Download packs off server but then cant find/use

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Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:03 pm

Download packs off server but then cant find/use

Post by darkmenace »

Hi all

I have a weird issue where I put a new voice pack on my server, remove the "serversideonly" flag on the package through UCC, add ServerPack=packagename in UnrealTournament.ini

I made sure package doesnt exist on my gaming PC. When I connect to server it finds and downloads the package (shows it downloading to complete), but then I cant find the package files in my UT install dir on gaming PC, nor can I select the new voice pack under "Player Settings".

Just wondering if I am missing a step?
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Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:32 am

Re: Download packs off server but then cant find/use

Post by Buggie »

All temp files from server landed in Cache folder as uxx file. You can check cache.ini for find out real name.

Some tools can extract them from cache:

However this files can't be used in client setup by 2 reasons:
1. They must be not in cache.
2. For game know what it is it and can use it, need .int file.
Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:03 pm

Re: Download packs off server but then cant find/use

Post by darkmenace »

Thanks Buggie.

I think part of the problem is I have been creating the packs on my gaming PC, then putting them on the server, then deleting the relevant pack files from my PC to test them auto downloading off the game server. Obviously something is being left behind from when I create them on my gaming PC in the first place to stop the game setting them up fresh on my PC when auto-downloaded off my game server.

Only reason I was doing this was to try and ensure the new packs would successfully download and install from the server for other players.

Anyway, turns out they are working fine when downloaded by other players from the same server, so will leave it there.