tracking someone down to credit them

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tracking someone down to credit them

Post by EvilGrins »

A stretch back I made an edit of DM-Phobos, with a trick I learned from MrLoathsome:

Really only the Titans and their skins are what I did, placement and skinning but it does make things on that map more interesting.

I planned to distribute this map to 2 forums only, not this one, because I named the Titans after those people that run those forums; they're aware of this and found it amusing.

The original DM-Phobos creator is this guy · ... Fiorentino

He's not with Epic Games anymore but I'd still like to get his permission before I share the map with anyone else.

Am I going over the top trying to find the guy's contact info just to ask his permission on this? Been looking off and on for a few weeks.

Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by ASLY »

Why do you need permission for a standard map?
When you buyed UT, you got the permission.
And I think if you never find the creator for the map just write hes name to the LevelInfo.
Or if more files you don't know the creator I think you can use this files.
But check out everything for the creator who made a file, Google, Downoad somewhere the mod and check ReadMe, or in UED open with the script viewer.
If you find the creator, write hes name go your ReadMe file, but if you have contact ask him you can use hes stuffs. I think everybody say yes, when I making my unfinished MH map I started to find the creators who maked the files what I use. Everybody were friendly and they tell me just write hes name to the ReadMe file and the file name. :)
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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by UTDeath »

As far as I understand, Aslye702 is right with that of "Already got permission because you got the game" but it is always nice to give credit. :)
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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by EvilGrins »

Realistically, I probably don't need permission. This is more of a me thang.

Most mappers have this BIG thing about being credited by anyone that either edits their work or uses parts of their work... way of example, for a ut99 map I edited a stretch back in which I put skins on Warlords that I got from ut2004's Invasion, I got contacted about a year later by the person that created those Warlord skins for ut2004 wanting me to credit his work on my ut99 map.

Go figure.

I think people should be credited, and if at all possible informed their work is being used.

A lot of the skinning I do of super hero skins comes from bases made by this guy Chris Ollis. I was editing them for years without knowing who the guy was, but when I found out I got his contact info, informed him, and as it happens he was very cool about it:

Kinda nice to know the creator of those skins likes what I did with his stuff!

I'm just funny that way.
Last edited by EvilGrins on Sat Feb 27, 2016 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by noccer »

I think its a nice attitude from EvilGrins, to credit those "original mappers".

As far as i know, you are allowed to use the files from the ut maps for your project, as you may remake the maps too. If you want to contact Cedric, just search for him at google... Oh well, i did and i would like to say that i found him in a second xD

I hope that i could help you ;)

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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by Feralidragon »

You don't need to credit the mappers of any standard original files, for the following reasons:
1 - the original maps are not the mappers property, they are solely property from Epic;
2 - the original maps were sold with the game and are free to edit for the game (that was one of the most powerful points they tried to advertise with the game);
3 - you only need to ask permission for any asset done for the game which wasn't originally in the game itself (because those are not property from Epic at all, unlike most people claim [I re-read the EULA some time ago, and any asset made for the game is 100% property of its original owner, it just happens that in the context of the game you have restrictions: no selling or commercial exploitation of any kind without their written consent (which means that's possible as long as they explicitly permit you to)]).

I hope that's clear.

Furthermore, to be honest, I think that emailing him to ask permission to edit a map under those conditions may be seen as a hassle, although I believe he will still reply politely of course and perhaps explain the same thing written above to you, but imagine if everyone started doing so just because they didn't inform themselves enough.
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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by EvilGrins »

Apparently I'm earning a good rep · ... 2&start=15

This is the guy that made those boxy, room by room different monsters maps. I found 2, both with [SPG] in the title, which I presented on this forum as lil' projects, still ongoing, which I was working on to hone my map editing skills.

I also posted about my wanting to find the mapper for those maps on a few forums, and on DU he saw one of my posts and gave me permission to edit. Even moreso with what's at that link up there!

It doesn't take much. If you look they can be found.
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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by UnrealGGecko »

I wish I had better luck finding original authors, I only found 1 out of about 10 mappers that I was looking for :(
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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by EvilGrins »

GEx wrote:I wish I had better luck finding original authors, I only found 1 out of about 10 mappers that I was looking for :(
To be fair, I posted that over at DU months before the guy spotted it.
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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by Lucasi »

Feralidragon wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:02 pm You don't need to credit the mappers of any standard original files, for the following reasons:
1 - the original maps are not the mappers property, they are solely property from Epic;
2 - the original maps were sold with the game and are free to edit for the game (that was one of the most powerful points they tried to advertise with the game);
3 - you only need to ask permission for any asset done for the game which wasn't originally in the game gb whatsapp
I hope that's clear.
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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by Barbie »

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Re: tracking someone down to credit them

Post by papercoffee »

Lucasi wrote: Fri May 26, 2023 9:45 am
Feralidragon wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:02 pm You don't need to credit the mappers of any standard original files, for the following reasons:
1 - the original maps are not the mappers property, they are solely property from Epic;
2 - the original maps were sold with the game and are free to edit for the game (that was one of the most powerful points they tried to advertise with the game);
3 - you only need to ask permission for any asset done for the game which wasn't originally in the game gb whatsapp
I hope that's clear.
Loud and clear, Sir. No doubts. :gj:
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