Jeeps, tanks, helicopters, turrets, hover bike (manta). In future be more vehicles.
Usable in any game mode (even in network play), but mostly targeted to Vehicle CTF (VCTF) and Monster Hunt.
Original demo video:
more videos
As separate packages (Can be used without other).
XWeaponLocker (subclass of TournamentWeapon) XJumpPad (subclass of Teleporter) XPaths
- AlternatePathNode - chained AlternatePath, which allow make CTF paths in any complexity and in any shape. Subclass of AlternatePath.
- DiagonalDodgeSpot - make bots do diagonal dodge in specific spots. Subclass of LiftCenter.
- DoubleJumpSpot - make bots do double jump in specific spots if double jump enabled on server. Subclass of Teleporter.
XGreed - Greed game mode.
more info about Greed
Game mode that focuses on collecting skulls dropped from dead players and capturing them in the opposing team's base. For Greed, the game uses all Capture the Flag and Vehicle Capture the Flag maps.
The objective in Greed is to get the highest number of skulls. A player can collect skulls by fragging enemy players, and picking their skulls up. The player will then take the skulls to the enemy bases "hoop" and redeem them for points. The first team to reach the score limit wins.
Green skulls is same as UT3 Silver skulls.
Green skull give +1 point.
Gold - +5.
Red - +20.
For every five and ten skulls the player delivers, players are awarded fifty points of armor and thirty seconds of UDamage respectively. The UDamage timer will stack, whereas the armor will not.
Matches in Vehicle CTF maps have bonuses regarding main seats in vehicles. Killing players driving big vehicles grant 10 skulls (dropped as 2 gold skulls), killing players driving medium vehicle grant 6 skulls (1 silver + 1 gold) and killing players driving any other vehicle except Turrets grant 2 skulls (2 silver).
To reduce the mess caused by huge drop counts, players first drop red skulls worth 20 points, then gold skulls worth 5 points and finally green skulls worth 1 point.
Auto merged new post submitted 22 minutes later
Greed - Gameplay video:
old info
- modification for X-Vehicles for make it playable over network.
- this is still demo full of bugs and glitches, but it playable on some level.
- this packages subject of modifications. So if new version come and you install any version in your UT client you can see package mismatch. So better not install it on clients. Install on server and let's clients use own cache.
- almost all changes about make stuff work over network.
- enter message make more friendly.
- fix few weird bugs.
On network work almost all stuff. Broken burned parts local for each player, so it is placed in different places for different local players.
Almost all vehicles effects visible on network.
Even water stuff (not be goal, happens accidentally).
In archive also exists map on which you can test vehicles.
Same as original test map.
About future:
I not plan make some mod from it. On current stage work over. Possible if someone report of some critical bugs it be fixed, but not expect something more.

Download: ... ses/latest
Where you can test / play / practice with X-Vehicles
If you want setup own server with XVehicles
Tips for make XV CTF map