The problem I have is that I am not seeing the new weapon textures or the new game menu. I do see the particle effects and some new textures on the walls.
Also, when I start the UT tournament's first match, I get this error:
What I did was:
Copy the SDK files (January 2013 UTSDKBeta (Build 500)) into the proper folders in the UT folder;
Configure the UnrealTournament.ini and UnrealED.ini as per instructed by the setup.pdf;
When that didn't work I went here and did as instructed;
Copied the textures and installed them in the proper order: 2nd cd -> high res -> highest res;
Did the rest of the file tweaking as explained on that page.
I did get the textures to work except the weapon textures which I really wanted and the menu and whatever else I may be missing from the SDK mod that I haven't realised yet.
Please help.