XVehicles (work online) (VCTF, VMH, Greed, VDOM for UT99)

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XVehicles (work online) (VCTF, VMH, Greed, VDOM for UT99)

Post by Buggie »

XVehicles - Bring vehicles into UT99.

Jeeps, tanks, helicopters, turrets, hover bike (manta). In future be more vehicles.

Usable in any game mode (even in network play), but mostly targeted to Vehicle CTF (VCTF) and Monster Hunt.
Original demo video:

more videos

As separate packages (Can be used without other).
XWeaponLocker (subclass of TournamentWeapon)
XJumpPad (subclass of Teleporter)
- AlternatePathNode - chained AlternatePath, which allow make CTF paths in any complexity and in any shape. Subclass of AlternatePath.
- DiagonalDodgeSpot - make bots do diagonal dodge in specific spots. Subclass of LiftCenter.
- DoubleJumpSpot - make bots do double jump in specific spots if double jump enabled on server. Subclass of Teleporter.
XGreed - Greed game mode.
more info about Greed

Game mode that focuses on collecting skulls dropped from dead players and capturing them in the opposing team's base. For Greed, the game uses all Capture the Flag and Vehicle Capture the Flag maps.

Info: https://unreal.fandom.com/wiki/Greed
Skulls: https://unreal.fandom.com/wiki/Skull

The objective in Greed is to get the highest number of skulls. A player can collect skulls by fragging enemy players, and picking their skulls up. The player will then take the skulls to the enemy bases "hoop" and redeem them for points. The first team to reach the score limit wins.

Green skulls is same as UT3 Silver skulls.
Green skull give +1 point.
Gold - +5.
Red - +20.

For every five and ten skulls the player delivers, players are awarded fifty points of armor and thirty seconds of UDamage respectively. The UDamage timer will stack, whereas the armor will not.

Matches in Vehicle CTF maps have bonuses regarding main seats in vehicles. Killing players driving big vehicles grant 10 skulls (dropped as 2 gold skulls), killing players driving medium vehicle grant 6 skulls (1 silver + 1 gold) and killing players driving any other vehicle except Turrets grant 2 skulls (2 silver).

To reduce the mess caused by huge drop counts, players first drop red skulls worth 20 points, then gold skulls worth 5 points and finally green skulls worth 1 point.   
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Greed - Gameplay video:

old info
What is that:
- modification for X-Vehicles for make it playable over network.
- this is still demo full of bugs and glitches, but it playable on some level.
- this packages subject of modifications. So if new version come and you install any version in your UT client you can see package mismatch. So better not install it on clients. Install on server and let's clients use own cache.
What changed:
- almost all changes about make stuff work over network.
- enter message make more friendly.
- fix few weird bugs.

On network work almost all stuff. Broken burned parts local for each player, so it is placed in different places for different local players.
Almost all vehicles effects visible on network.
Even water stuff (not be goal, happens accidentally).

In archive also exists map on which you can test vehicles.
Same as original test map.

About future:
I not plan make some mod from it. On current stage work over. Possible if someone report of some critical bugs it be fixed, but not expect something more.
All thanks send to Ferali - it is his work.

Discord: https://discord.gg/NVaNRXUvUU

GitHub: https://github.com/SeriousBuggie/XVehicles

ModDB: Image

Download: https://github.com/SeriousBuggie/XVehic ... ses/latest

Where you can test / play / practice with X-Vehicles

If you want setup own server with XVehicles

Tips for make XV CTF map
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by EvilGrins »

I edited some maps to use with the originals, are the filenames the same or will I need to update the maps?

For example · https://unreal-games.livejournal.com/142709.html
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

Yes. File names is same, No any map update need.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Ubir4 »

Thanks for the update.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »


- Added possibility spawn multiple vehicles from one factory (bUseMultipleSpawn)
- Added factories for each vehicle for easy use.
- Damaged vehicle restarted by timer.
- Vehicle moved away from respawn point restarted by timer.
- Fix rotate turret for TankGKOne on net.
- Reduce network usage.
- Better healthbar.
- Fixes for render info after crosshair.
- Fix some script warnings.
- Fix crash when fall into deadly trigger.
- Fix exit behind thin wall.
- Partially fix exit near wall.
- Fix kill messages.
- Fix enter messages for spectators and before game start.
- Fix crash on some collide
- Fix driver change weapon - lost ability exit from vehicle
- Fix fire behind thin walls
- Fix work camera switch over network
- Better handle run over obstacles and stairs.
- Better cam position for high located targets.
- Show vehicle direction for factories.

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EvilGrins wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:33 pm Something I was always meaning to test I never got around to... as the Military Skaarj can pick up and use the same weapons players and bots do, does that also mean they can drive the X-vehicles?

Because I see those vehicles on the map, so that would be an understandable concern.
Well, it is not a weapon. And players need crouch for enter into it.

For bot works used special actor:
Class BotAttractInv extends Inventory;
It is not weapon.
Skaarj search for weapon, not for Inventory.

In fact they enter to vehs (if own WeaponType is none), but able only drive, not shoot from it. Only if run over another pawn kill it. Or by collide.

Also they attack vehs if anyone inside. Even if another skaarj.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »


- Fixed arc movement on network.
- Fixed call TakeDamage on local side.
- Improved keys help.
- Fixed HUD.
- Fixed network lags by increasing NetPriority.
- Fixed usage movers (lifts, cabin cars, moving floors, etc).
- Reduce random blow up problem.
- Fixed bug in Arc movement in physics.
- Tune params for arc movement.

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Re: XVehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

Where you can test / play / practice with X-Vehicles
  1. Servers: 333networks: Search servers which run XVehicles maps now

    GameTracker: Search servers which run XVehicles maps now
  2. Maps: XVehicles maps on UnrealArchive

If you need many maps, you can download bundle of maps from:
moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/xvehicles/addons

or github:
https://github.com/SeriousBuggie/XVehic ... TF-XV-Maps

https://github.com/SeriousBuggie/XVehic ... MH-XV-Maps
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

Some notes about usage tanks on maps. (mostly for MH)

You can not just drop tanks to any map and expect it be good.
1. Tank is expendable. If player lost tank armor and not able refill it, tank goes to be useless. Even without obvious fact - blow up tank is instant death for anyone inside.
So if you not able heal tank in some way then after some time (in reality - very short) tank goes to be destroyed. Anf if player survive (left tank before explosion) he definitely not run back to another one.

I solve this by introduce fix gun - special weapon which player get inside tank, which able heal (fix) tanks.

2. Tank is weak. One titan able kill tank too fast. Even 2800 armor of Shrali nothing against one titan.

I solve this by mutator, which modify tanks armor and make most well-known damage type less in 10 times. After that tanks can be used as tanks, not as suicide paper box.

3. Tank need space. Small maps not fit at all.

4. Need way bring tank into current battle place. nobody want ride tank few minutes, for return to battle, blow up and ride again and again.

Fortunately tanks able correctly (I hope so) travel on teleports, so you can respawn tanks on start point and use shortcurt teleport system.

5. Tanks disappear if left empty after timeout OFC timeout can be tuned, but this can lead to overflow map with unused tanks. On other side it is lead to fear left tank for not lost it.

Avoid places where need out from tank for long time or add respawn for tanks near such plaes.

6. Tank not able go in narrow places.

Count this.

7. Need maintain balance between how easy/hard get new tank after lost current. If it is too hard for obtain (long ride) nobody use it. If it too easy, nobody will heal it. Easier drop old one after damage and pick new one.

8. Melee monsters not able attack player in tank, so some monsters like Dino, not threat at all.

Also if melee distance is bigger from tank collision radius monster able hit you directly in tank. For example megatitan of big size able do this if you try get over it.

9. Tank too good for run over, so need increase count of monsters appropriate, or one tank run over all exists monsters too fast.

10. Using tank can be boring, even more boring from using weapon. Shoot 100 respawnable gasbag via minigun usually more fun, rather do same via tank.

I prefer not use factories at all. You can used it in reasonable amount.

11. Tanks is bugged. You must be ready it can blow on almost flat place (rare) or slopes (often). Or climb over almost vertical walls, which allow player reach some areas before time and break map flow.

Need count this.

Advice: Not place all tanks types together.
They different and for best experience better make split it by types. So if player want better tank he need more actions and take care of it.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Feralidragon »

Feel free to change armor and damage values directly in the base package.
Back when I did this, it wasn't in a perspective of using them in MH, but rather more in a ONS or VCTF kind of mode (think UT2004 for example), so the vehicles armor was set mostly based on that.

But if you see that they're best used in MH instead, and that they can only work properly there with some rebalancing on the values and their behavior, by all means go ahead, you don't necessarily need to create side mutators to do that. :)
I have abandoned this project years ago, so you are free to treat this as your own. :)
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »


Anyway need different settings for usage in MH and any PvP modes. because it is total different usage.
Possible for DM on tanks, weak armor and missing ability fix is ok. Same for VCTF.

I not want stick to only MH. So possible there be different setup for different game types.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »


- Fix not able swim up or down if exit underwater.
- Disabled Arc movement (until not reworked properly), for prevent weird blow up in many cases.
- Fixed message about bring info about tanks.
- Show info message only if HUD reduced enough.
- Fix flood in server log about "unwanted function SetPlayerViewOffset".
- Reduce network usage.
- Fix spectate.

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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Man_With_No_Body »

Vehicles sort by size …...health:
Jeep SDX ………….…… 600 (light plasma dual cannon)
Jeep TDX ………………..900 (heavy plasma dual cannon)
Kraht (small tank) ….…. 1550
GK-1 (grey tank) ….…... 1350 (+ machine gun)
ML-102 (red tank)…....…1800
Shrali (huge tank) ………2800 (+ gunner)

https://imgur.com/3jYrWWY 34kb

Suggestion to any XV-map. Spawn timer:
10sec……. jeep
30sec……. tank small, tank grey
60sec……..tank red
90sec……. tank huge

Note: more heavy vehicles = > more deadly = > more costly = > longer time to spawn = > player should take more care about it

Comments to the Kraht (small tank):
- fast like a jeep/decent cannon/ extremely agile / fast acceleration/ “string shoe” could enter most of the buildings
Suggestion - 1550 health match Red tank (1800) = imbalanced health (*)
- best combat tactics = ramming of monsters at full speed (**)
- drawback = inertia (***)

(*) based on the size, health should be lowered to 1100
(**) like a hot knife troughs butter
(***) at top speed, difficult to stopped, any friendly foot player in front of tank => hamburger )

edited link of pic:
Last edited by Man_With_No_Body on Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »

Man_With_No_Body wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 2:36 pm Suggestion to any XV-map. Spawn timer:
10sec……. jeep
30sec……. tank small, tank grey
60sec……..tank red
90sec……. tank huge
Note: more heavy vehicles = > more deadly = > more costly = > longer time to spawn = > player should take more care about it
This cause to fight and additional drama.
Imagine game started all rush to red tank (10 players). Someone try push others.
And reach tank one newcomer which blow up it in 10 seconds of use.

Cost of death must be not by hardness obtain tank, but by some penalty like drive some time to bring it to battle field again.
So current timer is good enough.

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Man_With_No_Body wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 2:36 pm Comments to the Kraht (small tank):
- fast like a jeep/decent cannon/ extremely agile / fast acceleration/ “string shoe” could enter most of the buildings
Suggestion - 1550 health match Red tank (1800) = imbalanced health (*)
- best combat tactics = ramming of monsters at full speed (**)
- drawback = inertia (***)

(*) based on the size, health should be lowered to 1100
(**) like a hot knife troughs butter
(***) at top speed, difficult to stopped, any friendly foot player in front of tank => hamburger )
It is more reflect techology. Human tank is use worse armor. So it Health is less. And it is bigger, and more weak at shoot.
But it equipped with nice turret, which can cover more angles, rather usual tank cannon. And it can be used together.

Kraht and ML is fine too. One get you big speed with relative weak cannon, second lower speed, more protection, bigger size, more power cannon.
I not see any imbalance.

Kraht easy be stopped and if that happen, possible can be jammed by monsters, without way for make enough acceleration for out.

For example on Giran,
if you want be slower (and collect most of hits) then you goes on ML. Warlord if fly high - unreachable for you.
If you want be fast and run over avoid hits -you can use Kraht. But still useless if Warlord goes high.
GK-1 useful if you want use turret. Also it big, which is matter if you want run over bosses. On ML they jump to top. On GK-1 you collide them between tank and wall, and they die fast.

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- Add mutator XVehiclesSummon for summon vehicles (mutate veh 1-6), for make tests.
- Add mutator XVehiclesMH for set vehicles settings for MH.
- Fix flood in log on driver death.
- Added FixGun into archive.
- Fix flood in log from "TankOver".
- Add support for Affector.FireEffect, like sound from udamage on shoot.
- Add selection weapon group depends from used seat. For example, if used turret on second place, in HUD 2 group be selected.
- Add LiveFeed message with player name if spectate.
- Better handle delay to switch vehicle camera when spectate, for allow iterate over players.
- Inertial exit from vehicle - Pawn use vehicle velocity on exit.
- Inertial jump when stay on vehicle.
- Added delay 2 seconds for next teloprt for prevent teleport in loop between two points.
- Fix show message about fixing to player who fix it.
- Add message about faster fix if be very close.

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How use vehicles on MH map

1. You need install in UT XVehicles at least v4.
2. Load in Actor browser next packages:

Code: Select all

"XWheelVeh.u" "XTreadVeh.u" "XVehicles.u" "FixGun.u"
just navigate to System folder, in name field put above list and hit "open".
3. Navigate: Info - Mutator, and place to map next mutators:
4. And place Factories for vehicles. You can found it at: Actor - VehicleFactory.

Vehicle can be placed in 3 different kind on map:
1. Vehicle itself (Actor - VActor - Vehicle - ...) - such vehicle after destroy gone forever.
2. VehicleFactory (Actor - VehicleFactory - ...) - such vehicle exists only once on map, after destroy resurrect on respawn after some delay,
3. VehicleFactory (Actor - VehicleFactory - ...) with VehicleFactory/bUseMutipleSpawn = true - such vehicle respawn again new one, after exists one leave respawn area. (prefer way usually).

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Also wanna note: v4 must be completely compatible with weapon replacement mods, like NW3 or EXU.
Previous version suffer from issues with FixGun. now all must be OK.

Also weapon FixGun must be never replaced in game with another weapon.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »


- Bots now folow same rules for drop flag as players.
- Drop any carried decoration if enter to vehicle.
- Add option DropFlag which can be DF_None, DF_Driver, DF_All. By default DF_None;
- Show flag on roof of vehicle if flag carrier inside.
- Make more visible message about locked vehicle.
- Show state (and team of vehicle) above it.
- Add ability heal with pulse beam if team same (disabled by default).
- Add VehiclesConfig class for store config in default properties.
- Fix play car alarm sound.
- Fix team overlay on net and for tanks.
- Fix clear ownership for vehicle.
- Fix some flood in the log.
- Fix reset vehicles by time.
- Add message about main keys at bottom of screen.
- Fix blow up on hit obstacles in some cases.

Updated at first post: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=14936[hr][/hr]

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Some screenshots for latest update.
Vehicle can be team locked after respawn.
You not able enter to it if team not match.
Once after vehicle used it can be stolen by another team.
If someone inside, then instead of dot appear team sign.
Locked blue vehicles.
Flag appear on roof if flag carrier inside.
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Re: X-Vehicles (Network play)

Post by Buggie »


- Bots able recognize vehicles and enter to it.
- Bots able driver vehicles to goal (sometimes very awful).
- Bots able exit near flag.
- Bots able exit if vehicle on low health for prevent die.
- Bots count weapons in vehicles as strong.
- Bots better recognize targets when in vehicles.
- Fix init passenger cam when bot inside for first time.
- Add mutator XVehiclesCTF.
- Bots use prediction for shoot.
- Bots slow down for avoid collision damage.
- Bot switch to driver seat after some time wait on passenger seat if no driver.
- Bots not switch camera distance.
- Bots enter to vehicle only if crew fit (orders, position and so on).
- Set different AI rating for different vehicles.
- Hide keys info for spectators.
- Fix ability vehicles stuck inside each other.
- Bots able exit if vehicle not able goes more, but driver can.
- Fix kill by own vehicle immediately after exit.
- Fix rotate vehicle after exit or change seat with hold rotation.
- Fix weird loop change pitch in some cases.
- Fix "flying tanks" bug.
- Fix aim on slopes.
- Fix change rotation when use teleports.
- Fix gun aim when something on vehicle top.
- Little better kill messages for PvP.
- Fix disappear crosshair issue.
- Add second "crosshair" as laser dot of real aim.
- Fix produce sounds from previous weapon, like chainsaw.
- Add shadow below vehicle.

Updated at first post: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=14936

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Shadow below vehicle:
Real aim mark:

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Soon. Example of single solo run for flag by bot with using vehicle:
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