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Post by ExpEM »

Well I'm ExpEM, allot of you will know me from passed projects.
I'm a dad of 3 in New Zealand, happily married and all that.
I have been tinkering with Ued for ~20 years and love both Unreal and UT99.
Many, many projects of mine have never seen the light of the wider community (and most likely never will until my untimely death where it is spelled out in my will to release everything)
I'd like to say I am posting here for good reasons but I'm really not.
I got hit by Covid about 6 months ago and as a side effect of the Long Covid I have lost most of my imagination for level building and story lines, I have also lost almost all of my ability to write code.
I set down to write a simple mutator not long ago and my brain just... wouldn't.
I am afraid that I may have to learn 20 years of experience again, or worse, that it may be gone for good.
Either way forgive me for my absence from the forum and for any projects I said I'd work on, I just can't at this time.

And if anyone wants to fix the replication on that damned CyberDragon, please feel free to do so.
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Re: ExpEM

Post by papercoffee »

Awwww man ...that sucks.
I feel you. Fighting with Covid fatigue since February.

I hope it will come back to you, pal.
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Re: ExpEM

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Happy to see ya back getting better now, take care of yourself first and foremost :thuup: