UT99 stuff by Barbie

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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by EvilGrins »

How's the bot-pathing on those maps?
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

Aldebaran wrote:Often I can't open the door at spawn point because a Skaarj blocked it from outside and ones I have pressed the button I can't try it once more.
I noticed some broken brush surfaces also, so I'll put that map on the fix list again. By this I also can set doors MoverEncroachType to Ignore.
EvilGrins wrote:How's the bot-pathing on those maps?
Different. Usually I do not touch pathing related things if they do not cause errors. If original map had no pathing and it could be done easily, I add it.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

Keep in mind that some Coop game has automated return to Ignore for all Movers, no discrimination. Normally is not affecting game, it is helping mainly - see some BackHome craps with those doors forcing you to suicide because it's a challenge to get inside. That's why I set even a small delay for Mover reacting instantly - helping a lot of maps without particular tweaking. The most stupid thing is to have such a mover set OnlyOnce and a Monster to block it = good bye. Because I'm using all sort of Bots and nasty monsters I prefer crushing because a pawn stuck in door at using Mover tweaks by XCGE it's almost impossible to kill sometimes. If that loser is intended to make an Event = Good Bye again. And so on... The most common tweaks which I did are not affecting good maps, the rest of dumb ideas are another story. I think I have a solution against crashing with maps with broken paths... but it's not my way to ruin Bot support or monster combat - I go for fixing it and doing full pathing.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by OjitroC »

@Barbie - There's a couple of other things about that map
  • - the major one is that if one falls, or is shot, off the slope up to the building and into the water, there is no way of getting back and one has to do the map in reverse (kind of)
    - it wasn't clear to me how to get into the main building itself having cleared the courtyard and the crypt and cellars
    - I did get stuck once in the doorway on the slope upto the main building as the swing door came down as I was going through and then I could not move (probably wouldn't happen a lot, it was just that I was taking shots at the Skaarj Snipers)
    - there's a transparent brick pillar - not sure if you can work out where it is from that but it is in one of the courtyards around the main building
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

Thanks for feedback.
OjitroC wrote:the major one is that if one falls, or is shot, off the slope up to the building and into the water, there is no way of getting back and one has to do the map in reverse (kind of)
There is a cave entry directly below the first bridge (where a Brute and a Nali are).
OjitroC wrote:it wasn't clear to me how to get into the main building itself having cleared the courtyard and the crypt and cellars
The good old Unreal maps. :D The focus on those maps is more figuring out what and how to do instead of smashing tons of enemies. The TranslatorEvents often give hints but unfortunately we have no working Translator for UT99.
Apart from that my aim was to fix errors and not to build a modified fork. :wink:
OjitroC wrote:I did get stuck once in the doorway on the slope upto the main building as the swing door came down as I was going through and then I could not move (probably wouldn't happen a lot, it was just that I was taking shots at the Skaarj Snipers)
I think I'll replace these two swinging doors by vertical moving fences.
OjitroC wrote:there's a transparent brick pillar - not sure if you can work out where it is from that but it is in one of the courtyards around the main building
Hard to recognise where that exactly is. I also noticed a missing surface part on Brush913 and Brush1146. Is one of this that what you found?
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by OjitroC »

Barbie wrote:Thanks for feedback.
OjitroC wrote:there's a transparent brick pillar - not sure if you can work out where it is from that but it is in one of the courtyards around the main building
Hard to recognise where that exactly is. I also noticed a missing surface part on Brush913 and Brush1146. Is one of this that what you found?
Yes that's it.

The map is one of the more interesting MH maps and is certainly worth a good fixed version. Is there no way to get the Translator to work in UT99?

Thanks for the advice on how to do lists.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

OjitroC wrote:The map is one of the more interesting MH maps and is certainly worth a good fixed version.
Replaced the swinging doors, fixed the display errors and also the "sudden death area" in the room with the four liquid cylinders. MH-Bluff+SBFix3 is now [url=unreal://]online on my server[/url] for testing; if no other errors are found, I'll publish the map within the next days.
OjitroC wrote:Is there no way to get the Translator to work in UT99?
We had a discussion at topic Translator in MH but until now there was no solution that satisfied me.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

The map MH-Bluff has now a fix3, where some display errors and sudden death areas are corrected and swinging doors are replaced by vertical moving ones.
Last edited by Barbie on Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Aldebaran »

Aldebaran wrote:Often I can't open the door at spawn point because a Skaarj blocked it from outside and ones I have pressed the button I can't try it once more. Wouldn't it be better to remove the Skaarj?
The problem still exists that I can't open the first door/gate because a Skaarj is blocking it :-(
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by sektor2111 »

Te he, like in medical prescriptions: please stay away from doors - Crush the crap and DONE - does it really need a fix 2143? Pawn crushed is doing event without problems so it won't break nothing. ON-Line - if monster can see Player (and it does) will always block door while is attacking. If I'll go for fixing probably I'll setup some Bot Support and I'll do some check for useless triggers too (because I found dumb ones). The rest of Translator trash can be replaced with a few words using normal triggers and nobody will cry for that.
Btw, we might want to develop some stuff using that UTConsole type messaging (stories like Tutorial maps) which I'm guessing can be added using some... Tool... like a sort of translator addressing player because Bot won't read craps anyway.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

Aldebaran wrote:
Aldebaran wrote:Often I can't open the door at spawn point because a Skaarj blocked it from outside and ones I have pressed the button I can't try it once more. Wouldn't it be better to remove the Skaarj?
The problem still exists that I can't open the first door/gate because a Skaarj is blocking it :-(
Ooops, it seems I did not read carefully. I thought you meant the vertical swinging doors that comes next - so I "repaired" the wrong ones... :loool:
Surely you meant Mover17/Mover24:
sektor2111 wrote:does it really need a fix 2143?
No, I don't put my hands on maps that can be fixed on run time. Main reasons for Fix3 here were the BSP errors and deadly areas what cannot be fixed without editing.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by OjitroC »

As an alternative to changing the door, you could just move the Skaarj back to by the second gate or to the other side of the second gate (though I have never seen the Skaarj get up/move until the first door opens).

The other fixed gates are fine now - the top one, in particular, did need to be altered.
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Aldebaran »

Barbie wrote:Surely you meant Mover17/Mover24
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Barbie »

Aldebaran wrote:Often I can't open the door at spawn point because a Skaarj blocked it from outside
Recently I got an idea why hardly anyone run into this issue: all code bases of MonsterHunt I've seen have a "Mover Fix": if a mover is set to move only once and its EncroachType is set to ReturnWhenEncroach (what is the case here for Mover{17,24}), the EncroachType is changed in that way, that the Mover moves unconditionally (ignore or crush blocking pawns).

You should enable this fix (have a look for "bFixCrushingMover" or similar in server's base mutator ini file).
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Re: UT99 stuff by Barbie

Post by Aldebaran »

Thank you!
I set this option to True and now the door opens although the skaarj stays directly behind it.
