New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

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New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

Since few users (like @darksonny) interested what be in 469e new or changed, I create this topic for en-light what be on next patch 469e.

I will post from to time there some info. Maybe just text, maybe with pics or videos.

Actually list of changes and new features pretty huge, And I don't have much time describe everything, so it will be just few most interested stuff, from time to time.

You can see really full list (which update from time to time) here: ...

For start I can list next improvements/features:

1. Performance optimization make near 30% (or more) FPS for every renders include old. In some cases we even see x4 speed up.

2. Dedicated servers now able track movers in same way as in single player game. Monsters or bots will not see you through doors, and you can't damage anything behind door. This feature can be turned off if server owner want.

3. In patch include new awesome renders: D3D11, ICBIND (D3D11), D3D12, Vulkan, FruCore (Apple only).

4. XOpenGL get serious boost in performance and many features of it (bindless textures, SSBO, persistent buffers) now work as should.

5. You can now see spectators and much more info about server in server browser.

6. Game now support Borderless screen mode, so you can stop suffer from Fullscreen issues, and easy switch to another apps and back.

7. You can now choose what fov use - horizontal or vertical, which can improve user experience on widescreens.

8. A lot stability fixes which eliminate various crashes and make game and editor much more stable.

9. Collision code much improved, so now it less load CPU, can handle much more actors, produce less invisible walls, make players and vehicles much less stuck and so on.

10. Finally fixed mess with some skins like AtomicCow, and it can be selected now.
Last edited by Buggie on Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Shrimp »

Looks like it's shaping up to be another awesome patch.

Some of the debugging and profiling tools and updates look useful, and a "free" general performance boost would be cool.

You mention Vulkan though, but it's not mentioned in the WIP release notes or anything in the issue tracker besides your posts about UT99VulkanDrv which is Windows only and is 3rd party, is it really there or are you getting my hopes up only to be let down :mrgreen:.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by EvilGrins »

Why is it 469e and not simply version 470?
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Aspide »

because there are still letters in the alphabet left :wink: . Also changing it to 470 can cause some confusion since people are used to hearing about the 469 patch, the same goes for the 227 patch of Unreal.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Shrimp »

EvilGrins wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 3:44 am Why is it 469e and not simply version 470?
If I had to take a wild guess I'd assume the agreement with Epic probably said something like they're allowed to make one version, and now we're just in the "revisions and refinements" of that single version :loool:
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by EvilGrins »

But with Epic out of the whole UT thang would any such agreement still have standing?
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Shrimp »

It's still their intellectual property which they hold copyright over.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by darksonny »

Thanks buggie, its the first time i see the loaded packed with this future version of the patch: ICBIND (D3D11) and.... Vulkan? Wow!
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

Shrimp wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:43 am Some of the debugging and profiling tools and updates look useful, and a "free" general performance boost would be cool.
Yea, about that... :D

11. Add UProfile tool, which allow you measure CPU load by separate UScript function and found good candidates for optimization. It show count of children calls and so on. ... issues/865

12. Add network usage per each open channel in SOCKETS command, which allow mod authors determine what eat network bandwidth and in which amount and optimize net usage.

13. Add command DevNetTrafficLogs which allow you see what come from replication, for which actor and in which amount. Use this tool allow mod authors greatly tune network usage for their mods and resolve various problems with it. ... issues/722

14. UTrace got huge performance boost, so now it is not anymore handbrake and can be used even on live game server, without get red box everyone.

15. Performance boost affect not only render parts, it general engine improvement. Include faster execute code, faster memory allocation and so on. So UScripts mods run faster (especially if compiled on 469e with improved compiler), servers run faster, more smooth and allow more players/mods, before it goes to 100% CPU load.
Shrimp wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:43 am You mention Vulkan though, but it's not mentioned in the WIP release notes or anything in the issue tracker besides your posts about UT99VulkanDrv which is Windows only and is 3rd party, is it really there or are you getting my hopes up only to be let down :mrgreen:.
We test it in internal test builds for sure. However not sure yet if it goes to final patch. Yes, it from dpJudas, which is 3rd party as for now. Same as for D3D11 and D3D12, which we for sure include in the patch.
I will talk with team and return with more info when it sorted out.
And yes, as for now, it is Windows only.
EvilGrins wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 3:44 am Why is it 469e and not simply version 470?
Because it is still 469. It not introduce incompatible changes. 470 planned for far future too. Some things delayed to 470, as you can see on github milestones page: ... milestones
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by esnesi »

These are truly amazing updates!
A big THANKS for all the time and effort (blood, sweat and tears) you are putting into this OldUnreal Team!
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

Shrimp wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:43 am You mention Vulkan though, but it's not mentioned in the WIP release notes or anything in the issue tracker besides your posts about UT99VulkanDrv which is Windows only and is 3rd party, is it really there or are you getting my hopes up only to be let down :mrgreen:.
As for now Vulkan will not be included into the path 469e. My apologies for inconvience. However you can always install it manually from dpJudas github page.

Next set of changes:

16. Huge list of skins now load insane fast. We test more then 10 000 skins installed, and no noticeable delay for select skin in the game UI.

17. Script compiler produce better code, which especially affect replication rules code.

18. Editor now shipped with Epic awesome tool Bright, which allow pallettize texture with insane quality.   
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Without Bright:
With Bright:
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Shrimp »

Only 10000 skins? Will that be enough for EvilGrins?
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

Actually issue report someone else: ... ssues/1598   
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19. Allow Apply Selected Brushes to Level. This allow edit maps with removed brushes.

Here video example. I add Deck16][ into MH-XV-GiranTown2021v4, which not contained any brushes (author delete them before release map).

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Here you can see few new features of 469e:

20. Show mover surfaces in editor.

21. Real-time mover edit.

22. Vertex edit brush in 3D viewport.

Last edited by Buggie on Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Hbgr »

I am definitely looking forward to real-time mover editing. I would use a lot more in my maps, but they're just so cumbersome right now with 469d.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

Active mappers who want use/test new features and provide feedback, can join to beta testers, and get access to 469e preview and test builds.

For do that, follow that easy steps (you must have already github account, if you're not -create it. it is free):
Go to old unreal Discord.
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And write into #⁠469-discussion channel: ... 7086269441
Mention @Anthrax and ask for add you to beta test group for upcoming patch. Not forget mention your github user name.