New 333networks masterserver live!

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New 333networks masterserver live!

Post by Darkelarious »

In the last two years I have silently been working on improving ... everything. We wrote a new masterserver in Qt5 and published it on our new Gitea platform to view and contribute to our work. We are hosting from our server Rhea, with a 200MBit up/down glassfibre connection.

The improved website now clearly separates general documentation and information from our masterserver data. On you will now find instructions on game support, how the masterserver works or what data we collect and process, whereas solely provides detailed server lists and individual server status information. We moved our Json API there too.
Those who had to change their HOSTS file in order to get their favourite game to work with 333networks may be required to update the HOSTS file entry with the new IP. You can find a list of addresses/IPs on the masterserver page. The old IP will continue to work for a while longer, but will be discontinued eventually.

Users of our Json API may have noticed that some bots suddenly stopped working. In the last month we tried to reach out to API users, but we have not been able to reach everyone. The best way to solve the issue as a result of our recent changes is to change the API url from to That should be all!

As we are deploying the new website and masterserver for 333networks, we are rounding up some old projects. An overview:, is now replaced with an interactive code hub on, our mockup UBrowsers for Unreal Tournament 1999 and Postal 2 rely on the old Perl masterserver. As we transitioned to a Qt5 masterserver, this project is no longer maintained and active. The alternative JSon version can still be used through our Json API.

kfstats, the UT2004 Killing Floor server statistics have not been maintained for a while. There is no point to continue hosting old stats. Instead, we have plans for a brand new subdomain with statistics, map packs, music packs and relevant updates. We are still playing every Saturday and look forward to having you with us!
I enjoyed working on these projects, but take pride in the progress we made since. I hope you will miss them and look forward to our new site and interface. We hope the transition has been smooth for everyone and that we may all experience happiness with our legacy games for years to come!
Masterserver | Discord Channel
Oh, and we still are ready to receive donations. The url works, right? It doesn't seem to be doing anything...
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