White Wolf's skins...

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White Wolf's skins...

Post by TigerTheGreat »

https://web.archive.org/web/20100719222 ... l_site.htm
Any of these ring a bell?
I am the Unreal archivist and historian. If you have something from the past of Unreal that I don't have, do tell.
~formerly Delacroix
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Re: White Wolf's skins...

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

OF COURSE! *does his best M. Bison impression*

I mirrored them at some point after whitewolf's website was gone. It was on unrealtexture.com, but I don't remember if archive.org preserved that or not.

I should still have them around somewhere. Unfortunately I might not have time as my situation had deteroirated further. Is that the correct spelling?

me and white wolf went a long way back, got to know him around 2004 and became one of my most trusted admins. Ultimately he left Unreal for more World of Warcraft that he got addicted to, though ocassionaly he came back. Past 2008 he hardly did though and I haven't had any communication in many of the following years. Around 2010 or so I believe we still met on Unreal and also he was going to move out at one point, but I just don't know what happened to him. I held him very dear to me though. And that might be underplaying it.

When I was in Sweden at one point I considered visiting him but I had no clue where he ended up.   
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Great...it doesn't have it only the stuff I worked on it seems. I'd swear I had it mirrored somewhere but that might have happened past the 2014 big archival on archive.org

Someone in particular archived unrealtexture.com/Hosted in that year as I kept hanging out their irc channel.
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Re: White Wolf's skins...

Post by Leo(T.C.K.) »

I confirmed I have male3wolf locally at least, I know where it came from though its from the same dvd backup as other stuff so the rest is most likely on that dvd.

however given what is happening to me now this is unfortunate timing and i need a new roof above my head very quick. this will go wrong very soon
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Re: White Wolf's skins...

Post by EvilGrins »

Delacroix wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:34 pmSkTrooperSanta
Delacroix wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:34 pmSkTrooperBatman
Making a Batman version probably wouldn't be that difficult.