New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Hbgr »

112. Join Polygons

We proudly present another new killing feature of 469e - join polygons.
With that tool, you can join polygons of selected surfaces or entire selected brushes.
Please tell me this means no more trying to assemble a bunch of Adds & Subtracts, then surrounding the whole assembly, and Intersecting with the main brush to get one complete brush of the assembly!

Now it's just join and duplicate! :rock:
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

You talk about join brushes. this tool join polys of one brush, which coplanar, have same texture and so on.
It is different things.
For join brushes you still need make intersect. However you can use Join Polys on result and possible get less complicated brush.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Hbgr »

Well, can you show an example of combining polys on a 2D extraction, and how it would be helpful?
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

112. Draw Shape in 2D Editor

In 469e you can directly draw shape in 2D editor. For example via repeat shape from background image or texture.
Or make any own shape from your head.
Make text or anything else.
Now it really simple and fast!

Auto merged new post submitted 8 minutes later
Hbgr wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2024 3:35 pm Well, can you show an example of combining polys on a 2D extraction, and how it would be helpful?
In video above I make clean BSP surface by join polys: ... rrJtlnKY-b


Without that, it be tessellated. Which created additional BSP cuts, splits and so on.
Which maybe can optimized away if you lucky. or not. But for sure it very bad if you try use such brush as mover, since movers never optimized by definition. And tessellated movers is wide road to BSP glitches.   
Auto merged new post submitted 5 hours 57 minutes later
113. Edit Mesh Properties

In 469e you can edit mesh properties directly in editor. So able tune them as you need, after import. Change texture, flags on polygons, speed of animation and so on.

Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 50 minutes later
114. Editor navigate to Class when use "..." button for class selection

In 469e when you use "..." button, editor will navigate in Actor Browser to actor class,which need for this field.

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Hbgr »

113. Edit Mesh Properties

In 469e you can edit mesh properties directly in editor. So able tune them as you need, after import. Change texture, flags on polygons, speed of animation and so on.

I've never edited meshes except for scaling them, so i have a question.
If we can import new mesh textures, are we currently able to export the mesh's given texture so we can edit it third-party?

Also is there a reference for all these editable texture properties? Do they all work?
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Ubir4 »

Finally. :>
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

Hbgr wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:06 pm If we can import new mesh textures, are we currently able to export the mesh's given texture so we can edit it third-party?
Mesh textures is regular texture in packages. you can with them all what you can do with textures. Include export, import and so on.
Hbgr wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:06 pm Also is there a reference for all these editable texture properties? Do they all work?
I not get question. If you mean docs - no there no any docs, but usually names self-explanatory.
You can try and see what work and how.
If something you not know what and not see deifference, you better not touch it. Also you can search in google what iy mean. Or ask ChatGPT :D   
Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 50 minutes later
115. Fix Software Render Textures Glitch

In 469e fixed bug, which make software render glitch in many cases and produce moving, rainbow or disco textures.

Software render still used by many mappers, however strongly recommended switch to ICBIND or D3D11 for that.

Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 32 minutes later
116. BackTrace console command

469e add new console command BackTrace, which you can use in your scripts for obtain call stack and determine execution path in current point.

That is quite important for debugging. If you got bad state in some function, which used from thousand places, you will see from where it called, so can much more faster bugs.

Also dump backtrace used internally. When game crashed with infinite script recursion, it now dump backtrace as well. Which show offsets, not only functions names.
Such addition also help in debug and narrow reason of such crashes.

Auto merged new post submitted 7 hours 24 minutes later
117. RunawayCounter console command

In 469e added new console command RunawayCounter - which allow you know current value of runaway counter in exactly this moment.

That allow you make long loops without crash game. Just check periodically runaway counter and if it about hit limit delay your computation to next tick.

Such command also can be useful in debug for see if your code about hit limit or no. Or just compute average increase counter per iteration, so you can forecast when it hit limit and delay computation.

Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 49 minutes later
118. Copy text from HTML area

In 469e you can copy text even from HTML area. Before such be possible only in text areas.

However HTML support pretty basic, so copied text can be not in same order for tags, as you see on screen. Still that better from nothing. :)

Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 38 minutes later
119. Solid Chat Area

In 469e if your HUD set as solid (non-transparent), then chat area be solid as well.

Before that, chat area be always transparent, which cause troubles for read text on bright maps.

Auto merged new post submitted 10 hours 55 minutes later
120. UTrace can be started/stopped from the log window

In 469e UTrace is now engine command, so you can use it in the log window as well. That useful for start/stop tracing for dedicated servers on windows, where icon in system tray.

Auto merged new post submitted 11 hours 54 minutes later
121. UProfile - new tool for profile scripts execution

In 469e added new tool for profile scripts execution - UProfile.
You can see how many time take execute each function, how many times it called, how many other calls do and so on.
So you can find narrow spots and optimize them.
Result also JSON compatible, so easy can be analyzed with custom scripts.

Such tool is very important if you need profile and speed up your code.

Auto merged new post submitted 3 hours 45 minutes later
122. Report Location where Fell out The World

In 469e if something die in void, there be line in the log about what it be on which location and which physics used. That work on local play and servers.
So mappers and admins can review this log and found exact location of dead spots for fix them.
Before there be message, but no any location, so mappers and admins often stay clueless why it happen or where.

Now that feature can be used for fix more maps.

Auto merged new post submitted 6 hours 56 minutes later
123. Rename Classes / Sounds / Musics / Meshes

In 469e you can rename Class, Sound, Music or Mesh after creation.
Such possibility allow fix names or make it different. For example for resolve conflicts.

Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 50 minutes later
124. Open files by drag them into editor

In 469e you can open files (maps, textures, sounds, music, system packages) by drop them into main window header. Or left toolbar with buttons.
Wanna note, that not work with viewports or with browsers (texture, actors, etc). Just drop your files into main window.

Such feature allow you easy open need resources, without search them in open dialog.

If you drag many files, then loaded all of them, except maps. Map loaded only first one, all other (if any) ignored.

Auto merged new post submitted 6 hours 16 minutes later
125. Draw on Fire Texture

469e fix draw on fire textures. So you can create fire textures again.
That open amazing possibilities for mappers for create very spcial effects on maps.
That also work with other textures as well. Like Ice, Wave or Wet textures.

Auto merged new post submitted 7 hours 8 minutes later
126. Ctrl+A select all text in Text View Windows

In 469e you can easy select all text for copy in Text View Windows by press hotkey Ctrl+A. That related to Actor Text View, Class Default Properties and so on.

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Deepu »

Any server or game client optimization?
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

There already be mentioned few. And will be mentioned more with time.   
Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 20 minutes later
127. Octree Collision Hash - FPS not drop on long traces on huge maps

469e now use Octree Collision Hash, which much better handle long traces and huge collision objects.
Now FPS not drop if weapon make long trace across level with big count actors.
And CPU load not increased if on map used actors or movers of huge size.

This change affect not only weapons. Any trace actually.

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Deepu »

If we have too many monsters in the map, that won't cause FPS drops, right?
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Barbie »

Deepu wrote: Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:10 pm If we have too many monsters in the map, that won't cause FPS drops, right?
It depends how many are visible at one time.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Deepu »

I'm excited to test this patch, when the is going out?
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

No ETA yet. I expect it out in 2 months. We on final stage for make some beta public RC.   
Auto merged new post submitted 3 minutes later
128. Turn off generate VisNoReachList for speed up build process

In game exists thing VisNoReachList, which not used in game, but builds during build process. Now in 469e you can turn off build that, and build map/paths faster.
Difference really depends from map.

Just in case there exists possibility turn it back.

Auto merged new post submitted 7 hours 45 minutes later
129. Beep notify for long actions

In 469e if actions goes be enough long, editor will make system beep sound when it ends. Duration of long actions can be adjusted in INI file.

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Oh no! The editor is talking back now! :loool:
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e

Post by Buggie »

130. Flying pawns not stuck in air

In 469e fixed bug, when flying pawns share same edge of collision, they stuck in air, and can't move.
That bug pretty common in MH where a lot flying pawns.

Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 40 minutes later
131. Restore camera position on load map

In 469e editor restore camera position, when you load map, so you can continue work, where you stopped last time.
Before it will reset camera to one point near origin.

Auto merged new post submitted 8 hours 35 minutes later
132. Invisible Collision Hulls not block light for meshes

In 469e Invisible Collision Hulls will not block light for meshes. Which before appear black if there no light source on other side of collision hull.