I need some help.

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I need some help.

Post by ThermalX »

Hi, I decided to start playing UT goty again because I really like the game; I came across the SDK mod and it looked great. I installed it, followed the instructions on the setup.pdf file, installed the 2nd cd textures then high res textures and finally copied the highest res textures over those.

The problem I have is that I am not seeing the new weapon textures or the new game menu. I do see the particle effects and some new textures on the walls.

Also, when I start the UT tournament's first match, I get this error:


What I did was:

Copy the SDK files (January 2013 UTSDKBeta (Build 500)) into the proper folders in the UT folder;

Configure the UnrealTournament.ini and UnrealED.ini as per instructed by the setup.pdf;

When that didn't work I went here and did as instructed;

Copied the textures and installed them in the proper order: 2nd cd -> high res -> highest res;

Did the rest of the file tweaking as explained on that page.

I did get the textures to work except the weapon textures which I really wanted and the menu and whatever else I may be missing from the SDK mod that I haven't realised yet.

Please help.
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Re: I need some help.

Post by Feralidragon »

Moved to the SDK section.
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Re: I need some help.

Post by Dr.Flay »

The current SDK (Build 500) does not include extra textures for the weapons, and I don't think there are any in the texture replacement packs.

The test weapons in the current SDK, are to show the firing and explosion effects etc.
They are also bugged, and occasionally some ammo ricochet can cause a crash.

The new menu and skins you see on the updated page, are from the next release.
You will have to wait like the rest of us, but in the mean-time, click on the link in Feralidragons signature.

Alternatively you can combine http://www.koehler-homepage.de/Wormbo/E ... Items.html
and https://files.myopera.com/dr-flay/unrea ... Realism.7z

(They all work with the SDK)
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Re: I need some help.

Post by ThermalX »

Thank you for your help.
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Re: I need some help.

Post by Dr.Flay »

Just found another alternative Enhanced weapons mod you may want to try.
http://www.birdieman.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/ ... 1331440512
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Re: I need some help.

Post by Shadow »

The error results in a call for a function that's not there, after writing 10.000 of lines of code you sometimes loose overview, thus current work only includes bug hunting for now as all new features are working I planned to for next release, like a major update to the static mesh system, new texture blendings, new emitters and an overall 60 % performance boost when using static meshes (it also reduces map file size by 50 %)

it's not planned to reskin the weapons, the weapons in the test map are just an example on how effects could look like for revamped weapons using my particle engine