We just started experimenting with a feature we have been thinking about for a while. There is a first attempt now that obviously still requires some work. The technical part seems to work now (we can generate images directly from code!) and its a good moment to start talking about proper design of the banner itself.
Update: as it turns out, some browsers do not allow (embeds from) non-https webservers. Like any good host, 333networks uses https for almost everything, except this little dev corner. I now added https to the dev site too, and suddenly the banners started to load fine.
So here we are with a little test thread. In this thread I hope to post (to prevent doubleposting they will probably be edited posts) a few test banners that are generated in realtime. I hope some of you who read this tread can comment on a) whether the banner actually shows or not and b) what you would like to see on the banner.
For feedback:
We'd love to hear what you
- like about it;
- do not like about it;
- could be better;
- is missing.
For testing:
Do you want to see how this looks for your favourite server? On http://dev.333networks.com/ you find the masterserver list as you're familiar with. However, the dev version has one additional link at the bottom. This leads you directly to the banner. If you want to try this banner on your own website, use the following code, where you substitute our example server with the link to your page and banner:
Code: Select all
<a href=http://dev.333networks.com/ut/> <!-- link to the PAGE -->
<img src="http://dev.333networks.com/png/ut/" alt="test banner" /> <!-- link to the BANNER -->
Now I'm testing some embeds/links here, in the format URL followed by image. If the image does not show up for you, please let me know and attach a screenshot if you can.
2) dev.333networks.com/png/ut/ edit: works, keeping for demonstration
We should be seeing two images above, one with the 333networks logo and one with the server banner. Let me know!