34 y.o., from Argentina, playing Unreal games ever since 2001, I guess, can't remember when I tried the first Unreal game, but I do remember that I definitely fell in love with the series with Unreal Tournament in 2002 and my life has never been the same since that fateful day. My areas of interest? Anything regarding lore and fan-related stuff. Not really big on pro-level play, as it tends to attract one of the most annoying and nefarious classes of player ever. (I consider myself an "anti-elitist", btw, elitism is one of my main pet-peeves...).
Some of you may know me as the guy who admins the Unreal Wiki. Not too long ago I was doing the same for the Liandri Archives (R.I.P.). That last part didn't work so well in the end, but I did my best there. I have to admit that going through archives of dead sites in order to collect information has been a bit therapeuthic and fun, to say the least.
Other part of you know me as the guy who

And others just know me as the annoying guy who hangs out on Discord and calls himself [DX] TripleH, lol!
Favourite game series are mostly old-school: Unreal (ofc, otherwise what would I be doing here?!), Quake, Serious Sam, Doom, Duke Nukem, Age of Empires, Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo... and my latest addition has been Borderlands. I spent an entire decade without knowing how awesome that game was. Damn me!
Used to be a mapper, but my early Unreal maps are best left out in /dev/null.
Which of the Unreal games I like? ALL OF THEM. At worst, a certain Unreal game may be my "least favorite" (here's looking at you, U2 & UT4).
Also, as you just saw, a troper. Yep, entire years of my life have been ruined the very day I knew the existence of that site. On the other hand, that site also allowed me to enjoy the entertainment pieces I love the most in a bunch of new ways.
I don't know what else should I write about... so there's that for the moment.