Windows Shortcut

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Otto Kontroll
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Windows Shortcut

Post by Otto Kontroll »

I tried searching here but whatever keywords I use doesn't get me the info I am looking for. Here's my question, and I am pretty sure it's an easy one, but is there way to embed into a shortcut that starts UT and then have it go directly to my online game. I am assuming it's going to include the exe file, something that says start MP, and then the ip (xx.xx.xx.xx.7777).

The reason I ask, is while setting this server up, I am going into and out of it a lot and I am tired of typing in the IP each and every time (and no, I am not ready for it to be public yet so it won't be in the server lists).


p.s. Thanks in advance for putting up with all these noob questions - but I do try and find the answer before asking.
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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by Barbie »

I use such:

Code: Select all

D:\Programme\UT.469\System\UnrealTournament.exe unreal://
or with IP:

Code: Select all

D:\Programme\UT.469\System\UnrealTournament.exe unreal://
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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by Otto Kontroll »


I really do appreciate the help you and others give to me! Being a wheelchair gimp, I have swallowed my pride and will ask for help whenever I need it. And Barbie seems like the kind of person who will get the good beer from the upper shelf for me. :tu: :gj: :D

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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by Otto Kontroll »

Sorry Barbie but that doesn't work. Maybe you misunderstood me but I am talking about a windows shortcut. I tried putting in your "code" (with my folders and IP) but it said the specified path was incorrect. Do I add the 'Unreal://xx.xx.xx.xx:7777 to the "Target" or the "Start In" lines of the shortcut?

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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by Barbie »

Ofc you have to adjust the path to UnrealTournament.exe to your installation. If the path contains empty spaces, you have to embrace the path with quotation marks, e.g. "D:\Program Files\UT.469\System\UnrealTournament.exe".
The UT server address follows after a white space: "D:\Program Files\UT.469\System\UnrealTournament.exe" unreal://
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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by Otto Kontroll »

PERFECT! It was those missing quotes that screwed me over. Totally works great now.

Thank You!

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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by esnesi »

Another tip:

If you want to be able to start 2 or more sessions of the client, add -newwindow to the target field of the shortcut.

sorry for rebumping, this thread appeared on top for me somehow.
deleted post?
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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by EvilGrins »

I used to be able to do that ·

But after awhile they stopped working, no idea why.
Otto Kontroll
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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by Otto Kontroll »

Another noob question about starting UT with a windows shortcut:

Is there a way to add a 'command' to the shortcut that starts the game with me as an Admin. Right now with the current shortcut starting the game, I am only a player.
Here is the shortcut line:
("C:\Users\jimpu\Documents\All UT Games and Files\Unreal Tournament\System\UnrealTournament.exe" unreal://

I am thinking that something like ...unreal:// Admin=Otto ??? but I can't find out if that is the correct command or syntax etc.

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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by MEAT »

Yo Otto !!!

Here's how I enter my server, as well other favorites.
Worth a look:
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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by Otto Kontroll »

Thanks Meat - but I have know idea of what you posted. Consider me a noob but there is nowhere in your attachment that shows me what I am looking for. As far as using UTCheck.exe, I am NOT going to install some program that I have know idea of how it works. Not to mention Windows, etc considers it as a bad program.

Can you please explain more of what UTCheck does and how it will work for me. All the 'text' files in that rar file is about onenote or something like that. I just don't get what you are trying to show me in that file.

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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by MEAT »

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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by Barbie »

Otto Kontroll wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 9:48 pm Another noob question about starting UT with a windows shortcut:

Is there a way to add a 'command' to the shortcut that starts the game with me as an Admin.
IDK if there is such a possibility. What I do is exec Textfilename in UT when I want to become admin and maybe summon some things.
Textfilename is a simple text file, even without extension, lying in UT's SYSTEM folder and contains the commands to execute:
mms wrote: adminlogin MySecretPassword
summon bpak.bRipper
summon bpak.bShock
("mms" is a short cut for "make me strong" :lol2: )
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Re: Windows Shortcut

Post by noccer »

You could just make a new link on your desktop like this:

rightclick on free desktop, context menu: new "link". A window opens and you could just enter: unreal://ip:port
As long as the unreal protocoll is recognized by windows, it will work without mentioning the .exe.
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>>You can't steal any ip (v4)adresses, there are exactly 4294967296 of them, and they will still exist when you wrote down all of them, or are stored in a (master)servers database ;)<<