Map: SDK-Showcase_Items
How to reproduce:
Get Rocket Launcher
Hurt yourself (Rocket Jump) and collect the NaliFruit
Jump and press (left) mousebutton - it looks like it has to be within the (former) nalifruit collision radius/height After that the game crashes.
Critical Error!
Code: Select all
Warning: EnigmaActor sdkSubUVSmallFireEmitter2 MyLevel.sdkSubUVSmallFireEmitter16 couldn't be removed. Probably broken or not in the List.
Warning: RenderActor sdkSCLanternFlare MyLevel.sdkSCLanternFlare0 couldn't be removed!
Log: Garbage: objects: 47235->0; refs: 602586
Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 03/09/13 23:27:12
If you can not reproduce it, I will try to make a video!