the last days you may have already noticed the new donation button in the top right corner and the adverts showing up for guests.[donate][/donate]
With this announcement I want to give you some information about the recent thoughts and changes.
My thoughts about financing
I host this community for over 6,5 years now. Since is destined to live forever (

By now, the adverts you may have seen the last days has been removed completely. I tested this concept and it looked like it would be contraproductive in the end: The potential income was not worth the displeased users it would come with and the energy needed to be invested in optimization. Thank you for your feedback here!
With staying ad-free, the best solution is a piggy bank, that can be filled by anyone who likes to support this community. At the moment there is a PayPal donation button available in the top right corner. Since PayPal claims over 7% of the donated amount, I am open for better solutions. (Bank transfer may be an alternative, please pm me.)
The new group “Community Supporter”.
Like we have a group for Honorary Members, who contributed something special to the community, we also have a group for members who support the community financially. If you donate something, just inform us about it. Community Supporters will also be added to this overview:
(If a donor wants to stay anonymous or doesn’t want the donated amount shown up there, we will accept it of course.)
If you have any cool ideas, how I can give anything else back to the supporters, you are welcome.

For some orientation: The actual financial situation of
With giving the opportunity to support the community financially, I want to give you some transparency.
Since January 2008 to today, this project did cost me over 1300 Euro. The monthly costs were redurced over the years.
Current monthly target: 10,00 Euro
I am open for any constructive critics, feedback and suggestions.
Every donation is highly appreciated.

Best regards