Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

I know, the config can become a jungle. But I'm not sure making a UI is the solution here.
Making a good UI for this that not sacrifice usability is not a trivial thing to do.
Configuration files are powerful and easy to modify, easy to make backup of it.
And you can indeed use advanced text replace feature with regexes from your favorite text editor.

Now this may come as a surprise but aliases are already supported.

They have been a part of MVE since MVE2a (maybe even before??)

Code: Select all

The configuration above is same as manually typing out all the mutators as
seen in the configuration below:

Code: Select all

Please note that this is basic text substitution and you have to ensure that the commas are in the right place after substitution.
Also currently not all properties support aliases... but MutatorList does support it.

I'm planning to rework this feature to make it work better.
So if you bump into anything with aliases, let me know.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by caver01 »

OMG that’s a huge help! I suppose I should have realized with everything else in Unreal that Aliases were available to me. <EDIT--should have read this whole thread in detail ha ha> Thanks for pointing this out. This will greatly simplify configuration and readability.

As far as UI goes, agreed. It would be a huge investment of effort, and for what? When you can already have a lot more power and versatility in the direct file edits. I get it. Thanks again. I love this community!
Last edited by caver01 on Sun Nov 19, 2023 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

Well this "Aliases" is MVE specific Aliases, it's a feature coded inside MVE.
You configure it from inside MVE_Config.ini

And unfortunately there is no way of realizing this, unless you go out of your way to poke around and look at
other people's MVE_Config who use this feature, maybe.

But I will update the example config file for next release for sure, to help people discover this feature.

Good luck with the setup!
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by caver01 »

Ok, so I added the MapFilters for UnrealCoop and it's still sorting alphabetically. Oddly, I re-enabled the built-in Special PremadeA example and that sorts maps as listed. . . strange. Here's my game type and map filters:

Code: Select all



DKBluff is at the top, Vortex2 at the bottom of this list. . . Not sure what's going on.   
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I might have found something. DKChizra still has XX in the filter number. . . lemme fix that and see what happens   
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Nope. Still sorting alphabetically   
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I found a couple other mistakes in my list referencing maps that are not in the maps folder--it's not easy to get a good, sorted list of the DK maps!

With all of that cleaned up, it still sorts alphabetically. I even changed all of the maps referenced in the MapFilters to be case specific, as many of the DK maps pack have map files with goofy capitalization.

Here is my current list of map filters for coop unreal:

Code: Select all

MapFilters[41]=coopunreal DKVortex2
MapFilters[42]=coopunreal dknyLeve
MapFilters[43]=coopunreal DKdig
MapFilters[44]=coopunreal DKdug
MapFilters[45]=coopunreal DKpassage
MapFilters[46]=coopunreal DKChizra
MapFilters[47]=coopunreal DKceremony
MapFilters[48]=coopunreal DKdark
MapFilters[49]=coopunreal DKHarobed
MapFilters[50]=coopunreal DKTerraLift
MapFilters[51]=coopunreal DKterraniux
MapFilters[52]=coopunreal DKNoork
MapFilters[53]=coopunreal DKRUINS
MapFilters[54]=coopunreal DKTrench
MapFilters[55]=coopunreal DKisvkran4
MapFilters[56]=coopunreal DKISVKRAN32
MapFilters[57]=coopunreal DKISVDECK1
MapFilters[58]=coopunreal DKspirevillage
MapFilters[59]=coopunreal DKThesunspire
MapFilters[60]=coopunreal DKSkycaves
MapFilters[61]=coopunreal DKSkyTown
MapFilters[62]=coopunreal DKSkyBase
MapFilters[63]=coopunreal DKVeloraEnd
MapFilters[64]=coopunreal DKBluff
MapFilters[65]=coopunreal DKDasaPass
MapFilters[66]=coopunreal DKDasaCellars
MapFilters[67]=coopunreal DKNaliBoat
MapFilters[68]=coopunreal DKNalic
MapFilters[69]=coopunreal DKNaliLord
MapFilters[70]=coopunreal DKDCrater
MapFilters[71]=coopunreal DKExtremeBeg
MapFilters[72]=coopunreal DKExtremeLab
MapFilters[73]=coopunreal DKExtremeCore
MapFilters[74]=coopunreal DKExtremeGen
MapFilters[75]=coopunreal DKExtremeEnd
MapFilters[76]=coopunreal DKQueenEnd
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

The filter code must start with the keyword "premade"
replace "coopunreal" with "premadeunreal"
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by caver01 »

Of course that did the trick! Thanks! Not sure how I missed that requirement. I thought the premadeA and B were just examples. It works!   
Auto merged new post submitted 27 minutes later
Ok, new question. I tried using an alias in a string of packages like this:

Code: Select all

. . . Packages="<oldskoolpackages>,UTSpawnInventory". . .

Code: Select all

But this resulted in a UT.ini file that had a ServerPackages all strung together on one line:

Code: Select all

which of course crashed at launch and required some edits to recover. Does the aliases not work right on the Packages= section? Or perhaps I missed a comma somewhere.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

Looking at the source code there was no way of aliases working with the settings. I made a small tweak to apply it for the settings as well.

For packages, it should already work in theory. Your configuration looks good. So there could be a bug here.

You also have something called MainServerPackages, the packages you configure for each gametype are always appended to the MainServerPackages, then aliases gets processed for the whole string.

Maybe there is a bug here. That's way I plan to rework the aliases and to debug it properly.

I'll need more time to investigate these, until then I leave you with this dev build
it should enable aliases for settings.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by caver01 »

Hey, wow! You are going above and beyond. I will try playing with it again when I get a chance and make backups first so I can get it back to working again more easily.

I am using MainServerPackages to my advantage for sure. I appreciate the attention. It's not like I am incurring any costs with my server or anything "urgent" that I need to get running. It's just pure enthusiasm and nostalgia, and like most of us here, one thing leads to another and suddenly you are excited to try the next thing, and the next!

Thanks to all of the fine folks in this community, my little server is coming along nicely, and it's hard not to want to make it the "do everything" server. Example: Just explored XVehicles the past couple of days and having lots of fun there. I suppose there is an opportunity now to incorporate some kind of tagging or filter on those maps since XV is not a specific game type.

Anyway, thanks for the help!
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by -brokentoy- »

there is a problem, a blank window opens
all windows are blank ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
in server log:

Code: Select all

[MVE] Map Vote Extended version: MVE2h
MapVote DM-Deck16][.MapVote0 (Function MVES.MapVote.EvalCustomGame:0011) Accessed array 'CustomGame' out of bounds (-1/100)
[MVE] Successfully loaded map: `` idx: -1 mode: Tournament DeathMatch - Crashed
what recommend? tnx
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by esnesi »

-brokentoy- wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 5:34 pm Hi,
there is a problem, a blank window opens
all windows are blank ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Would be best to share your MVE_Config file, so we can see which config you are trying to load and fails.
Did you perform a mutate bdbmapvote reload after your changes?
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by -brokentoy- »

esnesi wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 12:40 pm
-brokentoy- wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 5:34 pm Hi,
there is a problem, a blank window opens
all windows are blank ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Would be best to share your MVE_Config file, so we can see which config you are trying to load and fails.
Did you perform a mutate bdbmapvote reload after your changes?
Sure, ini-file in attachment. Also attach screenshots mutator window and console after mutate bdbmapvote reload
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by asosed »

why your ini .txt?
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by Barbie »

Tip apart from topic:

write the commands for admin logins into a text file located in SYSTEM folder, for example "AdminbRipper" (without extension), content is

Code: Select all

adminlogin MySecretPassword
summon bpak.bRipper
In game you type in console exec AdminbRipper. If you type that in chat by accident (or make a screenshot) noone can do something with it.
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »


1. I see you attached a MVE_Config.ini.txt file, the file should be named MVE_Config.ini and should be located in your System folder otherwise the game engine won't see it

2. Try the stock using MVE_Config.ini without any changes until you have at least the DM-* maps showing up in MVE, you can find it in the release package

3. Otherwise I see no issue with the file you attached... so something else is failing. Is your config file properly named? Do you have DM maps in your maps folder? Did you modify the Paths in UnrealTournament.ini? Are you hosting on windows or linux?

@Barbie thats a nice trick! Thank you! I personally have the adminlogin on a keybind. You can achieve similar results via a keybind.

Code: Select all

set input f10 adminlogin MySecretPassword
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Re: Map Vote Extended - MVE2h

Post by _21 »

May be of some interest to some people:

Newer versions of MVE have a feature which does allow replacing songs on maps.
We use this to add a song on maps where the author forgot to set a song.

To enable this feature you need to set `bEnableMapOverrides` to true in the
`[MVES.MapVote]` section of `MVE_Config.ini`

`bOverrideServerPackages` should be enabled to allow `ServerPackages` to be
automatically populated with the referenced song packages.

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