IRSAgent wrote: ↑Thu Aug 15, 2024 6:24 pm
Thank you! I didn't know that I had to create the filter, too. I'll re-order the mutators too but I'm just wondering, why would I want to change the load order? Does it make FNN work better?
Well in your config you run the weapon mutator before you actually run newnet.
The logical choice is to run Newnet first, before loading the preferred weaponmutator NewNetFM in this case, as the mutator requires the base mutator > newnet.
IRSAgent wrote: ↑Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:53 pm
Hello, is there is maximum amount of custom games in MVE2h? For some reason, my server won't load any past 33.
IRSAgent wrote: ↑Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:53 pm
Hello, is there is maximum amount of custom games in MVE2h? For some reason, my server won't load any past 33.
class MapVoteWRI extends WRI;
var string CustomGames[100];
The original MVE_Config.ini has 35 defined CustomGames but maybe that amount has never been tested.
Yeah, it says that but I just did a bunch of testing and it seems to not be the case? I even removed and re-added custom games and I can confirm that it won't load any past 33. I would be interested in seeing someone's config if they've got more than 33 to load. Auto merged new post submitted 2 minutes later...Nevermind... I just found this at the end of my file. Removing it seems to fix the issue. I must've accidentally pasted it down there. Another user error post from me lol.