which were working can be left alone. Give me a builder with C++ support for reachSpecs - it won't break any server, builder can be installed/uninstalled after all.
One of answers having nothing to do with what I was asking was talking about "an UnManaged VDS". Then I must ask: What is for a Managed VDS if I have no use of it and you recommend me an answer to a question which I never asked ?
Exactly here I wanted to write ban tool using a Dynamic array because their firewall won't help due to some OS exploits... which M$ doesn't care for ages...
I'm hoping that XC_Engine for V469 won't have an XC_EditorAdds causing connections at more than 1500 UU range and impossible jumps. You can even put back Range option like in XCGEv21.