Epic's Announcement removing support from all Unreal and Unreal Tournament Games:
https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/ne ... 9yUdPkKkXA
- As of December 14th 2022, All Unreal and Unreal Tournament titles have been taken down from online stores until further notice.
- Epic's PR Team created a lot of chaos within the Unreal Communities with the above news, making it seem they are erasing The Entire Unreal Franchise from the face of the internet.
- Master Servers are officially down, however thanks to Openspy and other New Community Master Servers, there are still ways to play online.
- As of February 2023 the Unreal communities have created new master servers for each UT game.
Unreal Tournament GOTYE
- -Official Patches and Bonus Packs can be found here: https://unrealarchive.org/unreal-tourna ... index.html
- -Steam versions of UT GOTYE will require Bonus Pack 4 to be installed to be up to date
- -Gain access to Community Master Servers and QOL improvements by updating to the 469d patch available here: https://github.com/OldUnreal/UnrealTournamentPatches
- -Instructions from Buggie for 469d features or how to manually add additional Master Servers to older UT versions found here: https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1 ... 63#p139905
- -***UT99 GameTracker***:
- -***UT99 Discord Servers***:
- UT99.org International Mod/Mapping forum: https://discord.com/invite/6CP2UjZ
- FridayFragNights EU: https://discord.gg/ym2NXGdtEM
- UT99PUGS North / South America: https://discord.gg/ZEEA9XQMgU
- dopepugs.com NA TDM: https://discord.gg/dopepugs-com-181687627412406272
- Passionate Gaming International https://discord.gg/6RNMbzmV9Y
- UTBT.net BunnyTrack Community https://discord.gg/FZ9DVkkARN
Unreal Tournament 2004
- -Official Master servers have been shut down, but the new Community Master Server via Openspy is operational.
- -Follow this link for further instructions: https://ut2004serverlist.com/
- -Edit June 20th 2024: New UnrealED Modern Hardware Selection Lag Fix for Mappers can be found here: https://github.com/metallicafan212/UE2SelectionFixes
- -Edit June 27th 2024: New Unofficial QOL Patches here: https://github.com/aldehir/ut2004-patches
- -***UT2004 GameTracker***:
- -***UT2004 Discord Servers***:
- UT2004 Central International Community: https://discord.gg/mb9VrbPJwJ
- UT2004 Community: https://discord.gg/tfSAdRwaMf
- Unreal Fight Club North America: https://discord.com/invite/gZR2RYZTff
- T.U.S. The Usual Suspects EU: https://discord.gg/u379KVU3Kw
- Generic UT2k4 hangout: https://discord.com/invite/qG9SA2xkwn
- CEONNSS EU Onslaught:[/b] https://discord.gg/UcSUCBPTvZ
- Relics & Rayguns Modding Community: https://discord.com/invite/2XTfKPa
- UT2004 Unreal Universe Dungeon RPG: discord.unrealuniverse.net
- PWC Gaming US: https://pwc-gaming.com/discord
- SoL North America: https://discord.com/invite/HwjKUaMe
- Silly Hats Only LGI Instagib North America: https://discord.com/invite/ucuuH6Fp
- MiASMA EU: https://discord.com/invite/z343eeJZ
- BrotherInCombat US: https://discord.com/invite/EPKPYJ59
Unreal Tournament 3
Edit July 21st 2024:
- -Since it is impossible to create a proper profile without access to a Master Server, you will need the Openspy patch. Join one of the Discord links below for a complete install guide.
- -***UT3 GameTracker***:
- -New Full Install Guide & Support at The UT3 Hub ***Discord***: https://discord.com/invite/NhXvC9m8Jn
- Featuring links to All Official Updates, Openspy Patch, Maps, Mutators, QOL / UTComp Support, and other essentials.
- -BRAND NEW NANOBLACK REBiRTH NA Multiplayer ***Discord***: https://discord.com/invite/EnHrMBzyY9
- Shout out to uch1gatana a.k.a. NVZ for all of his hard work bringing these two communities together!
- -UT3 Ultimate EU Multiplayer ***Discord***: https://discord.com/invite/mCu36qmBcX
- -Download UT3 Openspy patch here: https://ut3-ultimate.com/
- -Manual Install:
- -The easiest and cleanest way to install the patch is to use the first option, which is to download the modified UT3.EXE on its own.
- -Open your "Unreal Tournament 3/Binaries" folder, make a backup of your default UT3.EXE ya know...in case UT3X does happen... or something...
- -Drag and drop this modified UT3.EXE into the folder to replace it.
- -You will then need to create a new account when you log in, which will register your login with Openspy.
- -Voila, you are connected to the UT3 Openspy Master Server re-enabling full access to UT3.
- (Don't forget to install MapMixer if you hate the horrendous Default UI as much as I do.)
-Old Info, but still relevant:
Unreal Tournament 3...X?...3X?!
- There is still no news from Epic about UT3X, and judging from this screenshot from Steam, we shouldn't count on it happening.
~Epic really screwed the pooch with this one~
Fun Fact: UT3 Aficionado and regular Youtube Uploader DickBird(lol) discovered that it was still possible to directly join Epic's US UT3 servers via IP address despite Epic shutting down the master servers. Whether the servers are still up or not in 2024 is questionable. Check out his video here:
Known Official Epic Server IP Addresses:
#2 Epic Warfare:
#3 Epic Warfare:
Epic Greed: - -Manual Install:
Unreal Tournament 4
- The UT4 Community at UT4UU (Unreal Tournament 4 Unofficial Update) has created a new Master Server and Community Patch with added pro-mode features.
- UT4UU Discord - contains all information you will need to update and join: https://discord.com/invite/2DaCWkK
Check out the video provided below for more details.
- -***UT4 Discord Servers***:
- Official UT4 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/unrealtournament
- UT4UU get UT4 set up for online play post epic shutdown: https://discord.com/invite/2DaCWkK
- UTCC "Custom Content" Maps, Mods: https://discord.gg/abby4YVFqg
- UTPugs North / South America: https://discord.com/invite/BbPPCBx
- UnrealPUGS EU**:** https://discord.gg/unrealpugs
- Unreal Carnage North America: https://discord.gg/gMSarzWaQF
Other Links:
- -***Unreal Gold Discord Servers***:
UnrealSP: https://discord.gg/fWhgQNP
OldUnreal Modernization and support for both U1 and UT99: https://discord.gg/thURucxzs6
- -***Other Discord Servers***:
Unreal Championship UC & UC2 for Xbox: https://discord.gg/t7kuzCbnNq
Open Tournament game in development inpired by UT: https://discord.gg/FbPPN9zjpk
XMP Community Unreal 2 multiplayer: https://discord.com/invite/UD9yTt2
Openspy providing new master servers: https://discord.gg/G5Py7bFEx6
Edit - Feb 12 2024: typos, formatting, added search tags, additional info for ut3 & ut4
Edit - June-July 2024: typos, formatting, new updates on ut2k4 patches and ut3 online support, additional Discord links
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