UT Community SDK Release Thread

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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by darksonny »

Mate, mate, your problem is your read english level, and yes, don't waste your time ( I don't obligue you to do that, you are free anyway ) is better right now, keep judging people as "x" as dumb that is the reason what I felt pissed out with your enjudgement ( by using a big photo with 4 big arrows like "oh you dumb here is the download link" style). And yes, I have had to explain you more deeply why I put the " It does appears to be down..." word because the link download at evening was not available ( that in this moment at 22:00 became now available ).
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Creavion »

darksonny wrote:Mate, mate, your problem is your read english level, and yes, don't waste your time ( I don't obligue you to do that, you are free anyway ) is better right now, keep judging people as "x" as dumb that is the reason what I felt pissed out with your enjudgement ( by using a big photo with 4 big arrows like "oh you dumb here is the download link" style). And yes, I have had to explain you more deeply why I put the " It does appears to be down..." word because the link download at evening was not available ( that in this moment at 22:00 became now available ).
Ha, this made my day. :tongue:
Fine, yes my english is not-top notch, however I wont start to pick your stuff to pieces right now. But it does not matter if you think you are superior now: A lack of information has no relation to buggy english. Criticism never feels any good, however it is part of everybodys life, your ones, my ones. I work as software tester and in case of a new bug you can bet people dont want to ask me for further information (over and over again). It is my job to give them a detailed description immediately. And I think this exactly is the problem on your side which you dont want to accept.
" It does appears to be down..."
Telling other people about problems should not end up in a guessing game. Assumption is the mother of all f*ck-*ps.

Edit: Nothing new has been said, I have said everything to this topic. I allow him to have the final word (as if this would help him anyway).
Last edited by Creavion on Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by darksonny »

Creavion wrote:
darksonny wrote:Mate, mate, your problem is your read english level, and yes, don't waste your time ( I don't obligue you to do that, you are free anyway ) is better right now, keep judging people as "x" as dumb that is the reason what I felt pissed out with your enjudgement ( by using a big photo with 4 big arrows like "oh you dumb here is the download link" style). And yes, I have had to explain you more deeply why I put the " It does appears to be down..." word because the link download at evening was not available ( that in this moment at 22:00 became now available ).
Ha, this made my day. :tongue:
Fine, yes my english is not-top notch, however I wont start to pick your stuff to pieces right now. But it does not matter if you think you are superior now: A lack of information has no relation to buggy english. Criticism never feels any good, however it is part of everybodys life, your ones, my ones. I work as software tester and in case of a new bug you can bet people dont want to ask me for further information (over and over again). It is my job to give them a detailed description immediately. And I think this exactly is the problem on your side which you dont want to accept.
" It does appears to be down..."
Telling other people about problems should not end up in a guessing game.
What part of all I said you do not understand mate? What relationship does it have your work as tester with the download link problems? Seriously, dude, let the things go away ok, I don't need to explain you anymore because it is evident what was I am referring to. Do you want to waste more time writing nonsenses and unrelated words ( your job and life with the download discussion ¿?¿). I dont think I am superior ( this is what you think in your mind)....criticism? what criticism? enjudgement mate enjugdment, don't put your words dressed as friendly criticism when its obvious your are triyng to say another thing wih doudbful intentions..who are you gonna cheat? Settle this discussion please, and let Shadow post here their work.

End of discussion.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Argueing over such a silly little thing :noidea
Yes, maybe the link was down at that time, perhaps there were some technical probs at moddb, all that matters is that it's working now...
@sonny: Sorry, I thought you couldn't find the dl button too :tongue:...
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by papercoffee »

Ok ...I did let this dispute go last night. But ...

Creavion ... your picture is as rude interpretable ...next time try to use smaller pictures with fewer red arrows or better write some text only.

darksonny ... calm down. Your initial post was really a little bit misleading.

from here on please stay on topic everyone.
This is shadows thread.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Shadow »

Hey hey guys, this is not the place to struggle! If darksonny had a problem then it's ok, but please, darksonny, explain your problems a bit more precisely in the future !

Now to higor's question. Hm.. with the current release a lot changed, simply try everything out. I could imagine that the vertex sprites won't work currently for example (they need an immediate code base update)

// edit: thanks to Flay for that mirror, but the link at your page doesn't work (404 error)
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Feralidragon »

About the ModDB downloads:
- they suffered an immense loss on mirrors in the past few months.

GameFront no longer serves downloads to most countries in the world, and this includes Spain and Portugal (my country), thus neither me nor darksonny should be able to download from it any longer.
However, Gamefront is still available for Germany, as listed here:

Hence Creavion sees it, but darksonny doesn't.
The countries not included in the GameFront service only have one way to download files from ModDB: registering there, logging in and then download from one of the many ModDB mirrors themselves, which are supported worldwide.

On another hand, Shadow can also provide alternate links from good hosts like MediaFire if he wishes to (that's the route I took for my mod as well).

I remember posting about this whole GameFront and ModDB thing months ago, specially when I released my mod, and now this is a great example of how a silly discussion may arise because of lack of info from the parties involved.
Please, next time get your facts straight and give the benefit of the doubt in this matter.
Thank you.

And just to stay on topic: great job Shadow, I'm glad to see new features and content coming with your SDK. :tu:
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Shadow »

Yep yep, there'll be a mirror on mediafire too, as always. Just have a lame connection currently

Thanks ferali!!!

Hope everyones testing, bug hunt never ends :P
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by darksonny »

gamerfront sux, what will happen with all those UT series's files? That is not good :(

Maybe mega from dotcom apart mediafire or dropbox could be a solution to this issue?
EDit: Shadow I have read your pdf files...I hope when the release is definitive will allow UT game revamp, the lightning are superb good job!
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Higor »

I keep all my stuff in a Dropbox repository... even my own UT redirect (oops, don't abuse it k?...).
Btw, linked this thread on uK forums, at least got a couple of ppl to install and test.

Dynamic arrays look nice, already got a plan for these in Botz lol.

Oh shit help me.

Code: Select all

const sdkO = class'sdkObject';

var Array<Projectile> aProjs;

sdkO.static.ArrInsertIdx( aProjs, 0, 1);
This isn't working.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Dr.Flay »

One issue I feel I should point out is,
that even though you may not have used an SDK function in your map, that if you have it installed in UEd, it will no longer open in UEd 2.1 (227).

Is there a way to remove the "HUD" reference ? or make sure no SDK stuff is added, when none is used ?
Not had a chance to install this release, so I'm not sure if this is already dealt with.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Higor »

Make a shortcut mah boi.

How i did it:
Make 2 shortcuts:

UnrealTournament.exe, name it SDKut, add this parameter: -ini=sdkUT.ini
UnrealED.exe, name it SDKed, add this parameter: -ini=sdkUT.ini

Copy your UnrealTournament.ini to sdkUT.ini, on this INI, apply the instructions described on Setup.PDF.
With this, open SDKed and SDKut for SDK specific stuff.

btw, quoting myself:
Higor wrote:Oh shit help me.

Code: Select all
const sdkO = class'sdkObject';

var Array<Projectile> aProjs;

sdkO.static.ArrInsertIdx( aProjs, 0, 1);

This isn't working.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Higor »

Excuse my double post, got some info:

WeaponsActors iterator does over 1000000 iterations, it happened when I specified the Botz as the owner (class'Weapon', WeaponPointer, Botz(owner) ).
Can't figure out a way to use the dynamic array functions.

On the other side, doing some heavy usage of DynamicActors() and no problems.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Shadow »

Dr.Flay wrote:One issue I feel I should point out is,
that even though you may not have used an SDK function in your map, that if you have it installed in UEd, it will no longer open in UEd 2.1 (227).

Is there a way to remove the "HUD" reference ? or make sure no SDK stuff is added, when none is used ?
Not had a chance to install this release, so I'm not sure if this is already dealt with.
Which HUD reference do you mean? That one in sdkDevGame.uc?

Concerning dynamic arrays: fukk! Thought that was working -.- Actually it should work, I'll have a look on that.
Concerning iterators: mhmhm these inventory iterators were experimental.. will have a look on that too.

Actually no one would need inventory iterators since there's the pawnlist, and the pawns have a list of inventory, and for other not yet picked up stuff one simply uses normal iterators.. mh.

Thanks Higor that you're so eager to test stuff!
Last edited by Shadow on Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UT Community SDK Release Thread

Post by Higor »

Took a look at the WeaponActors iterator on the c++ sources...

Apparently, the Level weapons list goes up one by one on each check...
While the owned weapons are iterated again and again, which by following the previous logic, it should always return the player's latest weapon until the engine crashes...

Can't test any changes since I can't compile this code.

LOL, yeah I once made a simple iterator function myself so I kinda understand a bit... (ACE kicked me 15 minutes later for natives check... just don't ask what i was trying to do...)
Btw, fun fact: TraceActors doesn't do the Class check internally.
I found about it when developing Siege Ultimate, I had a pointer for a StationaryPawn subclass... and it returned any actor (even Level) stored in this pointer.