Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

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Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Feralidragon »

So, due to a PM I decided to make a rather "quick" tutorial on how to import meshes into UT, for either mapping or modding purposes. I won't post any images nor examples because this is a quick n' dirty one, but I may do so later on.

First off, a quick introduction on meshes:
- UT has 2 main kinds of 3D models, BSP and meshes, BSP is used to build the structure of the level and generally is limited to that alone, while meshes can be used to both mapping and modding purposes.
The main differences between BSP and meshes are the following:
BSP Pros:
- Occlusion of non-visible polys
- Unlimited and customized UV mapping
- Support for decals, detail and macro textures, and depending on the render even more than that (DX10 bump/normal mapping comes to mind)
- Very easy to build using good ol'UEd tools
- Can be additive and subtractive
- Per-poly collision
- Support for high-resolution textures (S3TC)
- Poly flags (reflective, unlit, bright, low/high detail shadows, etc)
- Good ray tracing lighting

BSP Cons:
- Fairly unstable due to potential geometry errors (bent polys, floating point errors thus being advised to stay on the grid which is mainly integer and thus precise numbers, HOMs, overlapping of different types of BSP, poly flags that are simply error inducing garbage, etc).
- Relatively slow to render (thus has to be kept as low poly as possible)
- Generates a lot more polys during rebuild rather than the ones you added (BSP cuts and nodes)
- Hard-limit on the number of nodes/polys in the entire map (65.536 if I am not mistaken)
- Cannot be animated nor moved (static, except movers which can move)
- Cannot be dynamically cast into the level (they need to exist in the map itself beforehand)
- Cannot change texturing (except when using ScriptedTextures or a native mod to change them directly)
- No LOD
Mesh pros:
- Extremely quick to render (when in direct comparison with BSP)
- No geometry errors and WYSIWYG polys
- Polys limit based mostly on hardware and not the engine (but not much the GPU like in newer games, thus you can't have too many polys even nowadays)
- Are not effected by nor do affect BSP
- Has some of the same per-poly flags as BSP does (unlit) and others which BSP does not support (environment mapped)
- Gouraud smooth lighting (although you can make it flat as I have shown in debris effects by manipulating the smoothing groups)
- Can be animated, scaled and have their texture changed at any given time
- Can be dynamically cast into the level
- Can be environment mapped (metallic shiny effect comes to mind when done properly and with the right texturing)

Mesh cons:
- No occlusion on hidden polys (the mesh is always rendered as a whole even if a single pixel is visible from the mesh, so beware of high poly models, specially without any LOD applied)
- No support of high resolution textures, decals, nor secondary detail and macro textures
- Have to be built in a 3rd party 3D modelling application, and along that an exporter which works properly
- Cylindrical collision (same as any actor)
- UV mapping limited to 1.0
- Limited to up to 8~9 textures (8 multiskins + 1 texture for environment mapped polys)
- Crouching on top of one of these does not work properly
So having that said, before you do anything, if your aim is to make a map with your own custom 3D models, you have to first choose which ones are going to be BSP and which ones are better off as meshes.
Generally the golden rule is: BSP for structure and meshes for decorations, although given their visual differences may defeat the "illusion" you're trying to give when mixing both, so extra care is needed to blend both together properly.

Now as for the tutorial itself:

1 - First make the mesh in a 3D application, like MilkShape, Blender or 3D Studio Max (your choice)

2 - Then export it to either _d.3d/_a.3d or .psk/.psa formats (the difference is that in the first the animation is done by vertex, while in the second is done by a set of joints linked as a skeleton). The second one always required at least a joint and all the vertexes linked to it to be able to be exported, while the first doesn't require any of that whatsoever, so for non-animated meshes the first is always the one to go with, for animated pick what fits best for you.

3 - Create a package and the classes to import these meshes (for info on how to create a class and a package, go here:

4 - The models you just exported go generally to the Models folder (although it can be any folder of your choice, you just have to point the path to them on import)

5 - The textures for the model need to go to the Skins or any other kind of folder you see fit (same rule as above). Don't forget to convert the textures to 256-color format.

6 - Each class structure should be as the following (I am going with the _d.3d/_a.3d format import since it's what most use):

Code: Select all

class MyCustomModelActor expands Actor;

#exec MESH IMPORT MESH=MyCustomMesh ANIVFILE=MODELS\MyCustomMesh_a.3d DATAFILE=MODELS\MyCustomMesh_d.3d X=0 Y=0 Z=0
#exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=MyCustomMesh X=0 Y=0 Z=0 PITCH=0 YAW=0 ROLL=0


#exec MESHMAP NEW MESHMAP=MyCustomMesh MESH=MyCustomMesh
#exec MESHMAP SCALE MESHMAP=MyCustomMesh X=0.03 Y=0.03 Z=0.06

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=MyCustomMesh_Skin FILE=SKINS\MyCustomMesh_Skin.bmp GROUP=Skins LODSET=2 MIPS=OFF

In the example above, I am trying to import a model called "MyCustomMesh", and its skin "MyCustomMesh_Skin" to be used in the actor called "MyCustomModelActor".

The first 3 import lines are the basic import parameters:
- the first defines the path where the mesh is and how it's going to be called in your package
- the second defines the LOD of the mesh (when it starts to morph in a lower detail, and the values can go from 0.0 to 1.0, being 0.0 "never morph" and 1.0 "morph immediately"... if you tried to import your mesh and completely disappears from view too soon, this is the setting you should look at)
- the third defines the origin point of the mesh (X, Y and Z) and its initial base rotation (Pitch, Yaw and Roll)

The next 2 lines are the definition of the animation groups, where you define the name of each animation, rate and the amount of frames of each one.
It's worth to mention though that even if you only define the groups for 10 frames when you have 200, all 200 frames are still imported, they will simply be unreachable unless you define an animation group for them.
You must be fully precise of the amount of frames for each animation, since if any animation has more frames defined than the ones the mesh actually has, it will import and compile but the mesh will distort and the game will crash immediately once the mesh is rendered.

The 2 lines after those (3rd "paragraph" of imports) define the initial scale of the of the mesh. Notice how the Z scale is always the double of the X and Y counterparts: this is due the fact that the _d.3d format has only half of the numeric range in the Z axis relative the X and Y ones, and thus once exported the mesh is always scaled in half in the Z axis and so to import with the correct scale, the Z axis needs to be doubled once again on import.

The last 2 import lines are the import and assignment of the skin texture to the mesh:
- the first just imports the texture, and here you define the final name of the texture, the path it gets to be imported from, the LODSet (which game detail settings affect this texture: 0 is none of them, 1 the world settings and 2 the skin settings), and Mips defines if mipmaps should be generated for this texture or not (if the texture is 256x256 MIPS=OFF is desirable as it looks more detailed on distance, and even when rendered closeup, if above 256x256, MIPS=OFF should not be used at all otherwise some renders (including the one that comes with the game) will crash).

At last we have the default properties, where it's defined that the actor should be rendered as a mesh, and which mesh it's supposed to render.

In this case I expanded from Actor, but you can expand it for any class you find proper, like Decoration or that makes more sense in the context of what you're trying to add to your map or even your mod.

Like I said, a rather quick one without images, but I hope this still proves to be useful as it is. Any doubts you have just ask. :)
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Radi »

Hi :) nice tutorial, especially with little script you provided :)
I really want to make some meshes, simple lamp for example, with one skin, so I can change appearance of it very easy later.
Now I describe somehow how is annoying me badly:

1-This is UV-map created in LithUnwrap app:

2-I colored that skin to better visualize my problem:

3-in Milkshape looks as excepted:

4-in UED not, skin is little misaligned and black portions of texture shown :(

5-Another view from UED, in milkshape all verticles are alligned to grid properly, after exporting I got this:

6-below is UC script for all of this:

Code: Select all

class mysLight expands Decoration;

#exec MESH IMPORT MESH=mysLight ANIVFILE=MODELS\mysLight_a.3d DATAFILE=MODELS\mysLight_d.3d X=0 Y=0 Z=0
#exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=mysLight X=0 Y=0 Z=0


#exec MESHMAP NEW MESHMAP=mysLight MESH=mysLight
#exec MESHMAP SCALE MESHMAP=mysLight X=0.3 Y=0.3 Z=0.6

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=skin FILE=textures\skin.pcx GROUP=Skins LODSET=2 MIPS=OFF

7-this line is concern me too:

Code: Select all

actually mesh is visible even from verrry faaaar, thats because of mesh very low polycount? this command really works ??(probably for meshes with more polys) ?

So, I'll be very happy if someone experienced with modeling describe why this skin is misaligned a little everytime when I try some custom-made model in UED, or what may be related to :) maybe Milkshape screws something when exported ? hmmm
Skin is 256x256 indexed pcx file.
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Feralidragon »

On export, MilkShape displaces the vertexes by +0.125 in the negative X and Z axis, and +0.25 in the negative Y axis (if I remember correctly, as I stopped caring about that in my own models a long time ago).
Therefore, if you want to export the model perfectly aligned, you have to set MilkShape grid to 0.125, snap everything to that grid, and then move the vertexes located in the negative sides of X and Z by -0.125 (in the 0.125 grid: 1 unit), and -0.25 in the Y axis (which in the 0.125 grid is 2 units).

However, most of the time you won't need this much level of precision, as long as you scale up your mesh to the max export bounding box (256x256x256, in other words, having all vertexes only up to 128 units from the center), and then scale it down on import itself.

As for the misalignment itself, I am not sure if that's a UT bug or a bug in the MS3D exporter, but generally the coordinates of the texture offset by around 3 pixels per 512 pixels in the X axis of the texture itself (1,5 for 256, 0.75 for 128, and so on) in the X axis. In the Y axis this value seems to be around 1 or 2 pixels though.
You can try to import with LODSET=1 or LODSET=0 instead (with MIPS=OFF as you have right now) to see if that fixes it (the way UT applies the texture to a mesh in LODSET 1 is different from LODSET 2, and also different from LODSET 0). If that doesn't work, you can do what I did with the Venom years ago (where the case was severe): edit the skin itself and offset it by +1 or +2 pixels in the X axis.

As for the STRENGTH value, values of 0.35 and beyond generally have that effect. But like you said, it also has indeed to do with the number of polys: the most noticeable difference between different STRENGTH values are with higher poly models, since the more the poly/vertex count, the sooner the model will morph into a version of less poly/vertex count with the distance.
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Bloeb »

Very nice tutorial, but you forgot one very big con for meshes: They can not always be rendered correctly using the software-renderer/driver. Therefore I would recommend to use them only for the necessary things (weapons?, items?) and maybe use them for decorations. If you use meshes for decoration you could try to adjust the ProjForward-property to make it look better, but it doesn't always work as intended.
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Feralidragon »

Although true and well pointed out, using the software render nowadays is not justifiable anymore imho (it's simply an incredibly obsolete and buggy fallback driver), so probably is not a big con (although some players still use it for their own reasons in online games, and I already had to use it myself a few years ago since the laptop I had was that bad).
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Radi »

Ok :) another problem occured :P

I making some decorations for my map, for example this little orange boiler visible on first screen.
Problem is when I added another mesh, some kind of half-quarter pipe. after doing that, palette of my boiler is overwriten :(, like in second screen..

these are UC lines for both of them:

Code: Select all

class boiler01 expands Decoration;

#exec MESH IMPORT MESH=boiler01 ANIVFILE=MODELS\boiler01_a.3d DATAFILE=MODELS\boiler01_d.3d X=0 Y=0 Z=0
#exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=boiler01 X=0 Y=0 Z=0


#exec MESHMAP NEW MESHMAP=boiler01 MESH=boiler01
#exec MESHMAP SCALE MESHMAP=boiler01 X=0.1 Y=0.1 Z=0.2

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=boiler01skin FILE=boilerSkin01.pcx GROUP=Skins LODSET=2 MIPS=ON PALETTE=boiler01skin
#exec MESHMAP SETTEXTURE MESHMAP=boiler01 NUM=0 TEXTURE=boiler01skin


Code: Select all

class pipeHC01 expands Decoration;

#exec MESH IMPORT MESH=pipeHC01 ANIVFILE=MODELS\pipeHC01_a.3d DATAFILE=MODELS\pipeHC01_d.3d X=0 Y=0 Z=0
#exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=pipeHC01 X=0 Y=0 Z=0


#exec MESHMAP SCALE MESHMAP=pipeHC01 X=0.1 Y=0.1 Z=0.2

#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=pipeHC01skin FILE=pipeHC01skin.pcx GROUP=Skins LODSET=2 MIPS=OFF PALETTE=pipeHC01skin

Im struggling with these a few hours and decided to post, so maybe help might arrive.
What I must to do in order to preserve palettes on each skin? :)
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Feralidragon »

Don't define the palette parameter during import (remove the PALETTE=... part). The importer will use the already existing palette from the pcx/bmp itself.
Also, is best if you use NUM=1 instead of NUM=0, since skin groups usually start in 1. If you use 0, some bugs will occur when you use procedural textures for example.
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Radi »

Thanks, I normally do it without PALETTE command like you wrote Ferali, but tried that and still nothing. Of course I found why, skin for that boiler is a 512x512, I thought that MIPS=ON should do the work.. but obviously not :) resized skin to 256x256 and it is everything ok.

EDIT: No,it is not texture size, now added another custom-made mesh and some other myleveled meshes have wrong palette now. Textures used for these skins are in MyLevel.Skins and these corrupted ones share now the same palette (Palette'MyLevel.Skins.Palette1'), :( seriously don't know what is going on with this..
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Feralidragon »

Do not MyLevel the skins yet. Import the models along with the custom textures to an independent package, then you can MyLevel it as a whole, otherwise some odd things may happen (since MyLevel is a special package and it has some specific behavior).
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Radi »

When I import mesh without skin to mylevel and after that, importing only a skin through texture browser (to MyLevel.Skins) then everything is ok. This way texture have own new palette number.
When I myLevel a .u package (mesh+skin) then palette is always 1.
So using 'obj load file' import mesh+skin, but that skin DO NOT have new palette number, it is a way to change that? maybe through script ?

Im tried what you descripted above Ferali, but this is not working in this case :)
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by _naruto_999 »

I can't create a custom deco using EXEC and new class in UED. It compiles fine inside UED, but when I add it in a map it displays nothing, it's invisible, there is no mesh at all. Imported obj in milkshape 3D and exported as .3d, saved in gamefolder\models\xxxx_a.3d and gamefolder\models\xxxx_d.3d.

However, meshmaker can convert a t3d to .u script with proper mesh inside just fine. (there is a bug though, you have to go in t3d text and edit all texture names to remove the name of the package and the name of the group, else meshmaker interprets aaa.bbb.ccc as a texture name, literally)
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by JackGriffin »

_naruto_999 wrote:I can't create a custom deco using EXEC and new class in UED. It compiles fine inside UED, but when I add it in a map it displays nothing, it's invisible, there is no mesh at all. Imported obj in milkshape 3D and exported as .3d, saved in gamefolder\models\xxxx_a.3d and gamefolder\models\xxxx_d.3d.
Then you are making a mistake somewhere. Send me an example that doesn't work and I'll take a look at it. I cannot tell you the number of times I've missed the smallest of steps and been unable to see it on my own. I send the problem to Ferali or Dane or any number of other people and usually they reply back in short order with "You messed up here:" It's humbling but we all do it.
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by _naruto_999 »

Is skipping texture import and set mesh texture the problem? I skipped import texture and didn't set a texture. The difference from me writing the script and the script generated by meshmaker is that the latter has an OBJ load line to load the texture from an external texture package.

UnrealED refuses to compile if I add defaultproperties, I get a red error message telling that there shouldn't be a defaultproperties block in the script.
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by JackGriffin »

_naruto_999 wrote:Is skipping texture import and set mesh texture the problem? I skipped import texture and didn't set a texture. The difference from me writing the script and the script generated by meshmaker is that the latter has an OBJ load line to load the texture from an external texture package.
If you don't assign a default texture then your mesh/model will be perfectly invisible. You should always assign something, even if it uses crap default textures. This will prevent you being unsure if the model is even creating when you place it. At least you'll be able to see it.

You don't have to use "obj load" in your import script. You should use one (or a mix) of these methods:
1) Assign existing default textures to your model so it looks how you want. This is the easiest way but gives you the least flexibility because everyone has seen them all.
2) Create your own texture package and assign it when you create the model import (as you are doing now).
3) My favorite: assign a basic texture to the model when creating it then assign the proper skinning when you import it via uscript. Here's an example:

Code: Select all

class MH2BiterFish extends BiterFish;

#exec MESH ORIGIN MESH=AmbientFish X=00 Y=-20 Z=00 YAW=-64


#exec texture IMPORT NAME=Jfish21  FILE=Textures\fish1.PCX GROUP=Skins
#exec MESHMAP scale MESHMAP=AmbientFish X=0.06 Y=0.06 Z=0.12

#exec texture IMPORT NAME=Jfish22  FILE=Textures\fish2.PCX GROUP=Skins
#exec texture IMPORT NAME=Jfish23  FILE=Textures\fish3.PCX GROUP=Skins
#exec texture IMPORT NAME=Jfish24  FILE=Textures\fish4.PCX GROUP=Skins
#exec texture IMPORT NAME=Jfish25  FILE=Textures\fish5.PCX GROUP=Skins
#exec texture IMPORT NAME=Jfish26  FILE=Textures\fish6.PCX GROUP=Skins

var texture FishSkins[6];

See, it sets a skin as the default one (JFish21) when creating the model but I can freely switch between other skins by calling other FishSkins(X). You can also use this method for models with more than one texture applied to them:

Code: Select all

_naruto_999 wrote:UnrealED refuses to compile if I add defaultproperties, I get a red error message telling that there shouldn't be a defaultproperties block in the script.
If you continue to use UEd to compile code I'm going to come to your house and break your kneecaps. Grab these two files:
Unzip them to your desktop and follow the install instructions. Code with Context (or use Notepad++) and compile your code with the included "UccComp v2". Use wotGreal to explore existing packages and extract things from them. Learn to use these tools and only use UEd for mapping. Trust me on this, spend the time to learn these tools and promise me you will not ever use UEd again to compile code?
The reason Def Props won't work in UEd is because you set them in the +tab menus of the properties boxes. It's REALLY unwieldy and you'll find normal coding is just way easier. Add your Def Props section at the end of the uc file and compile it like I'm showing you and you'll see it works just fine.

I know this seems like a lot of info but you'll quickly get used to doing it. I'd be glad to Skype with you and explain it in detail and walk you through compiling a model if you are really stuck.
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Re: Make of and import of custom meshes to UT

Post by Radi »

Yeah, never use UEd for compiling. It is buggy. For my custom meshes I use notepad and UCCmake for compiling to .u file.
You dont need to assign any texture with exec directives.
You can compile without textures, place mesh in a map, switch to wireframe mode, select this actor and change its skins within properties window under Display>multiskins .
This way no texture is referenced. If you compile decoration actor along with textures, and change its textures later, then the first one it is still referenced and loads everytime even if texture is not in use. So I prefer to compile without textures and import them later .