Just a simple addon for UnrealEd which allows mappers to include WebTeleporters into their maps.
you can use Http(s):// (Links) and/or unreal://IP:PORT also Mailto://user@theweb?subject="whatever"
so basically if you want a client to visit your webpage(s) or server(s) in case of a portal map.. you may use this Actor in your maps.
from the readme;
Code: Select all
UnrealEditor extension WebTeleporter
Proasm and no0ne.
Whats this?..
Just a small Addon for UnrealEditor which enables mappers to place a WebTeleporter
into the Map allowing for sending clients to Websites or Other Servers.
copy WebTeleporter.u to System Folder.
MyLevel the WebTeleporter by typing into the Command: [bar]
obj load file="WebTeleporter.u" package="MyLevel"
open the Actor Browser and tick/untick the "Actor Classes only" toggle few times to refresh Actor List.
goto teleporter > WebTeleporter.
Select VisibleWebTeleporter and insert into map.
you will see a nice icon appear (thanks to our sponsor FireFox)
double click on this icon and goto WebTeleporter > Link
enter there either a website URL Http(s):// or unreal://IP:PORT to send clients to another server.
You can also use Mailto://email@theweb?Subject="Whatever"
If you MyLevel The WebTeleporter then no need to send with your map!
