Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

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Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by papercoffee »

So ...I have a question about those flying thingies.
Are you protected against pain-zones like vacuum or water (drowning)?

I want to make a space battle /dogfight map and have to prevent the players to leave the battleships without sitting in an jet or riding a StrangeLove rocket.

Or even better ...A Jet mod where the player respawn as a Jet itself. And you can pickup the standard UT weapons ...or mod weapons.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Spectra »

Nope the player is not protected when entering any Pain Causing Zone. If you fly a Rocket X6 and fly it under water for minutes then ur health will start reducing.
Or even better ...A Jet mod where the player respawn as a Jet itself. And you can pickup the standard UT weapons ...or mod weapons.
Quite similar to a Total Conversion mod called Air Fight UT, where you spawn as a jet or helicopter.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by papercoffee »

Rocky wrote:Nope the player is not protected when entering any Pain Causing Zone. If you fly a Rocket X6 and fly it under water for minutes then ur health will start reducing.
Really? :| Dang!
Rocky wrote:
Or even better ...A Jet mod where the player respawn as a Jet itself. And you can pickup the standard UT weapons ...or mod weapons.
Quite similar to a Total Conversion mod called Air Fight UT, where you spawn as a jet or helicopter.
But I need spaceships...
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by EvilGrins »

Sadly AirFight UT doesn't have spaceships...
...but what it does have is impressive.

I've seen spaceship modes for space-battles, but they're only for ut2004. Those ships can operate in environments that would kill players but within a spacefighter they're protected by the craft's atmosphere:

I'll poke around, see what I can find.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Ðàrk-_¦_-Ñìght.: »

Airfight has a "technology pack" that adds Skaarj Skimmer (using the whitish gray plain skin), Botpack Jet's and some weird military UFO to the game... What's funny about those units is, their weapons are over powered to the max, and they fly WAY too fast.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by papercoffee »

Ðàrk-_¦_-Ñìght.: wrote:Airfight has a "technology pack" that adds Skaarj Skimmer (using the whitish gray plain skin), Botpack Jet's and some weird military UFO to the game... What's funny about those units is, their weapons are over powered to the max, and they fly WAY too fast.
Soooo I can use the two UT-default jets with this Airfight mod?
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Dr.Flay »

You should be able to swap the meshes.

We have had a discussion here ... t1975.html about options for flying things, as Hook has something specific he requires.
It would be useful to compare features, speed and manoeuvrability between various mods (including the Zencoder QJets and RoseBum car).... but.....(I keep wondering why a notable member of a certain site, who has a notable skill for mod-making, has not said anything ?)

If I were to follow the evolution of those mods a bit further, that would lead me to a certain next-generation of flying mods with "X" in the name (variations of which are available on several SLV-style severs).
However the final release of the X-Vehicles has yet to be officially released. ... /XVehicles
Soooo, I wonder if... someone round here may be able to answer whether the OP can be done :roll:
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Ðàrk-_¦_-Ñìght.: »

Yes papercoffee... you can and they are EXTREMELY overpowered.

It's rather hilarious playing with them too, but if you operate them at full speed be prepared to die often because the handling on those aircraft will be TERRIBLE when at maximum speed.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by papercoffee »

Damn ...Airfight UT is too big to be implemented into a Map.
I need a Mod/Mutator where you start as an Aircraft /Jet / Rocket-jockey. And be able to pickup all the UT weapons.
This map is for pure Dogfight with a huge areal ...therefore do I need a slim mod which uses the default UT jet models.

Is this kind of mod complicated to make? Can I do it without real scripting skills??
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Ðàrk-_¦_-Ñìght.: »

CTF-Articfighterjets had a minor mod included in the map that had a fighterjets "weapon". I'm not sure if you'd want to use it since essentially it's a redeemer missile with it's mesh changed to the fighter jet and the player is "stuffed" in it with standard UT invisibility.

That same mod I remember it being on a few DM servers as well, not sure if it was ever popular though.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by papercoffee »

Yeah I know this mod and map ...and it looked dorky.
Especially the invisible player-character who was still visible enough and did "swim" in the crouch position inside the Jet model.
It was a nice attempt.

Something similar but with the ability to pick up weapons and without any visible player model only the Jet spawn as a Jet.
Possible? Doable? By a script noob like me?
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Ðàrk-_¦_-Ñìght.: »

It's really as simple as just making the player bHidden but not changing the player's Visibility variable. (I recommend against setting DrawType to DT_None as this will cause severe replication issues)

What you're suggesting really sounds very similar to that mod but without the stupid "standard UT invis" applied to the player that is "riding" the jet. I dunno' about it being possible by a "script noob"... would be best if you explained what confuses you the most about UScript and I'll try to walk you through realizing your dream as best as I can.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

FLuKE or Ferali would be your best bet at finding a way for this to work for you paper.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by papercoffee »

SC]-[LONG_{HoF} wrote:FLuKE or Ferali would be your best bet at finding a way for this to work for you paper.
I know ...but both are occupied by their projects, I think.
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Re: Question about Jets and other flying vehicles

Post by Dr.Flay »

Depending on the size of your models, they could be hidden by the mesh. Most of the aircraft we have are scaled too small.
Maybe think in reverse.
Instead of making the player invisible, you shrink them. There are plenty of mods for that already (eh, MrLoathsome).

I finally had a poke around that Airfight mod. Clever !
The maps feel huge, but when you open them in UEd, you realise everything is just scaled to be tiny.
Imagine a modern sized UT map working at that scale ! You could make an epic Batllefield mod or even DayZ.

What is this "technology pack" ? is it an extra, or do I need to enable some of the disabled game-types ?
They may be flying too fast because they are ignoring the time-dilation setting of the mod.
Add Feralis gore mutator to the config, and watch the slo-mo meat-fireworks. It clarifies how this mod plays with scale (and looks freaking awesome).
BTW. what version do you have, and how did you add the UT jets ? I was wondering if I could add them to the config like the others.