
Introduce yourself! (Please NOT only your Name or Clan!)
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Post by ZeaLitY »

Hey all. Just putting this out there in case anyone played with me back in the day. I mainly haunted Face servers (one of those triple piston jumpers -- grab health keg, take flag, grab armor, jump down front of tower using slide to avoid damage, piston jump out of the redeemer portal, piston jump up the upward sloping section, piston jump on the downward sloping section -- always a joy). I played on and Gamesnet. There was a Jolt mod who used that dark hair female skin and would spawn in Redeemers for us sometimes.

I got heavy into Bunnytracks around 2005, back when there were those three main ]I[-player maps (Legends v4, Warbase, and one I'm forgetting). I hung around with BT clan people, like Anar / Anarchist. Around 2006-2007, I was playing a ton of normal speed lowgrav instagib (I miss that Barn Burner map, and this other CTF Bridge map whose name I'm forgetting).

I became friends with some TruFf people around 2008, if anyone remembers. Got pulled into Gameservers SLV. I still remember too many names from there -- Fichi_Zulla, ogrodnik, Michi, MoD, and some others. I also played a ton of AS on the DoG Standard Assault server in 2009, for fear that the servers would be depopulated "soon" (feels like yesterday). Was still #pugging by 2013-2014, but haven't played as much since outside haunting lonely Bunnytracks servers.
  • 2001-2007 eNLiGhTeNMeNT / KiloWaTT / AntiMaTTeR, was part of some DEM clan (? I remember someone named Assassin there, along with someone named Drew)
  • 2008 - Onward sG][AhabEsque
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Re: Greets

Post by papercoffee »

Welcome back to the forum. Enjoy your stay.