Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Tutorials and discussions about Mapping - Introduce your own ones!

Terraniux, i want you to make...

Poll ended at Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:32 pm

A new Crystalmine5
A new AfterDark 3
A brand new MH map
Or a successor of an existing map of me (hit the comments)
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Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by Terraniux »

Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one

The mapping fever has entered me again, its taking control. :mrgreen:

Vote the poll if you please :D

and yes Nelsona the bothpathing will suck....

and I have given this a lot of thought....
I'm about to retire UT99 mapping, and will release (maybe) some small maps in the future. I just want to release 1 more big more map.
Due personal reasons, this guy is waving the flag( figuratively speaking).

Hit me! :highfive:
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by EvilGrins »

If you're the one making it, definitely!
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by smeerkat »

Terraniux is back! I might make a map as well (not MH).
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by Aspide »

That's awesome, you are one of my favorite MH mappers :rock: , the levels you've made are creative, fun and have great music. Maybe it would be a great idea to make a MH map that has elements of all maps that you have made or make a completely new map. Also if you want I could help you with the bot pathing, fun fact: I always modify maps I install and I recently changed AfterDark2 so bots can beat the map all by themselves, I had to cheat a little bit on the final section with the Titans :tu:
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by OjitroC »

Yes would be great to see a new MH map from you - always enjoy playing your maps :tu:
Terraniux wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:32 pm and yes Nelsona the bothpathing will suck....
Don't worry too much about the botpathing - MH maps are to be enjoyed by Players (humans) :P
Nothing worse than bots completing a MH map. I remember spending over an hour on one map, can't remember which, and got fairly close to the end only to be killed and then the map suddenly ended - finished by a bot and after all that time I didn't get to see the end! After that stopped using bots in MH maps and now only play those I can complete by myself - which is a lot of the more sensible ones that don't have ScriptedPawns with insane health or insane damage from projectiles.
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by sektor2111 »

Terraniux wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:32 pm and yes Nelsona the bothpathing will suck....
I would not count on that :P .
I have here all scripted helpers that can be used to deploy paths during run-time, which can have a more dynamic character and quality than any hard-coded sort of junks. And... let's say that Bots won't end map - that is mainly MAPPER's fault and nobody else. When mapper has no clue how to prevent Bot from ending map, it's not like Bot has to be blamed for that. But, usually human format which is guilty about something is throwing responsibility elsewhere for their lousy activities and failures and then are coming with hilarious explanations causing even kids to make fun of them.

I don't see any reason to not have a blind End for Bots preventing them to finish map. I don't see why End is active before killing monsters. I don't see why the end is not protected from direct touch and getting open only by Player, etc, etc. And I don't understand why Movers need to be opened by GRAB command heading to a sudden end by HUMAN player itself ON-LINE - and no, Bot was not there, but some lolzers and hooligans that are coming only to ruin fun, to talk craps and detract others from having a good time... And here I have a plenty of chatting evidences... it's not the case for derailing topic.

As a proof, maybe you can find a map called something like "DarkForest" or whatever with full Bot Support but... you can sleep there all night long and Bots won't end map, they are waiting patient like a dog until player is coming around in order to end map. Here I used original MH bugs and Engine "capabilities" in my favor - it happened a few years ago, not in 2023 when options and experience are expanded - and "fixes" are just damaging things that were operational.
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by Red_Fist »

I want the bots frying me an egg and watching the news for me. or else !!!

I still like the cave map thing, make it deeper longer harder with tunnels for secrets and shortcuts.
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by OjitroC »

sektor2111 wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:07 pm And... let's say that Bots won't end map - that is mainly MAPPER's fault and nobody else. When mapper has no clue how to prevent Bot from ending map, it's not like Bot has to be blamed for that.
Indeed, it would be pretty silly to blame bots for finishing maps - it's obviously down to the mapper. But the thing is ... if the Player has no idea whether a particular map has been set up so that the bots can't get to the End, then it's better not to use them. Personally I find bots in MH annoying and they detract from my enjoyment of the map - so that's the main reason why I don't use them in MH. I play in a particular way or style and bots stop me doing that. I am, of course, not suggesting that anyone else should not use bots nor, indeed, that there is only one to play a MH map.
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by sektor2111 »

Not all maps are suitable for Bots, but let's say that monsters can be smarter, delegated to perform some tasks.
In other hand, I'm not sure if boys are understanding that a map has no "secret". There is no more secret after finding it. This concept of "secret" place is out of logic, is a myth.
On a different ground, even pathing and monster activity can be dynamic based on certain factors. Using a run-time navigation might have more improvements and techniques than what is embedded. You can stick for two networks that are deployed based on some day-time or anything else. Even Movers/Doors can be delegated to work different. Who does such things ? Nobody, even in next 10 years... I can bet on that.
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by Terraniux »

I thank you all for replies. I will take all of them into consideration. Especially Aspide's idea, adding multiple existing ingredients and flavours of me into the bowl. I'll leave the poll for a couple of weeks on.
For now a brand new map it is.

Might release, some small tuts as well. ( I found some gaps, some things, non-existing tutorials (spoiler! :ModeMatinee: ) For as UT99 is alive, its up to the next generation mappers, lets share all we got. :agree1: :thuup:
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by smeerkat »

Terraniux wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:43 pm Might release, some small tuts as well. ( I found some gaps, some things, non-existing tutorials (spoiler! :ModeMatinee: ) For as UT99 is alive, its up to the next generation mappers, lets share all we got. :agree1: :thuup:
You could make a YouTube series of your new map in progress. Something like a weekly update.
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by Terraniux »

Alright, I've waited a couple of weeks. A brand new map it is! I'll open a w.i.p. topic soon. I'll share some screenshots and videos as well!

Uhm...? How can I end the poll?
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by UnrealGGecko »


I set the poll to end tomorrow :P GL with the map :)
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by Red_Fist »

Don't "think" too hard, and make it "perfect" like me LoLzz

I fixed your crystalmine but you never uploaded it, for some reason, I liked that map.
So maybe in a new idea have a little crystalmine section., dunno man, rock on.
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Re: Who's up for a new MH map? CM5 or AfterDark3 or a brand new one?

Post by OVH »

Terraniux wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:52 pm A brand new map it is! I'll open a w.i.p. topic soon. I'll share some screenshots and videos as well!
BUMP! :wink: