New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

No. Actually I already forget about that issue.
If it still actual for you, you can rise issue on github.

However it is not really actual anymore. Soon be video why.

Sort of hardcoded. Color of zone hardcoded and based on zone index. It not hardcoded in terms of constant, but it use stable algorithm, which allow get color by zone index. With use hardcoded numbers inside.   
Auto merged new post submitted 15 minutes later
75. Properly copy Texture with Surface Settings

In 469e you can now properly copy Texture with Surface Settings.
That done by hold Ctrl+Alt and click RMB for copy and LMB for paste.

In first part of the video i show how it be in 469d.

In last part - how it act in 469e.

Auto merged new post submitted 8 minutes later
Hbgr wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:29 pm I wouldnt mind testing, but i dont do Discord.🤓
You not need "do" Discord. Just join once, ask for access as mention, and later use test builds and post issues on github, if found one.
Some testers, like @Barbie, already work in such way.   
Auto merged new post submitted 1 minute later
Also, between, registration in Discord is free.   
Auto merged new post submitted 7 hours 21 minutes later
Man_With_No_Body wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:00 pm did you find a solution?
This one is solution for source of problem:

76. Properly merge Zones on overflow Zones count

In 469e if map overflow zones count, all zones without zone actor will be merged together.

So if even BSP complicated and make a lot zones, this feature prevent appear water/lava/killing zone, where must be air/ground and so on.

And you can basically not care about additionally random zones, which appear from BSP build process. Once zones limit will be reached, all of such zones will be merged together. Just put into important zones own ZoneInfo Actor.

Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 48 minutes later
77. Insert Shape from brush into 2D Editor

In 469e you can insert shape from already exist brush on level, and use it as base for make another brush, which seamless fit to known one.

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Hbgr »

How do you tell which side of the brush to transfer to the 2D editor? I cant tell in the video.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by darksonny »

Buggie wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:51 pm 72. Enlarge map without floating Inventory in air

wow... the values could be integer number or could manage decimal numbers? such thing could be great for ut3, ut2k4. Well at least ut99 is receiving some big love! :) thanks!
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

Hbgr wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:17 pm How do you tell which side of the brush to transfer to the 2D editor? I cant tell in the video.
I select surface of this brush on level. Add work with selected surfaces. Goes back to brush, and copy data from it.   
Auto merged new post submitted 1 minute later
darksonny wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:56 pm
Buggie wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:51 pm 72. Enlarge map without floating Inventory in air

wow... the values could be integer number or could manage decimal numbers? such thing could be great for ut3, ut2k4. Well at least ut99 is receiving some big love! :) thanks!
Scale numbers can be fractional and negative as well. Not zero though.   
Auto merged new post submitted 1 minute later
Also as usual, you can use simple math in this fields, like in other places in editor. Need start values from equal sign. Like =2/3   
Auto merged new post submitted 2 hours 39 minutes later
78. Insert Shape from BSP into 2D Editor

In 469e you can insert shape from currently selected surface, into 2D editor.
And use it for build additional brushes, which perfectly fit exists surface.

Difference between insert from BSP and from Brush is next: Brush use first polygon from source brush, if there any. BSP use what actually used on render, with all cuts, intersection and other stuff.

It is up to you see what fit better for each case.

Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 31 minutes later
79. Preserve Texture Scale on Align via hold Shift

In 469e you can hold Shift for keep scale of U V, when apply some align.
That can be useful for align to floor terrain, and not lost scale of it.

Auto merged new post submitted 12 hours 20 minutes later
80. Separate, Merge or Flip polygons of selected surfaces

In 469e you can separate, merge or flip polygons of selected surfaces.

Such feature give mappers fine-grained control on polygons.

Also Flip feature allow fix some broken brushes, which contain all or some flipped surfaces, and as result break BSP.
Such can happen on import brushes from other games for example.

Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 7 minutes later
81. Merge Polygons with different settings

In 469e you can force merge polygons with different settings. Before you need make same align and other additional steps. Now you can do it in one click.
Such happen really often, since sometimes testure U V mismatch on really small numbers by different reasons.

However this feature still safe, and not allow merge polygons, which conceptually different and can't be merge without produce bugs. Like polygons with different normals for example.

Auto merged new post submitted 6 hours 5 minutes later
82. Fix Align to Cylinder

In 469e Align for Cylinder properly work, and not make bad things with surfaces, which be problem before.

Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 10 minutes later
83. Snake Align Textures

We proudly present new incredible feature of 469e - Snake Align.

This feature allow truly seamless align textures in perfect way, which can't be reached in any other way.

Usage pretty simple: You need hold CTRL+ALT+SHIFT and click Right Mouse Button (RMB) on source surface for copy texture with align. Now you need click Left Mouse Button (LMB) on target surface for paste texture with perfect seamless align. After that you can continue click LMB on next target surface. Repeat until you not finish.

All of that is like be before, when you copy only texture, when hold only ALT.
Or when you copy texture with properties, when you hold CTRL+ALT.
But now you need additionally hold SHIFT, so it be CTRL+ALT+SHIFT.

For make proper align on floor or ceiling, which rotate, like in video, you need copy from side surface and paste to top/bottom surface.
Attempt copy from top/bottom surface will lead to not rotated align, like align to floor.

Now about perfection. This tool make absolute perfect seamless align, which not able repeat by manual align or any other tool. Except few lucky cases.
That happen because Pan of texture (U or V not matter), stored as integer. So no any fractional parts. So you not able make Pan on any fractional count of units. Like 0.5 or 3.14.
But Snake Align able achieve this by movement texture Origin (Base) point. Point from which Pan calculated for surface.

So, unless your case is lucky and fit to integer value, your texture align never be truly seamless.
That can be not visually noticeable however.
For example if you use 256x256 texture. But possible if this texture will be replaced with HD version of it, with size 1024x1024, difference going be visible.

For your case will be lucky must meet few criteria - you must map exactly by integer size (which hard achieve, but possible and that what mapper can control) and Origin point of surface too must be in integer coordinates (which really hard achieve if possible at all, such thing barely can be controlled by mapper). Origin point can migrate on rotate brush or do some transformations with it.
Floating point and rounding errors tend to cause the original points to shift away from integer values, even if they were integers before.

And OFC any cylinder, revolve, sphere or curved shape will not follow integer numbers by design, so can't be perfectly aligned manually.

There exist trick via align to floor first, and after align manually. Instead align to floor can be used align to wall X or wall Y, too.
That work well only for axis aligned surfaces.
So if continue this workaround, you need rotate brush to axis aligned all desired surfaces (and all other involved brushes), align them to floor/wall, rotate back, and manually adjust pan.

That what be before. Now in 469e exist Snake Align, which allow do this in simple few clicks and got greatest results.

This tool will goes be most time saver for all mappers.
With it you can continuous align everywhere. With perfect seamless connection.
Also it work for cylinders as well, so previous align to cylinder now goes be outdated, since Snake Align provide much better results.

Auto merged new post submitted 10 hours 39 minutes later
84. Merge only Selected polygons of Surface

In 469e you can merge only selected polygons of surface. That mean you have full control what merge and how.
For example you can make on one tessellated surface, which fill with cubes, central zone, on which operate independent from other parts.
OFC merged polygons must be coplanar and located in the same plane. But no any restrictions about distance or common vertices.
They can be far from each other, or not contain mutual vertices.

Auto merged new post submitted 3 hours 28 minutes later
85. Undo / Redo in 2D Shape Editor

In 469e you can undo / redo all actions inside 2D Editor. Now you can easy experiment with shapes, and if something goes wrong, return back to good condition. No more broken shape by accidental move.

Undo support up to 64 last operations.

Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 19 minutes later
86. Undo / Redo in Editor with info about actions

In 469e you can see what exactly you undo or redo. In menu items and in tooltips over Undo / Redo buttons.

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Hbgr »

@buggie: im absolutely amazed at all the things youre adding, esp. to the editor. But i had a question about your process:

Are you going thru the list and just handling them as you see them, or did you already create the to-do list of issues you want to attack? Is editing the code so easy for you that it only takes a few minutes to create a method or edit the existing code to address an issue (whether it's been submitted or not)?

These features and fixes are just pouring in and it got me wondering what you do when you sit down and work on the code! 😁🤓
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

First of all, it is not only mine work. We work as team and it is team effort.

I mark some issues as possible to solve or store in TODO list some notes. When I have some time-slot I can pick some task, which suitable for this time-slot.

Depends from task, but usually make some task and after make test of it, take enough big time.
Some tasks eat time enormous and can prolong to days or weeks.

What you see now, is result of near year of work. We just not announce what stuff done in such format.   
Auto merged new post submitted 4 minutes later
Between we find out some features even from 469d/c not well known even for our most active testers, so we decide make additional videos about such, which will appear on same youtube channel.

I already upload we such videos and promote them on discord. However I not list them here, since it not fit to topic goal. Possible I create another topic, and post link to such videos there.   
Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 33 minutes later
87. Tessellate Selected Surfaces via Menu

In 469e you can Tessellate Surface via menu, not via context menu.
Such option can be useful when you no idea where selected surfaces is.

For example you select all non-coplanar surfaces and want tessellate them.
Before you need sear4ch at least one for right click on it. Or use surface on temp brush. Now you can do it directly in one click.

Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 33 minutes later
88. Notify on fail save package

469e will notify you when package locked by another process (in the video I run second copy of editor in the background).

That will prevent loss of your work. Because before, typical scenario of that look like:
1. You hit save button and close editor.
2. After you found you forget close game or (which is worse) game stuck in background on exit, hold package, so changes not saved.
And you need do all stuff again. very annoying.

Now editor will report and you can go and look what prevent package to save. Close game for example.

That work with all kind of packages. Music, Texture, Sounds, Scripts and so on.

Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 18 minutes later
89. Clear Work Area in 2D Editor

In 469e you can fast clear whole 2D editor. Which is useful, if you intend add own shape, and not default square.

Auto merged new post submitted 11 hours 4 minutes later
90. Proper light on Movers with different BrushRaytraceKey and WorldRaytraceKey

Before 469e, if your mover use BrushRaytraceKey which not match WorldRaytraceKey, then it goes be complete black. You can easy see this in first part of the video.

Now 469e able built light properly on such movers. So you not limited of use movers anymore. They can use different BrushRaytraceKey and WorldRaytraceKey, which mean they make shadow for the world in one place, when shadow for mover itself can be taken in another place.

You can see that in last part of the video.

Auto merged new post submitted 5 hours 18 minutes later
91. Selection remain after use Show Only Selected Actors

In 469e Selection will remain on selected actors, when you hide all others.
Before 469e, such operation deselect all actors.

Auto merged new post submitted 6 hours 14 minutes later
92. Undo / Redo now support more Actions

In 469e Undo / Redo support much more actions. For example Invert Selection or Show Selection Only.

Auto merged new post submitted 13 hours 8 minutes later
93. Proper Undo Texture Rotate

In 469e (last part of the video) you can undo texture rotate properly. When before (first part of the video) it be really bugged and not work well at all.

Auto merged new post submitted 3 hours 47 minutes later
94. Shift+B select surfaces of selected brushes

In 469e, if there no selected surfaces, press Shift+B (Select Surfaces Matching Brush) will select all surfaces of selected brushes.

Such tool allow modify all surfaces at once. For example if on brush before be flag, which propagate to all surfaces. So if you need clear flag on all surfaces of brush, that tool can be very useful.

Or for see what surfaces belong to this brush. Sometimes it is hard find in complicated geometry.

Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 43 minutes later
95. Not make Dead Spots for Invisible Surfaces

In 469e fixed bug which can make dead spots, if you try use invisible surfaces.

In first part of video I show how it be in 469d or before.

In last part - how work in 469e.

Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 43 minutes later
96. Proper Undo Cut Navigation Point with Paths

In 469e (last part of video) you can properly undo cut Navigation Point with Paths.

Before (first part of video - 469d) paths not restored back on undo.

Auto merged new post submitted 12 hours 47 minutes later
97. Undo work for Right Click on brush vertex

In 469e (last part of the video) you can undo right click on brush vertex (snap to grid by this vertex). When before (469d in first part of the video), that not work.
Which make issues if you click accidentally and make brush off-grid. Sometimes even not notice that.

Auto merged new post submitted 10 hours 47 minutes later
98. 2D Editor now support Select All

In 469e you can select all on work area of 2D Editor by menu item, or by hotkey Ctrl+A.

Auto merged new post submitted 5 hours 5 minutes later
99. 2D Editor now can Join Shapes

In 469e in 2D editor added new feature - join shapes, which allow you merge few shapes in one. This especially useful when you insert shapes from BSP surface. Just select all of them (Ctrl+A) and merge to one, so you can get one big clean shape for work with.

This addition can improve how easy extends exists geometry on level, by reuse exist surface. Just use it as base in 2D editor.

Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 3 minutes later
100. Realtime texture viewports not emit sounds anymore

In 469e (second part of the video) when you use realtime preview in texture browser, or open texture properties, or use texture replace toll, you will not hear sounds from level. When before (469d on first part of the video) in such cases you will hear ambient sounds from level, near origin point, which is has been quite annoying.

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by papercoffee »

Buggie wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:27 am100. Realtime texture viewports not emit sounds anymore

In 469e (second part of the video) when you use realtime preview in texture browser, or open texture properties, or use texture replace toll, you will not hear sounds from level. When before (469d on first part of the video) in such cases you will hear ambient sounds from level, near origin point, which is has been quite annoying.
Hmmmm... :| ...I used that "feature" to test how and if the ambient sounds work and if it's hearable from a distance as planned.
Can this "fix" be turned off?
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

No. It can't be turned off. You need use realtime preview editor viewport. not texture one.
Anyway texture viewport not fit to your goal. it located at origin (0,0,0). So hear sounds only what near origin.

Just use realtime preview on usual editor viewport and fly across map.   
Auto merged new post submitted 3 hours 32 minutes later
101. 2D Editor make merge for tessellated base surface

In 469e (second part of the video) when you past complicated shape into 3D world, surface goes be single with merged polygons.
When before (469d for example, in first part of the video) those polygons come separately. And you need merge them manually.

However you always can manually separate them, if you not like this feature, or need work with polygons in separate way.

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by UnrealGGecko »

So you're telling me is, I'll need to relearn mapping :ironic:

Absolutely loving all of this, thanks for the showcase Buggie and massive thank you to the patch devs! :rock: :rock:
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

102. 2D Editor not destroy shapes on move anymore

In 469e Shapes in 2D Editor not explode on bunch of lines when you try move them in few cases, like it be before.

Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 29 minutes later
103. 2D Editor not destroy shapes on delete segments

In 469e 2D editor stability improved. Break shapes goes to be hard if even possible.
That will improve user experience of mappers, who use it.

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by papercoffee »

Buggie wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:57 pm No. It can't be turned off. You need use realtime preview editor viewport. not texture one.
Anyway texture viewport not fit to your goal. it located at origin (0,0,0). So hear sounds only what near origin.

Just use realtime preview on usual editor viewport and fly across map.
Ok now I'm confused...
You are not talking about red arrow but you mean green arrow?
I have never noticed that sound thing in the other viewports.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

Did you watch video? I talk about Texture viewports. not TextureD viewports.
Texture viewports - it is viewports, which display flat textures. Like Texture browser. Or Texture properties. Or tool Replace texture.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by papercoffee »

Buggie wrote: Thu Sep 19, 2024 10:57 am Did you watch video? I talk about Texture viewports. not TextureD viewports.
Texture viewports - it is viewports, which display flat textures. Like Texture browser. Or Texture properties. Or tool Replace texture.
I must confess I didn't watch that video because I did see the 3D viewport and assumed you were talking about the real time preview there.
I had never used the real time preview in the Texture browser.

I didn't even know it was there all the time.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

Well, I suspect you not watch video :D
So we talk like a blind with a deaf. :D

However, texture properties viewport always realtime, and always emit sound before. Same with tool Replace texture.
So if you forget somewhere texture properties dialog, sound will annoy you before 469e.   
Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 46 minutes later
104. Toggle Occlude Lines

In 469e you can toggle occlude lines by level geometry in viewports settings.

If Lines occluded. then this mean for this lines applied visibility rules, and this lines places inside 3D world.

Without lines render on top of everything and can't be behind something and render partially or not render at all.

Auto merged new post submitted 5 hours 3 minutes later
105. Show proper 3D bounding box for movers

In 469e you can see real 3D bounding box movers. Before that (469d or lower) it will show only YZ rectangle instead.

Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 38 minutes later
106. Mover Key Pos marked with checkbox in context menu

In 469e in context menu you will see checkbox near current key pos of mover. That also work with few movers if they key pos match.

Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 43 minutes later
107. Reset Brush Origin

In 469e you can reset brush origin, without change actual brush polygons location.

Two options available - by center of bounding box, and by average of all vertices.

Also result is snapped to grid, if snap to grid enabled.

It is important addition for snap vertices to grid.
Also this able help solve some weird problems with movers and imported brushes from other games, like UT2004, when origin point goes be too far from actual brush location.

Even if you do simple vertex edit it can cause make brush origin move off the brush. Such allow return it back in one click.

Auto merged new post submitted 5 hours 58 minutes later
108. Snap Brush Origin to Grid

Another feature of 469e - snap brush origin to grid, without affect position of polygons.
That allow place location of brush back to grid.
That can be useful together with snap vertices to grid or standalone.

In general, location of brushes on grid can help you make more clean BSP, since location used during transform vertices coordinates, from local (brush) coordinates, to global (world) coordinates.

Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 48 minutes later
109. Configure Context Menus

in 469e you can hide items in context menus. So if you not need some options, you can hide them in editor settings.

So anyone can setup context menu as they want.

However, be aware, some features accessible only from context menus, so hide here them, you will loose access to it.

Auto merged new post submitted 10 hours 37 minutes later
110. Improve Backdrop Grid Context Menu

In 469e you can see what grid chosen, properly toggle snap to grid (before it just reset grid size to zero,which stop render grid at all), and handy set custom grid size.

Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 15 minutes later
111. Up to 20 Custom Classes for Add

In 469e you can add in context menus up to 20 your favorites class for instant add in context menu. Before there be only 5 of it.
Now you can not limit self and add x4 times more!

Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 48 minutes later
112. Join Polygons

We proudly present another new killing feature of 469e - join polygons.
With that tool, you can join polygons of selected surfaces or entire selected brushes.

That tool help you:
1. Get more clean BSP.
2. Untessellate surfaces back to clean form.
3. Get clean Movers, which make less BSP problems.
4. Fix tessellation for brushes come from 2D editor.
5. Get clean brushes, when port SMA (Static Mesh Actors) to brushes, from other games, like UT2004. So you can port more such SMA, before hit limits or BSP problems.
6. Reach more FPS on complicated maps, since there be less surfaces to render.
7. More easy align textures, since joined polygons is now one polygon and act as one piece.

I already use it in one port of UT2004 map and got next results:
1. More FPS.
2. Resolve BSP glitches by movers. I even not need recreate them by hands!
3. Get clean brushes from SMA.

Auto merged new post submitted 12 minutes later
Here examples of use tool Join Polygons:
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Last edited by Buggie on Fri Oct 11, 2024 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

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