Update on Real Life

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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

OwYeaW wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 3:46 pm So you have been convicted of a crime?

What have you done specifically that leaded to all this?
Don't dig that up. Basically not much, except they tried to put it in a big case.

It comes down to defending myself against attacks and trying to get back something that was mine. Nothing else really.

But the spin they put on it was enormous. Its many years ago. I was freed from one charge only and that was, literally under the system "harm on health". I don't know what is the equivalent in the english speaking countries. And you know, the irony is that one thing I was willing to admit that I maybe caused after all by accident? But no it turned out I didn't anyways. And they freed me of that charge, but anything else, however ridiculous it was, I was convicted on probation but also spent half a year in detention.

And all that just because one of the parties was a cop who was not in uniform and had dubious tatoos all over his body including "88" and some religious shit and stuff related to "NWO", no really he had the all seeing eye and other stuff tatooed on him.

There was other stuff that they staged, one thing after my release to try to get me. After they broke my shoulder (not the same people though and it was elsewhere). So meanwhile while I had my arm broken I was accused of another attack and you see a problem with that. This is the thing which I described that had even someone describing me as having short hair. The courts don't care though.

If there's enough people who are in the system and have nepotic friends, you're screwed even if evidence agrees with you.

edit: btw if someone finds it ludicrous and don't believe me about those tatoos, well the criminal police also found it ludicrous and thought I was making fun of them, until someone spotted something themselves, so they ordered him to remove his uniform later and found those tatoos and photographed them.

I believe we might have a copy of this somewhere too. So I could even like..scan it or something later. But the powers that be that investigated him for it after were satisfied with his excuse that its because of his birth date in year 1988 (why no other cop tatooed himself with "89" or whatever then is beyond me) and the other stuff he explained as some other bla bla beliefs this and that.
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I don't know where to start or end with this. I'm trying now to find a new place in the area quickly. The owner has bursted in uninvited with a guy from Ukraine showing him the place and not caring about privacy. I told them I will call the police and he acted like he has the right to call the police because he's the owner. I told him earlier that day that I will pay him next week with the last of catching up/dept. But it wasn't enough for him as he started to say it will have to be also including payment for next week etc. I told him I don't steal that money and he started to insult me. But he returned like that and in the end zeur blocked his access just like the police told us we could do. Except then he got physically violent. He also claimed I destroyed his car somehow when they confronted with that he destroyed my phone. Still the police was underplaying it but the best they could offer was a charge that would end up in fine. A fine wouldn't hurt him at all. This guy is a calculated fraudster and this system supports those kind of people. He immediately shifts blame onto us for everything whenever its convenient, including in front of the Ukrainian guy. Since the violence escalated since last time and he made a subtle threat further after the police left (despite us not filing charges as it would only escalate the situation or so the police thought).

This guy is an irrideemable character. And the police better not come up with arguments that its a word against word when they made showtrials when there was exactly word against word and no evidence. If anyone believes that courts are always judging fair they need a reality check. I was always just made an example and even when zeur caused something in self defense they charged me with the crime as they found it easier than dealing with potential fallout with his country's embassy etc. That is the system people ultimately support. When they vote the lower people in offices often never get changed and keep staying in power until they retire or die. Europe doesn't have in general a real democracy, the only thing coming close to that is switzerland.

Basically when the police came I stayed calm but the guy he shouted stuff like "You fucking dick, I can hear you and I didn't say such a thing" etcetera. When more than one person heard him say it as he once went around when I talked to a driver of a car and uttered the threat that he will "send someone" on me.
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Next week next incident. The owner calmed down for two days and seemed to have changed his mind (again) and I was arranging his payment, except then saturday he got called by the police to make statement and we didn't know that they would be this slow and put it on saturday.
So upon receiving the message that zeur had me write about that the boiler seems to be even worse now and that its different than the previous months, he turned off the water altogether almost completely. So we went down and the asshole stormed out, nearly pushed zeur aside and asked if we're returning him the key.
I went like..."What?! But we agreed yesterday I'd bring you the rest of the money on monday and now this?!" "And what about the water, what are you going to do about it, or do I have to go to the police?"

And he started to mock me acting like he misheard and instead of police said "polesi" where they do forest work and said that yes they'll have enough work soon as spring is starting and that I should go work with them. Before he drove away.

We called the police about it and were told that he actually went to them to make statement and that they will send a car to talk to us about what just happened.

Well they drove away after talking being confident to talk some sense into the owner and to stop the bullying.

We told them that we'll be gone for many hours to look for other places and we were planning this for the whole day before.

We came back and found out the water worked and boiler also without problem...so we thought its fine for now as we told the police we plan to leave but he should leave us alone and stop bullying is or doing other stuff to us.

But soon after he noticed we were back he turned off the water completely and fully. Right before making some preparations for dinner.

It also means I can't flush the toilet anymore. So we called police they came and then again and the neighbor was this time on his side as he also has water controls for him but he still lied he can't turn it off separately so we called waterworks and they confirmed my story but they can't go inside the owner's flat in the basement and turn it on, they don't have that privilidge and just pointed me to the police and the municipality. I called them about the stuff and they agreed to take statement from the waterworks. But I still don't have any water and zeur slept in the forest because at least there's water source there somewhere. I went to him early this morning as I was concerned and brought him few things. And I still have to go back there, in the meantime the place is unprotected and the owner acts like he's afraid of us and puts on a complete theater act.

And then I get called things like I can't admit to faults and that kind of stuff or...more stuff. When it actually applies to people like these who scheme and manipulate and act like the victim ALL THE TIME. I was accused here of playing the victim or whatever. But that's not true, just look at people like this. They are garbage and have no place in real democracy but these people don't know a jack, its all exploitation. And I will do everything in my power to destroy them legally and the family clans that operate the area in practice.
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Hellkeeper »

Nice blog.
You must construct additional pylons.
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by darkbarrage99 »

why don't you just... like... leave? You don't have to stay there, and by what you're saying you have no excuse to not leave as quickly as you can. You might have to do some searching for an affordable place that's far away and leave some things behind that you can't take with you but ultimately it just sounds like you need to just go live somewhere else. The guy you're describing is clearly taking advantage of you, and if he's acting like a sociopath you need to just pack your sh*t and get out.
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

darkbarrage99 wrote: Mon Mar 27, 2023 5:08 am why don't you just... like... leave? You don't have to stay there, and by what you're saying you have no excuse to not leave as quickly as you can. You might have to do some searching for an affordable place that's far away and leave some things behind that you can't take with you but ultimately it just sounds like you need to just go live somewhere else. The guy you're describing is clearly taking advantage of you, and if he's acting like a sociopath you need to just pack your sh*t and get out.
Not so simple around here. I can't go far away because of my partner's condition either. But we're trying. The police told him to not do "shit" to us in the meantime while we search but he still did this.

Also Luke wanted to come back and to this thread one way or the other but I told him not to as I don't need another removed thread or w/e.

He said though that I could tell you that he threatened the owner allegedly in a letter. But I don't wanna go into specifics really.

Also..."some things behind" what I have here is all I have left and all that was rescued from when we got thrown out from during the covid era. I know throwing people out during covid was illegal in most states but not here. So...only evil and greed triumphs here.   
Auto merged new post submitted 13 hours 34 minutes later
He turned on the water for a moment, then went on with his extortion in the morning, right after I returned from a short trip. I was going to pick up money after and I told him, but it wasn't enough and "technical problems" with transfers is not his problem. I told him he'll get his money once he fixes THE GODDAMN DOOR and I turned into a BULLY MAGUIRE. No...I wish I did though. But really, I told him he'll get his payment once he fixes the shit and stops his bullying.
I also told him he acts like the master of the world and he started to laugh maniacally. Like really cackling. I never saw this kind of laugh IRL honestly. It was really like out of some fucking movie. But zeur was there too and saw it.

In the meantime I picked up some money and then when I returned finally zeur found something some offer of a place. I called there and found out that there are two people in front of us and one of them is going to become homeless but if they will have chance elsewhere he will tell them that we are closeby and have to move soon and that we are cut off from water and all.
But...so still...see... JUST SEE?

I mean we're trying EVERYTHING now. But its easy for others to judge us and other places I called we were cancelled by Luke's TM ANCIENT CANCEL CULTURE that is also MYTHICAL apparently. Because the sociopath owner told them stories and knows people around. Fortunately that other owner hates him so he has sympathy but two other people are in front of us in the ROW.

And in the meantime we still don't have water and nothing ever changes and I'm going to fucking die.
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

So...I got refused entry into the new place, the people in front of us got it first. So I'm stuck. The owner was taken to hospital for a couple of days and is back now, I seemed to have been initially suspected of poisoning him but I hope that is not the case. He might have poisoned himself with combination of expired pills and the rusty water since he kept turning it off and on and each time he did rust came out from the pipes...
or a poisonous spider or salmonela or whatever. He often keeps yoghurts at the back of his car and forgets to take them out or in the boiler tank it can grow etc since its not on.
But I have no clue because "mythical ancient GPDR strikes again". Sorry..I can't help but make a few humorous notes despite the situation.

No but really nobody told me any details and I'm left in the dark.

he did turn on the heater since he got back from hospital though, he had it turned off on purpose though for us so...I don't know if anything will change or he gets his sense talked back on.

I just hope something is not brewing behind my back and that I don't get accused of trying to kill him or something.   
Auto merged new post submitted 22 hours 24 minutes later
Either way...well there is definitely something broken about the boiler now as it keeps short circuiting. He came up to extract the money that we had intended for the new place, which would be cheaper in total than this greedy guy does...but yea....
so we had no choice but to pay him again with the promise he'll call the electrician for the boiler asap. He had some weasely words about stopping the water now like something got stuck in the pipes that he had to unstuck etc. But he made it stuck in the first place and he turned it off on purpose whenever he was angry but of course he's not admitting to that now is he?
so he walked out with envelope full of money, leaving me to dispair here yet again.   
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And he said it was a heart problem that he was taken with and they found out it wasn't really poisoning, just the police got a little bit too enthusiastic because it seemed to them like I wanted to get rid of him...
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

He had the "electrician" here who turned out to be his friend, who concluded it needs a new boiler. Today was the changing of boiler but zeur had to help with it physically as there was just one guy. It was old unmaintained and rusty that old boiler. How the fuck did he let it detoriorate like that is beyond me. He told me he installed it 15 years ago but other boilers last longer. He bought a cheaper smaller one..so far it seems to work except there were general electricity problems....but yea the guy who went to install new boiler and the owner entered a shouting match about that he was supposed to take it back and why does he pay him etc. It went so bad that it was a wonder the two didn't kill each other with blood splattered all over the place. So we know he can still get agressive just tried to not get agressive towards us I guess anymore. But when I was gone he did try to ask zeur for money.

Soon all he'll keep saying is "rent" and "money" like a meme version of mr. ditkovich. But he also should fix the goddamn door too because it has a missing thing in the hinge. But he's such a cheapass that does almost everything through his pack of friends and other fraudsters. He also plans to demolish the car left behind by the ukrainians and sell it for parts, its just he'll get in trouble over that legally if he does and his friend tried to warn him, but you know how it is....

Also...because of that 15 year thing, I did ask him about where he was before he moved here and he did confirm what I had overheard etc. But this time I had some direct questions to him.

It turns out he personally knew "Libor".

Basically he was like my surrogate father early on and the only father like person apart from my grandfather, because my supposed own father left my mom. But there's still more to this. Where I lived with Libor is where I got my first concrete memories, after the early loss of memories in my childhood. I know I had few head injuries back then as well such as falling down concrete stairs all the way down to the hall from the attic and hitting my head several times on the way down, but the big memory loss was even before that.

There were weird things happening around that place at the time, my mom started to believe in the "paranormal" as that house was very very old and even included a makeshift prison by the nazis in the cellars. Nice environment to raise a kid in huh?

But either way, it all ties into the legends of the "hatman" too and the fact that this owner dresses like that sometimes and I saw someone dressed like that in my early childhood. He could recall even the name of the nearest pub and he knew "Libor", I just don't know where he lived but I have my suspicion it was the house across the field and my mom claims I saw a guy or even she standing there and stalking us, in a hat and it might have been him. I don't know how he's connected to the "hatman" phenomena of the shadow people kind, but...still this is all very unsettling

Perhaps I should make my own "hatman" trilogy like Nolan did with batman....

And maybe this chapter should be called "Hatman Ends" or "Concludes".....

like there was already Halloween Ends...   
Auto merged new post submitted 1 hour 51 minutes later
I hate to be interrupted when telling a story. It becomes a bit of a porridge afterwards.

Either way, the point is....lost by this point as I had my ears talked off irl.

But yea since Libor is dead for quite some time now (I found out after returning from netherlands but only some years after, I was first lied about the house being demolished by my grandparents etc so I didn't seek contact or try to find my way back eventually I did), and this owner said that he "wouldn't recognize him now", I told him that he died. He seemed shocked a little bit but was he shocked because I got to know or because he didn't know? Its hard to say because he is such a schemer/liar. I hope it won't turn out that he killed Libor since the circumstances of his death were unclear to me and he shouldn't have died so early, but yea...now it will sure become a slasher killer story ripe for making a movie or book out of. Just...fucking kill me already.

If I am interrupted I cannot tell the coherent story from beginning to end so this additional explanation just fills in the gaps. But yea it was a really old house and its still standing as far as I know just was sold to different people and stuff around changed. I have many memories including him making logos for "Bata" the shoemaker company and others in the basement. And that it looked so small from the outside yet there were more rooms and space than it would have seemed otherwise, including the cellars and all. Part of the reason was I guess that it was built on a slope, but that's not all there is to it.

There was a lake nearby and a ditch that kids often challenged themselves to jump across and not unoften did someone fall into the ditch water.

And of course the hill itself was used for snow skiing and whatever else. Like that one time that pair of bullies caught me up destroyed my skibob slade and beat me up leaving me in the snow at the side. I remember it making Libor angry, though other times few other times he got angry with me and used a traditional way of punishment, his belt. One time he also hinted at some kind of child trade going on so who knows how I ended up where I was giving my missing memories.

The owner here even suggested I could have been Libor's son, but I denied it and he asked about something else, but I told him not that either, but then he said that he himself was raised by another father than his biological. Well maybe that explains some of his attitudes but he's so clueless, my situation and background is completely different and he seems to think that my name must be derived from someone who married my mom and that also isn't the case....
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I don't have time and have to leave this place the owner wants us out the police is waiting outside. we waited half a day after he changed our locks. We don't have a new place to stay...I don't agree with this treatment at all.

The owner wanted to provoke me into hitting him. he said "Attack me, I'm waiting for it..." etc
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

We had to return back to the owner and return the things inside after a rain started back then. We came to some agreement with the owner and between the police, but we almost got into another place. Except now its under reconstruction. It was all kind of back and forth. Most of our equipment is still packed. And its just all getting hopeless. In the end everyone is just out there to screw us up despite us not doing stuff to pollute environment, not drinking or taking drugs. It doesn't matter. They all do anyways and are worse than us and still see us as great risks. I am just done. I have been online for a while now again but not really being active. Everything's ready, just someone has to give us something and it seems even the storage place fell through by this point. We finally got some paper but its not agreeable to us. I only got new key to this place at the start of this week, before that we couldn't both leave because we'd be locked out and the police wouldn't help us back in anymore.

I am really done and I need some practical help apart from money. I was thinking now that it doesn't matter if I start drinking alcohol despite my destroyed liver. Because I felt like I wanted to just die and be done with it all. But I suppose I'm not doing that still. I am really disgusted. I do not belong in this world....
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Red_Fist »

"Update on Real Life" ?

It's a fucking bitch. period. LoL

I am trying to eliminate my problems one by one so I don''t have to mess around so damn LOOOONG TO DO ONE SIMPLE THING. :!: :!: :!:

OR have to think about it anymore , in-turn makes you want to catch up and do even more. like a trap, the less you do, the more you are trapped.

It's working, just too many things.
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Nobody will truly understand the fire in my heart. After a long quiet there was a problem again. And this time I just didn't take it anymore. He invaded us again, no matter what his intent was, after being rude and agressive the first time. And when I saw him inside, I shooed him out and steered him. I had to push him away in the end as he was adamant in getting inside no matter what. He made a whole circus when falling, stumbling over and waving his hands around in an almost funny way.

zeur says nobody will help us and that they will just use me as a scapegoat and someone to look down on time and time again

And I'm not having it, I can't. Its over....its all over. I did my best but when are everyone else trying to do their best???!

EDIT: Just like zeur says the owner here has family, has money, has friends and what he chooses to do? Abuse someone in a position who doesn't have all that and try to squeeze them dry. All while acting the part of fragile old man.

I'm not having that. And I need solution *FUCKING NOW*.

No lecturing anymore also. If you can't help, don't lecture. I tried everything I could in my power.

Those people like the owner treat money like its a toy they play with, they don't use it for anything useful at all just hoard tons and tons of it. Have 100 000s on acounts and shit. And don't invest in anything. But he wants it like a toddler some candy.

Perhaps that candy should be also taken from him...and that's fine by me. (that sounds like that infamous line doesn't it?)
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

Vulpes and co. might say to other people lies that I pretend that my life is all the time in anguish.
But what do they know? I am not on a social support, I don't have nothing. Like zeur said we don't own a car, we don't even have a tv, we don't even *need* it. You think I live in luxury? Then come and take a look I fucking invite you. I don't care anymore.

All I know is that I can't stand lies and dishonesty and that's what they are really full about. They take a look at themselves and think it must be similar for me. In fact that's really a problem in general with most people. Humans as a whole have failure in imagining truly someone else's situation, there always has to be some nefarious plan behind it, is what they convince themselves. Because it all can't be, in their world.

Well I don't give a crap about your shallow shit. You have absolutely no idea how I am who I am where I am WHAT I am When I am (lol)

Btw just to humor you the landlord wants to sell this unmaintained house for 9 000 000 CZK.

edit2: Also probably no idea WHY I AM (this way). :p

can't believe this....

now I'm practically really a prisoner here...the buses won't take me...zeur won't come with me (his condition is that i don't leave alone) because he collapsed with the heat. He says the basics aren't fulfilled that all that extra stuff doesn't matter and none matters.
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by Red_Fist »

USA used to be safe, The whole idea now is we are all cattle. via fake ass zero science global warming.
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Re: Update on Real Life

Post by UTPe »

Red_Fist wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 7:34 am via fake ass zero science global warming.
luckily, Oingo Boingo will make science great again

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