2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by EvilGrins »

Ubir4 wrote: Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:41 amHow convert a utx file to bmp or jpg?
In UnrealEd you open the .utx file and goto File in the texture viewer. You Export the individual textures that make up the model, they will come out in .pcx format.

I typically convert the .pcx files into .png and edit those, then convert them back.

Just have to ensure when they go back to .pcx you put the color resolution to 256, as most editors tend to make .png True Color.

It tends to make some colors, red in particular, look smudged.
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by ExpEM »

I am sorely tempted to enter, I will admit however that image manipulation is a MASSIVE hole in my knowledge. I've had gimp for years (10ish) and still don't know the basics, I use paint.net for sprites (in other projects where I re-create DOS games that were never finished from my child hood and\or fixing bugs (google Stelcon 2469 and read the readme, integer rollover is a big big in this game too)). I have created custom skins using cut and paste in the past (never released) mixed with small edits (EG. Team colours).

For a long time I have been working on my 'Ultra Tournament' mod and one of the bottle necks I have is not having enough custom teams to compete (which is where my cut n paste skins come in).

I have an idea for a new faction based on 'cyber goths' (google it) which I would like to work on mixed with Unreal2 Liandri angels.

In saying all of this I (for my lack of skill) need nude skins as a base (from Female commando and\or Female soldier (Because skin in itself is WAY beyond what I can do)) which I will clothe. IF this isn't acceptable as an entry that is okay with me, however, I would still ask for links to the (weirdo) nude skins as a base for this project. Skin City used to have some (I think IIRC) before BeyondUnreal had it's crash and lost everything. If anyone has valid downloads could you please link or, if someone knows of a valid link to download could you please post it (please's and thank you's) Male skins would also be acceptable but I would like to start from a nude(ish) base.

Again I wont necessarily enter the competition (if it is ruled as against the rules) but if the links I have asked for are posted then I will post a new faction for download.
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by EvilGrins »

Try a program called ThumbsPlus, does easy graphic conversions to many formats... and those formats to others.
ExpEM wrote: Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:56 amI am sorely tempted to enter
Don't be tempted. Just enter.
ExpEM wrote: Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:56 amIn saying all of this I (for my lack of skill) need nude skins as a base (from Female commando and\or Female soldier (Because skin in itself is WAY beyond what I can do)) which I will clothe. IF this isn't acceptable as an entry that is okay with me
Your entry skin cannot be naked, but if you build your skins off nude bases, that's okay... so long as it's dressed when it's done.

We're all naked under our clothes.

Dunno about these weirdos you mention, but there's naked skins in Unreal Archive's database. Maybe check if they have the bases you need?
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by OjitroC »

ExpEM wrote: Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:56 am I would still ask for links to the (weirdo) nude skins as a base for this project. Skin City used to have some (I think IIRC) before BeyondUnreal had it's crash and lost everything. If anyone has valid downloads could you please link or, if someone knows of a valid link to download could you please post it (please's and thank you's)
If you can't find what you want on UnrealArchive, have a look here index.php?dir=Skins/ as it looks to me like all the skins from Skin City are there.
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by esnesi »

There is a gdrive mirror of the full archive from skincity as well.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... TFxS2FjRlE

credits go to gopo

Code: Select all

Huge thanks go to Atomic Gamer for allowing me to package all this and share it with you guys.

Included is the entire UT collection from SkinCity as well as a site rip of the thumbnails. I couldn't find the larger, full page shots so these will have to do. 

Pass it on, let's keep UT alive a bit longer!


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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by EvilGrins »

Okay, contest is over in another week and a ½, with a possible 1 week extension if anyone requests it.

I've not even started my own skinning project, life's been surprisingly busy of late, but I suppose even I want a chance to win that prize.

Those of you already with projects should start finishing them up, anyone who wants to get in on this... time is running out!
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by TexasGtar »

Just have the head and what i think is a ankle or something left.


this is as good as i can do on my first attempt at skinning.
Never could get some things lined up. Oh well.

Let me know if is working ok.

Working in my ut.
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by EvilGrins »

Your skin pops up fine, as does your other skin. The setup of your .int file has 2 primary skins setup in it because you specified a "face".

A curious facet of the Nali player model is you don't need to specify the face, just have a texture with "face" in it and it will show up.

I've included some other Nali textures for skins as examples.

Is this your final entry? I only ask as I noticed you didn't include team colors.
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by TexasGtar »

That second one is supposed to be the "talk" texture. I guess I messed that up.
I'll see if I can do another one.
Trying to paint the grid and then see what it looks like is not too easy to see what is going on. Or how to correct it.
New respect to skin makers. lol
For some reason i thought by now there would be a program that i could paint on the model itself.
I guess that is what blender can do but never figured out how to make that happen.

There is still time. So far that is all i have. How many team colors are there? 4?
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by EvilGrins »

TexasGtar wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:17 amThere is still time. So far that is all i have. How many team colors are there? 4?
4, and they are numbered in the .int as well as the .utx, as you can see from the attachments on my last reply.

Typically all Nali skins have them done the same way, just as in the default Nali setup:

The first 2:

Those are 2 different skins in the same package.

Team colors are handled like this:

0 = red
1 = blue
2 = green
3 = yellow

Minus the skin name, "T_Nali_" with a number on the end is the way all Nali skins are setup in the .int file for team colors.
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by TexasGtar »

I think I should retire at skinning asap.

My attempt at a lizard nali. lol
Just as horrible as the first one.

I have a couple of days, maybe I can fix the many issues? Probably not.
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Nah man it's getting there I think. That face tho :lol2:
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by TexasGtar »

UnrealGGecko wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:03 pm Nah man it's getting there I think. That face tho :lol2:
i know, lol it's so bad.
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by EvilGrins »

For any of a number of possible reasons, I've got all the components to make my skin but I keep not seriously starting it. At this rate the only person who may need a week's extension for this contest may be the idiot who started it.
Yes, I am that dummy.
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Re: 2020 Special Skinning Contest! (July 1st to August 1st)

Post by EvilGrins »

Okay, I never got around to doing my skin... life has been too stressful for me to focus of late.

So, there's been 2 skins submitted thus far. Try and finalize your skins, I'll setup voting for them come Monday.